this is part 4 of the "It's Only In Your Dreams" series based on the Dark Island sequence in VotDT movie.
"It's Only In Your Dreams" (part 4)
The serpent pulls Eustace from the sky
I think he surly must have died
But then I see he's broken free
He breathes and flame is all I see
As the serpent plummets down
Beside me comes a wild sound
Rhoop sees the Dragon, it's him who cried
He flings his sword in Eustace's side
Dragon Eustace gives a cry
And then slowly begins to fly
The darkness swallows his fleeting form
And we're still lost here in the storm
Again the serpent's head appears
And my heart is filled with fear
Suddenly the serpent jumps
And coils our ship into a lump
If we don't act we'll soon be dead
This island is playing with my head
It comes to me suddenly
I see a dark shape in the sea
We'll use the ship as a block
To push the beast against a rock
Edmund runs up to the prow
We have to make this work somehow
I see his light shine in the night
I grip the wheel with all my might
On the Dragon prow I cling
To my left I see the Thing
I try to draw it with my light
My hands are shaking in my fright
The serpent sees me and moves in
I hear my name yelled in the din
The brute bites down on the prow
And I am truly frightened now
"Edmund!" I scream in shock and fear
Even though he cannot hear
I cannot think what I dread
I'm almost sure that Edmund's dead
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Nice, Libby! My favorite stanzas are Lucy's part of the poem.
this is part 5 of the "It's Only In Your Dreams" series based on the Dark Island sequence in VotDT movie.
"It's Only In Your Dreams" (part 5)
When at last the beast lets go
The ship starts rocking to and fro
My heart is beating like a drum
And my limbs are going numb
I scramble fast away from there
My back is to the serpent's stare
Suddenly the whole ship quakes
And everything beneath me shakes
I loose my purchase on the prow
There's nothing that can save me now
I've been brave and I've been bold
I hit the deck and I'm out cold
I pick up Edmund from the deck
Around us everything's a wreck
I'm glad to see that he's okay
But the serpent still won't go away
It comes again, mouth open wide
Edmund has nowhere to hide
He stands, frozen, in his fear
And my voice he doesn't hear
The serpent goes in for the kill
And Ed is staring at it still
"Move!" I yell, pushing him away
He'd have been eaten if he'd stayed
"Aslan, Aslan, help us now!"
I know that He'll help us somehow
And albatross flies round the mast
And on my face a light is cast
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
You sure know how to write epic poems. Another fine installment.
NW friends and siblings...AliceLuna, Liberty Hoffman, Lucy of Narnia, Lyneya,
Miss Rosario, MistressofDawn, Narnia Fanatic, Pogginfan, Silver the Wanderer, Smartypants, The Rose-Tree Dryad, TheValiantLucy, wild rose, Winterlife and Wolfloversk.
this is part 6 of the "It's Only In Your Dreams" series based on the Dark Island sequence in VotDT movie.
"It's Only In Your Dreams" (part 6)
I am now too weak to fly
Exhausted, I fall from the sky
Below me is a lonely beach
One that I just barely reach
So I will die here on my own
I have never felt so alone
I close my eyes and take a breath
Now I will just wait for death
But then I hear footsteps come near
I'm too far gone to think of fear
My eyes open and then I see
A golden Lion comes toward me
When I look into his eyes
I know he sees through my disguise
I try to scratch my scales away
But I'm so weak there is no way
The Lion digs deep in the ground
He looks at me without a sound
I feel my scales come ripping free
I rise in the air suddenly
The pain is gone as I fall
I think I have died after all
But then I fall down on my face
In a cool and shady place
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Very nice, Libby! You did a good job putting the scene from the movie into words. My favorite stanzas are the third and fifth ones.
this is part 6 "It's Only In Your Dreams" series based on the Dark Island sequence in VotDT movie.
"It's Only In Your Dreams" (part 7)
I'm growing weary of this fight
And the never ending night
I have all but lost my hope
I grit my teeth and climb the ropes
The serpent's face is all I see
As I rally the archers around me
We shoot harpoons at the beast
But still this battle will not cease
I wake to find I'm a boy once more
And that my limbs are no longer sore
Beside me is the seventh sword
It's from the last missing lord
The Lion saved me and got me through
I know now what I must do
I climb the rigging in the rain
But I don't know what this will gain
I soon reach the crow's nest
It's there I am put too the test
Through the Mist a shape appears
An image of my greatest fear
The Witch's eyes look straight at me
And from her gaze I can't break free
I run swiftly across the ground
On the hill I hear a sound
As I draw close I see the swords
And the enchanted sleeping lords
"Come with me and be my king."
To sanity I try to cling
But her voice makes my mind confused
All other thoughts I quickly loose
As I try to reach the table
I soon find that i'm unable
A Green Mist swiftly envelopes me
Pulling me back, making me not see
With an effort I stretch my arm
This Green Mist only means me harm
And I know I must do this deed
I pull away and soon am freed
On the table I place the sword
To it's place it's been restored
Blue light shoots into the air
I stare into it's blinding flare
My sword suddenly glows blue
To my senses I'm renewed
With a cry I face the beast
If I die tonight I'll fight at least
The sword pierces the serpents side
And I know it finally died
Down it falls into the sea
From my fear I'm broken free
I stare in wonder all about
To the others I begin to shout
The sun breaks gently through the night
And once again we're in the light
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I love how you've got different POVs. It really makes it intense! And I especially love how Lucy's only line is the very last.
You did a very good job!
this is part 8 of the "It's Only In Your Dreams" series based on the Dark Island sequence in VotDT movie.
"It's Only In Your Dreams" (part 8)
In the distance comes a shout
Dark Island's prisoners have come out
Gael and her father leap off the side
And swim to one they thought had died
Edmund tried to comfort me
We know our cousin fought bravely
If only he had made it too
After all that he'd been through
Behind me someone calls to me
Is it him? Could it be?
Eustace is a boy once more
He's changed from who he was before
I'm glad to see Eustace returned
Many lessons he has learned
Now onward ho! Aslan's Country is nigh
Where the water meets the sky
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
wow Libby, really nice, it's very pleasant to read....very....musical
always be humble and kind
this is a series based on the opening sequence of VotDT movie.
"Swept Away" (part 1)
I stand there, nervous, it's my last hope
Or with cousin Eustace I'll have to cope
The recruiter squints his eyes and glares
Behind me there are many other stares
The man sees right through my lies
And the false name I used to disguise
Lucy calls me by my name
I'm forced to walk away in shame
I want to scream that it's not right
In Narnia I used to fight
But in this world I'm just a boy
With a cousin that makes me annoyed
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Nice continuation Liberty. Good job.
NW friends and siblings...AliceLuna, Liberty Hoffman, Lucy of Narnia, Lyneya,
Miss Rosario, MistressofDawn, Narnia Fanatic, Pogginfan, Silver the Wanderer, Smartypants, The Rose-Tree Dryad, TheValiantLucy, wild rose, Winterlife and Wolfloversk.
this is part 2 of the "Swept Away" series based on the opening sequence of VotDT movie.
"Swept Away" (part 2)
At our aunt's we're forced to stay
I wish it were not this way
Our cousin is a selfish jerk
Behind closed doors he tends to lurk
Susan sent a letter here
In it is the news we fear
We'll have to stay because of the war
Now it's Narnia we long for
I look long at my reflection
And wonder if I have Susan's complexion
But Edmund doesn't hear me at all
He's staring at a picture on my wall
In the picture is a ship
And down a wave she's starting to dip
With purple mast a Dragon prow
I wish it was all real somehow
I long to be away from here
Behind me a dreaded voice I hear
"There once were two orphans who wasted there time
Believing in Narnian nursery rhymes."
"Don't you ever knock?" I say
I wish he'd just go away
I want to hit him desperately
But Lucy quickly hinders me
Eustace insults me to my face
I move to put him in his place
I catch him trying to run away
And close the door to make him stay
I stare in wonder at the picture
It no longer is a fixture
The ship is sailing on the sea
And seems to be coming straight at me
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
this is part 3 of the "Swept Away series based on the opening sequence of VotDT movie.
"Swept Away" (part 3)
I turn around when Lucy calls
From the painting water falls
Eustace grabs the frame and pulls
But it's too late, the room's half full
The frame falls but spouts more water still
The room is now beginning to fill
There's no time to even think
We're pulled under as the room sinks
The contents of my room float all around
In my ears is a roaring sound
Above me is a flickering light
It's a very welcome sight
I break the surface and look around
What I see makes my heart pound
The ship is bearing down on me
The golden hull is all I see
"Swim!" I yell as it comes near
I'm confused and filled with fear
Soon I am too tired to tread
The water closes over my head
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Interesting usage of dialoge to describe the events leading to the moment when Edmund, Lucy and Eustace are drawn into the sea. I look forward to reading more.
NW friends and siblings...AliceLuna, Liberty Hoffman, Lucy of Narnia, Lyneya,
Miss Rosario, MistressofDawn, Narnia Fanatic, Pogginfan, Silver the Wanderer, Smartypants, The Rose-Tree Dryad, TheValiantLucy, wild rose, Winterlife and Wolfloversk.