Hard to believe, but this picture has been eleven months in the making . My third version of Susan and Rabadash, that intriguing couple!
My art blog (both in Finnish and in English) http://mehinen.wordpress.com/
Very nice! I think it captures their characters nicely. I love Rabadash's wardrobe! I like how Susan's is simple and has a modern twist on it.
Looks awesome! I like the colors and it looks very well-done! Might I suggest adding a bit more color to the hair?
signature by Beginte
I love your interpretation of Rabadash. You've given his attire depth and detail, and his face has lots of character. He's very much a proud prince come to woo the beautiful barbarian queen.
And you've drawn a lovely, soft background. I'm going to guess it's a beach?
However, I believe you have the arm Susan is resting on Rabadash's arm bent the wrong way. It looks rather painful and awkward. But that's the only thing I'd change.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Susan is really nice! I love the dress and the way her hair is done. I can't really say that is the way I imagined Rabadash, but you drew him very well!
Founder of the Exploring Narnia Club (PM me to join)
Member of the Dragon Club
really nice, I loved how you drew Susan, nice and simple, but showing her natural beauty, Rabadash is awesome too, I love his wardrobe
always be humble and kind
Mehinen, that's very nice! It's beautifully draw and Susan looks lovely.
Signature by daughter of the King; Avatar by Adeona
-Thanks :]
Keeper of the Secret Magic
You did a great job capturing the characters and really put a lot of amazing details into their clothes to make them very realistic. I love Rabadash's outfit, especially his turban and stitched shirt, as well as Susan's dress. It's so flowy and soft, and the semi-transparent sleeves are gorgeous. I usually imagine Susan with lighter hair, but I like the darkness and the length of it here. I only agree with Meltintalle, that her hand looks a bit awkward in the way it's twisted even though the direction looks correct.
All in all, they both look very happy together! Lovely work!
We have nothing, if not belief.
—C.S. Lewis
Thank you DaughterofEve1792, De_De, wild rose and Valiant! It's nice to see that the idea of expressing their different personalities and nationalities by clothing worked. At one point, Rabadash went through some major changes (clothing, face and body structure) and I'm glad to see that you like the result.
StarAsterisk: You may be right. I didn't want Susan's hair to be so black that it would have looked black, but perhaps it needs a little more colour. Thank you for pointing that out!
Meltintalle: Well... It's not a beach, though I can completely understand why you thought so . The scene was supposed to be from Tashbaan, with Rabadash showing the scenery from some white, marble terrace at the top of the city. The foam-looking things are white houses zig-zagging down the city, and the blue thing near the horizon is the river, and the yellow above it is the desert. At the time I started to make the background, I was getting rather bored with the drawing and just wanted to get rid of it (and at the same time wanted to try violet shadows, as they are not black in reality). So, the quickly colored view that was blurred so as to give it some distance ended up looking like a beach
. There's no excuse for Susan's hand, though! It's just that that hands and arms are so difficult, especially after spending a long time painting mainly landscapes. Thank you for the comments!
Quinlin: I have to agree with you and Meltintalle that the hand is indeed in a wrong position. Just didn't notice it while sketching the picture . Susan's dress was actually done within the first months, so it was the most carefully done part of the drawing. Thank you for commenting!
My art blog (both in Finnish and in English) http://mehinen.wordpress.com/
Beautiful job Mehinen!
I love The colors you chose for each of their outfits!
I espically love the flowers on Susan's Dress! And I really like the way you positioned them both.
I don't know why, but I really like the way you drew Rabadashs' sword!
Great Work!
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis