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[Closed] Narnia Fan Video: The Call

Sheroo of Stormness Head
NarniaWeb Nut

Hi there, Narniawebbers!

As many of you have seen, a few months ago, Narnian_Archer made a fantastically beautiful fan video with the song "There's a Place for Us." (If you'd like to watch it, click:

Anyway, ever since Prince Caspian came out in 2008, my sister and I discussed and imagined a music video in our heads to "The Call," and even thought about which clips we would put in for Voyage of the Dawn Treader. We were very excited to see that, when VDT was released, it fit perfectly with our dream for the music video.

There was just one problem. We did not have the software or the video clips to make the music video.

Enter Narnian_Archer!

When I saw Archer's amazing "There's a Place for Us" video, I asked her if she'd be willing to create another music video, this time with "The Call." She graciously agreed, and I sent her my sister's and my "script" (which movie clip to which song line) for the video.

And now, it is released. Archer did an amazing job once again! (Thank you, Archer!!)

So, without further ado, I present to you, "The Call!"

P.S. Let me know if you have any problems with the link.


Topic starter Posted : January 9, 2012 2:29 pm
NarniaWeb Fanatic

This is very, very good, Sheroo! :D And I'm shocked that not a single person has commented on this! :-o You must have worked hard on this video, finding, cropping, and putting it all together, so I must say that it came out very nicely! :) The clips were wonderfully set to the music and lyrics, which gave the song all the more meaning. Your other video was fantastic as well and both of them gave me chills! I love 'music videos' because they always seem to convey the entire emotion of the film, by simply finding the best clips and sequencing them correctly! I look forward to perhaps seeing more!

As I said, I really enjoyed it! Great job! :)

We have nothing, if not belief.
—C.S. Lewis

Posted : February 1, 2012 9:57 am
Princess Anna
NarniaWeb Junkie

Quinlin, if it makes you feel better... I wanted to say something, but had to watch the video first. ;) And I wasn't able to do so til now. That said...

Sheroo, I think you and your sister made a good "script". The moments chosen worked well with the song. Narnian_Archer, you did a fabulous job of taking their script, and bringing it to life. I applaud all three of you, it was a very nice tribute to our beloved Narnia.

Maybe the three of you could collaborate again, using a different song? (from the soundtracks, or otherwise) You don't have to, I just think it'd be fun to see what would result. :)

Posted : February 4, 2012 10:45 am
Sheroo of Stormness Head
NarniaWeb Nut

Quinlin and Princess Anna, THANK YOU so much for your encouraging comments!!! It was a ton of fun, but my sister and I had the easy part....Narnian Archer actually had to cut everything together! But I'm SUPER excited that you both liked it a lot.

Princess Anna, I would love to do another one (If Narnian_Archer would be up for it! :D ) you have a suggestion for a song? I would love to do a music video about brothers, but I can't think of a very good song.

Quinlin, the video gave you chills? Yay! I consider it a success then. :D Just to clarify, though, Narnian_Archer did the "There's a Place for Us" entirely by herself, and then my sister and I sent her the script for "The Call" one.

Thanks again, you two!!

Topic starter Posted : February 7, 2012 2:37 pm
wild rose
Member Moderator Emeritus

I really loved this video, Sheroo, you and your sister made an amazing script, the scenes and clips are perfectly selected, and Narian_Archer you did a great job, teamwork rules :D amazing video, hope you will team up to make so more

always be humble and kind

Posted : February 29, 2012 7:59 am