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[Closed] Mysterious Little Writing Contest!

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The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

Wow, I'm so honoured. I must say that I was pleasantly surprised with these entries. We have such wonderful heaps of talent in this section of the forum, and it was WONDERFUL reading these entries.

Well done to everybody!

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : November 4, 2009 2:47 am
daughter of the King
Princess Dot Moderator

Great job everybody! Congratulations to all winners!
Are there going to be more writing contests?

Narniaweb sister to Pattertwig's Pal

Posted : November 4, 2009 5:43 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

We have about one contest per month, DotK (I hope you don't mind me calling you that :P)

I've sort of taken it upon myself to coordinate these contests, and I try to alternate them between artwork and writing. So, towards the end of this month, look for an artwork contest of some sort ;)

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : November 4, 2009 5:58 am
daughter of the King
Princess Dot Moderator

I don't mind DiGoRyKiRkE. I'll keep my eyes out for the next one. Can't wait!

Narniaweb sister to Pattertwig's Pal

Posted : November 4, 2009 9:08 am
Mushroom mushroom Hospitality Committee

Oh, um... wow. Thank you guys so much, I had an amazing time writing my story and reading all the other entries. I'm humbled (and a little dazed), this is... really, really cool. ;) Thanks for starting this thread, DiGs, and to Rising_Star, Djaq, and PrinceCor004 for taking time to read our stories!

daughter of the King: I loved Mastaris's sense of humor! The way he tried to keep Gael's mind off her troubles and the comment about smiling was so sweet, you wrote an excellent piece. B-)
Destined-To-Reign: Yours made me think. I felt so sorry for Gael and her mother, the scene at the end with the Aunt was lovely. I'm curious, was Gael from Burnt Island, or did you make it up? Either way, I enjoyed it! :D
DiGoRyKiRkE: Congratulations! The large amount of original characters in your story made it for me. Eltara was exactly the way a centaur should be: noble, kind, and wise. You did a marvelous job, I could easily see you taking 1st. :)
Lord of Cair Paravel: Congrats! I thoroughly enjoyed reading your entry, the style felt like it was ripped straight from Lewis's books. The note about the turbans had me laughing out loud, it was definitely a winner! :-bd
Meltintalle: Your story was great! You made me super curious about the dragon and Gael's parents, and your character Jens was a nice touch. Maybe next time Gael will pay attention to her elders! :D


Posted : November 4, 2009 10:23 am
Thursday's Wayfaring Child Hospitality Committee

Congratulations Narnian Badger, DiGoRyKiRkE, and Lord of Cair Paravel!

Everyone did a great job, and I had a great time reading each entry.

Daughter of the King: I like how you added a faun. It brings the story closer to Caspian, Edmund, and Lucy without us actually seeing them (which would of course have been against the rules). Great idea! You came up with a good name for him, too. That would have been one of the most difficult parts for me!

Destined-to-Reign: Yours was a very sweet story. As Narnian Badger said, the conversation Gael has with her Aunt at the end is very well done. Good job writing some realistic family conflict!! And what was really going on with the seismic activity on Gael's home island? Very interesting, indeed...

DiGoRyKiRkE: I think your approach was a very interesting one. The writing style was VERY good. The story felt strange, but in a good, mysterious way. Partly because of the dieing man, and partly because of Gael's suspense about Eltara (another great Narnian name!). That I did not at first know how Gael related to the others, or where the story was taking place added to the suspense. I wondered at first if Gael might be a slave! Overall, your story reminded me of 2 Kings 5, the story of an Israelite slave girl who suggests to the wife of a diseased man that Elisha the prophet of God would be able to heal him. Except, of course, for the ending!

Lord of Cair Paravel: What a unique idea, making Gael an Archenlander! And seeing the Calormenes from Gael's point of view was quite entertaining. Your story was the most adventurous, I think, what with sea battles and castaways and all. Good job! Oh, and I liked the vocabulary!

Narnian Badger:

What's a faun?—are they like Fallon? Do you think she can talk?"
"I highly doubt your cat can talk," her mother interjected

I love that!
The poem you wrote to accompany your story was wonderful! The third verse (at the bottom of the story) was very well done.
Marta added a thoughtful and somewhat tragic note. The relationship between Gael and Marta was very sweet.

Meltintalle: I liked your setting, it reminded me of Burnt Island. Was it? That is where I would have based Gael if I had had the guts to write a story! I liked all the side characters; Old Gael (great idea!), Nigel, the fisherman at the end. Jens was good, too! I'm glad you decided to save someone else besides Gael from the dragon. I'm sorry about the rest of the villagers, though.

Well, could probably go on at length, but I'd better stop now. Great job, all!!!!

"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
avi by Flambeau

Posted : November 4, 2009 3:54 pm
daughter of the King
Princess Dot Moderator

Okay, have some time for comments now.

Narnian Badger: I loved your opening. We have all been wondering who the MLG is, and you gave an excellent answer. I especially liked the parts with Marta. Great job!

Meltinalle: I especially liked the way Gael made up stories for what she didn't know. And the dragon attack gave me the shivers. Excellent piece.

Lord of Cair Paravel: I liked the way your writing style was similar to C.S.Lewis'. And the how Gael loved the sea. The part with the Calormenes on the ship was exciting.

Destined-To-Reign: Your piece was full of emotion. I loved it. The volcanic island was a great idea.

DiGoRy KiRkE: Amazing! I felt like I was running along with Gael. I liked how you included the tension between the Telmarines and Narnians. I never thought of that before.
As I said before, great job everybody!

I loved Mastaris's sense of humor! The way he tried to keep Gael's mind off her troubles and the comment about smiling was so sweet,

Thanks! He was a fun character to write about.

I like how you added a faun. It brings the story closer to Caspian, Edmund, and Lucy without us actually seeing them (which would of course have been against the rules). Great idea! You came up with a good name for him, too.

Thanks. The name just popped into my head for no apparent reason when I was working on the outline and then he wouldn't leave so I put him in.

Narniaweb sister to Pattertwig's Pal

Posted : November 4, 2009 4:09 pm
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

Well, thanks to all of you for participating in this contest. It was a lot of fun participating myself, as well as reading all of the other entries. This thread is now closed, but keep your eyes peeled, another contest is already "under construction." B-)

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : November 12, 2009 12:32 pm
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