The theory was that sometime during their reign the four monarchs would have their portraits done, so they were supposed to have some mirror action going on, and the table and curtain are recurring themes.
Each monarch is shown with items representing them: Peter is pictured with his gifts and armour because he is described as a mighty warrior.
Susan is pictured with an apple tree and a chess set, which would be foreshadowing the next book...
Edmund is working on legal documents, or building permits, or letters... In the background are the two hills, and the wolf was inspired by a fanfic I read. Wolves and books are fun to draw, anyway, so any excuse will do to include them.
Lucy is pictured with her gifts, the lamppost, and a wardrobe is hiding behind the curtain.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Excellent work! I think that my favorite is Lucy's potrait, it somehow looks just like her. And I'm really, really glad that you did what people very rarely do and made Susan's hair the correct lenght!
I also like the books and curtains a lot. The wall behind the curtain in Susan's potrait is a nice touch, the pictures look like they're from a tournament; the one she met Rabadash in, perhaps? The view of Cair Paravel in Peter's potrait is good. Nice work with the wolf's fur, too. Great shading in Peter's boots.
I think there are just three things in those pictures that I'm not too fond of: Peter's chin looks a bit too sharp, Susan's hand (the one touching the table) is a little stiff (though, people are usually stiff-looking in formal potraits, I think...) and there's something a little strange in the shape of the wolf's head. Other than that, good work!
My art blog (both in Finnish and in English)
Well done! My favorite is Ed's, although the wolf may have me slightly biased.
You put in lots of detail. I love how you included something meaningful in each picture. Keep up the good work
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Your work is really great - I love that some of the elements stay the same, but how they're so unique to each character. You're so talented!
A nice illustrative piece Meltintalle. You can definitely tell that this body of work is from your styling. I really like the quality of the linework, especially in the details of the table, the folds of the drapery, and the hairwork for Susan, Edmund, and the wolf.
Time for a couple of nit-picky things. Lucy and Susan's right hands look a bit small. However, this may work as it seems to be a bit in the styling of the character work. Also, Susan's left arm is a little "uncomfortable" in pose. Yes, the pose works, but I think the foreshortening might be getting you. I know you've already gone in with all the detail and this is most likely a completed piece, but lowering the table a bit or adding just a tad bit of shadow to where Susan's arm bends might clear up the posing a bit. On the subject of anatomy, the positioning of Edmund's legs look a little wonky. I can tell where they come from and where they are positioned, but his back leg seems a bit off. You probably already do this when you start a piece, but don't be afraid to draw through your drawing to get the postioning lined up just right. On a side note, the perspective on the table in all four pieces looks great.
My favorite part of this piece has to be the personality you have brought forward in each. Not just in the look and styling of each character (they definitely feel like they belong in the same world, thumbs up here) but also in the detail of the elements behind them that are unique to each one. Nice work .
Sig by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
NWsis to eves_daughter & ForeverFan
Thanks so much for the thoughtful critiques, Mehinen and LE! It's good to have other eyes to see the parts that need work, because I was so proud of Su's left arm--I thought it was her right that looked limp and sausage like.
Your other comments are noted as well, for future reference.
Thank you for the kind comments, wolfloversk and library_girl (I love your name, by the way!). I'm glad you enjoyed the piece.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton