this one is dedicated to my good friend Anita S. Lafond (February 11, 1955 - August 27, 2009)
The darkness closes in, thick and fast
And shadows on the greasy water are cast
All at once the day is turned to night
The island holds the true meaning of fright
These are not daydreams here
But nightmares, the things you fear
There seems to be no hope in flight
For in the dark there is no light
But one of us remembers who is near
And cried to Him even in her fear
A Sudden light comes to show the way
An albatross leads us to the day
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
wow, this one is so beautiful
I love it
always be humble and kind
"Battle Cry"
The armies are advancing now
"To war! To war!" they cry
Afraid we are as they draw near
"To war! To war!" they cry
We think that we now stand alone
"To war! To war!" we cry
We'll fight hard still to save our land
"To war! To war!" we cry
Aslan did not forget our need
"The wood! The wood!" we cry
Our enemies flee in fear
"The wood! The wood!" they cry
The Lion's roar awoke the trees
"The wood! The wood!" we cry
We raise a cheer in victory
"Aslan! Aslan!" we cry
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Nice poem Liberty. I can imagine a drum cadence as I read this poem. I hope you come by and visit my poetry thread soon.
NW friends and siblings...AliceLuna, Liberty Hoffman, Lucy of Narnia, Lyneya,
Miss Rosario, MistressofDawn, Narnia Fanatic, Pogginfan, Silver the Wanderer, Smartypants, The Rose-Tree Dryad, TheValiantLucy, wild rose, Winterlife and Wolfloversk.
awesome Libby
you have a real gift
always be humble and kind
this one was inspired by the movie. I pictured the end scene in the movie when they say goodbye while I was writing this. if you picture the movie, it works really well for this poem! enjoy!
Where the water meets the sky
The time has come to say goodbye
A furry hug, a Lion's kiss
All our friends we'll dearly miss
We'll never see the King again
Our friend He'll always be
Many dangers we have faced
On land and on the sea
But Aslan, he will never leave
This is a comfort, though we grieve
Our family needs us back at home
But one of us might get to roam
Back to this world
For Aslan said, "Narnia may need you again."
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Another fine effort Liberty. I look forward to reading more of your poems soon.
NW friends and siblings...AliceLuna, Liberty Hoffman, Lucy of Narnia, Lyneya,
Miss Rosario, MistressofDawn, Narnia Fanatic, Pogginfan, Silver the Wanderer, Smartypants, The Rose-Tree Dryad, TheValiantLucy, wild rose, Winterlife and Wolfloversk.
It was upon a beautiful day
My mother and I were on our way
With many folk from the castle we went
And in the woods, much time we spent
Alas, my mother fell asleep
And as she sank in dreams so deep
There came a serpent to where she lay
It bit her hand and she passed away
My heart was broken and I swore
That I would settle out this score
I rode to seek the vile snake
I truly thought my heart would break
When I returned into the wood
In the light a lady stood
Her beauty stole my heart away
I wished to be with her someday
Every day I rode to see
The lady who enchanted me
Finally one day she spoke
Her beauty almost made me choke
“Come with me and you’ll be free,
Your kingdom waits, don’t you see?”
Blind and deaf to what was wrong
I listened only to her song
I left all that I’d once held dear
I only wished to have her near
For ten long years I saw no light
Only my Lady’s strong willed might
She told me lies deep in her lair
Every night tied to my chair
Then one day came the news
And the sound of little shoes
A boy and girl and froggy man
Had come into my Lady’s land
They told me who they looked for
The reason they knocked on my door
“A man named Rillian,” they said
Whom his father thought was dead
Ever so bewitched was I,
That I knew not my name
“I know not of whom you speak,”
Said I too the dame.
Feeling strange I rose and said,
My time is coming near,
And when I am in my rage
You will not want to hear.”
I had them hide inside my room
And then I hurried to my doom
The Silver Chair awaited me
From it I could not get free
But as I cried out in my rage
There came the ones of younger age
As I called out Aslan’s name
They freed me and I soon was tame
In anger I reached out for my sword
And with it through the chair I bored
And then I was myself once more
But then the Witch walked through the door
She stared down at the broken chair
And at the children in her lair
“How can you have gotten free?
It can be done by only me.”
She tried to tell us she was queen
And that what we had previously seen
Was nothing but a lofty dream
With holes and cracks in the seams
Puddleglum thought quick and fast
The spell on him did not long last
He stomped his foot upon the fire
But it was then that things got dire
The Witch screamed and in rage she rose
She stood up high upon her toes
Her body morphed into a snake
The sight of her made my eyes ache
The serpent now encircled me
I struggled to get myself free
My friends came quickly to my aid
A hand on the beast’s neck I laid
We hacked away at the neck
And soon the floor was a wreck
The serpent writhed and then was dead
We’d managed to hack off it’s head
“My mother’s death is now avenged.
It is the snake who’s death I pledged.”
But then we felt the towers shake
And saw the river’s water quake
The Underworld was crumbling
The Witch’s slaves stopped grumbling
I found my horses for quick flight
We soon would have to find the light
Riding long we came to find
The lights grew dim, we’d soon be blind
But up ahead was a light
It kept away our inner fright
We had almost reached it now
We had to get to it somehow
We hoisted Jill up to the hole
And then our world was black as coal
Just then Jill was pulled away
And once more came the light like day
But lo, we heard many sounds
And footsteps crunching on the ground
Soon we were pulled from the dirt
And thankfully we were not hurt
After the Narnians greeted me
I was rushed over to see
My father who was at the shore
He was nearly at death’s door
Through bitter tears I clasped his hand
I’d been too long in Underland
I’d missed most of my father’s life
With the Witch who’d killed his wife
My father blessed me as he died
And I wept sadly at his side
But then a breath came on the wind
I was forgiven though I’d sinned
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Hey Liberty,
You wrote was a very detailed poem about Rilian and the Silver Chair. I thought it was well written and gave a fine overview of story.
NW friends and siblings...AliceLuna, Liberty Hoffman, Lucy of Narnia, Lyneya,
Miss Rosario, MistressofDawn, Narnia Fanatic, Pogginfan, Silver the Wanderer, Smartypants, The Rose-Tree Dryad, TheValiantLucy, wild rose, Winterlife and Wolfloversk.
this one inspired by the movie. I do know that the first paragraph is not my own words, they are from the movie, and I am not claiming them as mine.
picture the movie when you read this and it works really well! enjoy!
"With these words your tongue must sew
For all around there to be snow."
As Lucy spoke the room grew white
She stared in wonder at the site
Snowflakes fell upon the floor
And all around her there were more
It looked just like long ago
With the Lamppost in the snow
When she'd met Tumnus the faun
But when the page turned it was gone
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Another fine poem Liberty. Keep up the good work.
NW friends and siblings...AliceLuna, Liberty Hoffman, Lucy of Narnia, Lyneya,
Miss Rosario, MistressofDawn, Narnia Fanatic, Pogginfan, Silver the Wanderer, Smartypants, The Rose-Tree Dryad, TheValiantLucy, wild rose, Winterlife and Wolfloversk.
I've never felt so alone
I am left here on my own
The others fled and I am here
Being lost for good is what I fear
So unfortunate am I
Oh please, dumb horse, won't you fly?
But wait! I hear soft breathing
I hope it's not something seething
It would be worse if I fled
My heart and mind are filled with dread
But I can bear it no more
I'm trembling down to my core
"Who are you?" I finally say
I really wish that it was day
The Thing's voice makes my limbs grow weak:
"One who has waited for you to speak."
But in my fear I feel It's breath
It's not the breath of one in death
"Tell me your sorrows," says The Thing
Courage to me It's breath brings
I lament about my orphaned soul
And how i grew up in a hole
With a man who hated me
I'd only wanted to be free
I talked of my journey thus far
And how meeting lions seemed to mar
My life and I am lonely now
I think my life is bad somehow
The Large voice speaks softly to me,
"There was only one Lion, don't you see?
I was the Lion who guided you
And The One who chased you too."
Shocked, I asked Him,
"Who are you?"
The mist turns now from black to grey
Soon it will turn into day
Beside me a Lion paces the ground
Bathed in Light without a sound
At once I slip down at His feet
And face to face our eyes meet
The bright light swirls and blends with His
And soft, I feel a Lion's kiss
The Light and Lion disappear
And all around me, birds I hear
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I must say that your poems continue to captivate. I like the imagery in this poem. I look forward to read more from you in the future.
NW friends and siblings...AliceLuna, Liberty Hoffman, Lucy of Narnia, Lyneya,
Miss Rosario, MistressofDawn, Narnia Fanatic, Pogginfan, Silver the Wanderer, Smartypants, The Rose-Tree Dryad, TheValiantLucy, wild rose, Winterlife and Wolfloversk.
Awake, awake
Can you hear me?
Awake, awake
I'm back, don't you see?
Dance once more
Wave your hands
Let mirth flow
From your strands
Oh, Aslan!
In the moonlight
My heart leaps at the sight
Oh Aslan!
Please say it's alright
I know we've tarried in our flight
"You must follow me
Weather or not they do."
I know now His words are true
"Can't you roar once more?"
I ask
But now I have a different
But even so my heart is glad
The wakened trees are no longer sad
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
"Aslan's Song"
The world is in darkness
For ever so long
But then comes light
And a song
In the light He can be seen
A Lion is the one who sings
At His word all comes to be
Life into the earth He brings
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are