Libby, your Swept Away (3-parter) is just lovely. All the words fit well and the cadence is good!
Signature by Ithilwen/Avatar by Djaq
Member of the Will Poulter is Eustace club
Great Transformations-Eustace Scrubb
this is part 4 of the "Swept Away" series based on the opening sequence in VotDT movie.
"Swept Away" (part 4)
Suddenly I feel hands grab me
I struggle but I can't break free
I am pulled up to the air
When I turn I can only stare
It's Caspian, the Narnian king
The one to the throne we helped bring
"We're in Narnia!" Edmund shouts
But cousin Eustace only pouts
On the deck we greet each other
To us Caspian is like a brother
Just then Reepicheep appears
It's wonderful to have him here
I've never been so lost before
I'm shaking down to my core
Behind me stands a minotaur
I promptly faint and hit the floor
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
this is part 5 of the "Swept Away" series based on the opening sequence of VotDT movie.
"Swept Away" (part 5)
The ship's crew bows to honor us
I'm a little embarrassed at the fuss
But part of me comes back alive
I'm so happy we arrived
Once we've dried and changed our clothes
We enter Caspian's cabin in the bows
There's paintings of us on the wall
And Susan's horn Caspian once used to call
My cordial is also here
It's so good to have it near
Peter's sword is there but I quickly look away
I tell Caspian that with him it should stay
The he surprises me with the last thing I expected
My torch that accidentally in the castle I'd neglected
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I really like your "Swept Away" series, Libby! It's funny, I think I may be enjoying your poetic rehash of the film better than I enjoyed the film itself.
Keep up the good work! Your word choice is often quite clever, I really enjoy reading your take on each scene.
this is a series based on the beginning of VotDT movie.
"There Is The Utter East" (part 1)
We're told the purpose of the voyage
We sail to seek lost men
Seven lords of Narnia sailed
And were never seen again
We wonder, though, why we are here
When Narnia is at peace
Caspian, in three short years
Made all oppression cease
No one has yet ventured east
The unknown lies ahead
There have been many tales
Serpents some have said
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
this is part 2 of the "There Is The Utter East" series based on the beginning of VotDT movie.
"There Is The Utter East" (part 2)
Where sky and water meet
Where the waves grow sweet
Doubt not, Reepicheep to find all you seek
There is the Utter East
Upon the prow, up in the air
Facing the East without a care
Reepicheep sings a song
The words make my heart long
"That's pretty," I finally say
I startle him, making him sway
I tell Lucy about what I'm singing
"A Dryad sung it when I was a mousling."
I believe that under blue skies
To the East Aslan's Country lies
"Do you believe there's such a place?"
At this Reepicheep looks into my face
"We have nothing if not belief."
This encouragement is a relief
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Very nice, Libby! My favorite stanzas are Lucy's first and Reepicheep's second.
this is a poem based on the beginning of VotDT just before the adventurers reach The Lone Island.
"On Deck"
CLANG! CLASH! Our swords ring out
All around us, sailors shout
We fight for sport and not for war
I'm better than I was before
I take Edmund by surprise
I can see it in his eyes
But he comes quickly back again
At a tie the duel ends
I crawl out of the ship's belly
My legs are weak and shake like jelly
Lucy asks if I'm alright
I think that it's only spite
Eustace claims we've kidnapped him
And held him against his will
"I thought we saved you life," I say
But he keeps complaining still
Up above we hear a shout
Land is near in sight
The Lone Island is Narnia's
Everything should be alright
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Cool, Libby! I liked all the stanzas in this poem.
this is a poem based on the scene in VotDT movie when Eustace is on deck writing in his diary.
"Dear Diary"
Dear Diary, so much has changed
Since my cousins have lived with me
We've been swept through a frame
And are sailing on the sea
The people here have no clue
Of what is truly real
I think it's the dreadful lack
Of a proper meal
My cousins only make it worse
They love everything here
And also there's a talking mouse
I hate to have him near
I see the boy talk to a bird
It's the funniest thing I have heard
Rynelf and I laugh at his expense
This human does not have much sense
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I really like this one Libby! It made me smile! You have an amazing talent for poetry!
Avatar and Signature by lover of narnia Thank you!
this is a poem based on the duel between Reepicheep and Eustace in VotDT movie.
"The Mouse, The Orange, And The Duel"
I look around, I'm here alone
In the galley on my own
I grab an orange and turn to flee
Just then someone calls to me
Startled, I stop and look around
The mouse stands there without a sound
Inside my shirt I hid the fruit
Reepicheep asks me for my loot
"I don't know what you mean," I say
I try to leave, but he's in my way
Quickly he moves into action
"I'll have the orange and satisfaction"
Gripping a knife I run away
The mouse does not make me stay
But he follows close and corners me
I'm on a boat and cannot flee
One quick strike and the orange is free
With it Reepicheep hits me
Angry now, I swing my blade
And pretend I'm not afraid
With a smile I begin the duel
His anger is giving this fight it's fuel
I call instructions as we fight
I'm hoping to put things to right
I chase him along to the ship's side
There the sea is spread out wide
Suddenly he slips and falls!
I look but can't see him at all
Eustace peers over the rail
I smile and poke him with my tail
Now I catch him by surprise
I push, and to the deck he flies
A basket tips, a girl appears
She is very close to tears
Drinian approaches and says to her,
"It looks like we have an extra crew member."
"Welcome aboard, You can come with me."
Then a smile on her face I see
She bows and says, "Your majesty."
But I just say, "Call me Lucy."
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Libby, another amazing set of poems! I love how you write the poems based on the scenes from the movie and how closely you relate each stanza to the actual details and lines said by the characters. When I read them, I can see the film come alive in my mind. Out of this last set, I'm particularly fond of first one with Eustace. It's really descriptive to the scene.
Can't wait to read some more! (Oh, and sorry for taking so long to post this...will you forgive me?)
We have nothing, if not belief.
—C.S. Lewis
I feel silly for not knowing this thread even existed until five minutes ago. I also feel silly for commenting on a poem way back from page one.
Silly or not, though, I quite enjoyed your "Lucy and Tumnus" poem. I haven't gotten around to reading past the first three pages of this thread yet, but I am impressed by your creativity thus far. "Lucy and Tumnus" specifically caught my attention because of the flowing, melodic feel to it. The rhyming was also fairly well done. It sounded quite natural and did not come across as forced.
Nice work! Keep it up.
Oh. And on a random sidenote, I had absolutely no idea that you were a poet.
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
this is a series based on the storm scene that happens after Coriakin's Island in VotDT movie.
"The Storm" (part 1)
Dear Diary, everyone's gone mad
No worse luck could we have had
We've taken advice from a senile old coot
And now we're stuck in a storm to boot
The only condolence that I can see
Is now everyone's just as miserable as me
Except for the mouse, who sees the 'glass half full'
I think he's there only to make me miserable
We sit below deck while the storm rages on
All hope of finding Blue Star now seems gone
We have to decide before it's too late
Or being lost at sea will be our fate
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are