I like a good 'what if', so I agreed to draw this when my friend requested it. Many people give Lucy and Mr Tumnus a romantic relationship later on in the Golden Age, but I always liked them as just very close and dear friends. The idea of Corin growing up into a young adult and having his head turned by a few years older Lucy, his playmate from childhood, somehow appealed to my imagination though.
I had fun designing Corin, though his hair was a bit of a problem - I wanted it to be alike to what we saw in the HHB drawings, but changed to show he's older, but not resembling of Caspian's too much. Lucy on the other hand... oh, she was a pain, when I first designed her, she looked too much like Susan. I changed her profile and gave her freckles, and she started looking like Pepper Potts from Iron Man. Finally, she came out OK.
The line I slightly borrowed from Anakin in the second Star Wars, and it's Corin who says it and not Lucy, despite the fact that she's the one with her mouth opened.
Anyway, I hope you like the drawing, I enjoyed drawing it, as odd as it sounds I liked how the pencil felt on the paper - I'm sure those who draw will understand me
http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm42 ... inLucy.jpg
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
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Very interesting idea, Beginte. Never thought of it.
I really like the drawing, though. People are so hard to draw, especially when you are only going off of imagination. Good work!
Member of the Dragon Lovers Club. PM FrecklefaceJill to join.
Thanks The idea wasn't really mine, but I liked a good 'what if' that it made. I'm glad you like the drawing, and yes, people are hard to draw especially from imagination, thanks for liking the drawing!
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
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Once again, Beginte, I am in awe of your talent! Fabulous work!
The Corin/Lucy match up is something that I had never thought of, but it does seem possible.
I really love the way that you drew the picture! The details are great, and I really like how it fades out to the edges. Corin looks great! The hair is really well done, too! The style fits with his character really well: Rather unkempt and messy.
Lucy is really well done as well! At first, I thought she looked somewhat angry and I didn't quite like how she looked, but the more I look at it, the more I like it. Her expression looks like she is surprised, and that seems like it would be what she would be feeling, so it works well.
I'm rambling now. Sorry!
You really did a fantastic job with this drawing, Beginte! This is probably my favorite drawing of yours to date.
Keep up the amazing work!
When things fall apart, be glue.
Team Hoodie!!
Wow Beginte, I love it! That's certainly a very interesting "what if". That looks just like Lucy! And I love how you designed Corin. I'd also like to compliment the folds in the fabric - getting folds just right is always something I've had a problem with.
Nice job!
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
Thank you both very much I'm glad you like it!
Djaq, thank you, that is so kind of you I don't think it's so much awe-worthy... but it's very sweet of you to say so
I know, I never thought of Corin/Lucy either till I was pitched the idea, and now before I knew it I made up a small story about those two, heh. Maybe one day I'll make an illustration about it, heh. I just liked the idea of young adult Corin finding himself attracted to Lucy, his a few years older former playmate, and Lucy perhaps requiting the feelings. Anyway, I'm glad you like the drawing! I had fun doing it
Glad you like Corin's hair, it came out like I wanted it to. Hmm, now that you say, indeed Lucy can seem a bit angry... dang... oh, it's because of those thin eyebrows, she always looks like she's frowning. I'm relieved that at the second glimpse she appears surprised though
Thank you very, very much!
Silver the Wanderer, thank you! Yeah, the 'what if' interested me as well, hence my agreement to do the drawing. I'm glad Lucy looks like Lucy, I wanted to try my own design instead copying the older Lucy from the end of LWW Thanks for liking Corin, I had fun designing him
Oh, thank you very much!
I'm happy someone appreciates folds in clothes, it's one of my very favorite things to draw in humans! Somehow it always was easy and enjoyable for me, unlike human faces... those took years to look at least decent! Thanks again!
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I really like it a lot. Like so many have said, I love Corin's hair, and beyond that, he really has a Corin-ish look to him. It's a very nice, light drawing with a sketch-like look that I really enjoy. The cape is great. I love how you do clothes.
Lucy's eyes, though, don't look as though they are looking at Corin. They look like she's looking over his shoulder. That changes the effect of the piece for me. Maybe if her chin was tilted up just a bit, and if I could really see the direction of her eyes.
Overall, I LOVE it. Interesting pairing, indeed!
"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."
Really nice to see some variety in the fan art section! I hardly ever see fan art for MN, HHB or LB in here.
I'm not very good at drawing, so I don't think I can offer any specific praise or constructive criticism, but it looks pretty good to me.
Is it intended to look a bit confrontational? I like Corin, he looks quite lively and his hair is nicely dishevelled looking for an active prince.
Lucy in HHB is aged 23 and Corin 14; she is not going to be interested in him. (Sorry, but you will just have to live with that - it's on Lewis' timeline.)
There, shining in the sunrise, larger than they had seen him before, shaking his mane (for it had apparently grown again) stood Aslan himself.
"...when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards."
sweetlilgurile, thanks! I'm glad you like Corin's hair, I gave a lot of work to it Oh, thank you, I just love drawing in a sketchy manner! I'm so happy you like it!
Thanks, I adore drawing clothes, the ruffles and folds are my favorite part! Hmm... I don't know, to me Lucy is looking at Corin, but I can hardly be a judge of that since I know that she's supposed to look at him and that I intended her to look at him... so I can't judge that... maybe I'll correct that in coloring, if I do one
Thanks very much!
MinotaurforAslan, thanks! I know, I just love HHB and plan to make more drawings about the time in which it happens! I'm glad you like the drawing, that's very sweet of you
coracle, it's supposed to be a mild confrontation. I'm glad you like Corin, I very much enjoyed designing him Hey, what do you mean I'll just have to live with that? That wasn't a very kind sentence... like I'm insisting on hooking those two up and give a whole capaign for it? Mind you, the idea never was mine and I stated it, so please don't treat me that way. Also, it might be Lewis' timeline but remember in book ages never were stated, so if someone is interested, they can go through with it. I just like an interesting 'what if', hence agreed to do the drawing when requested. Please don't address me like some dellusional maniac.
Thanks for your opinions, I enjoyed drawing it, I was at first trying slightly for a new style but ended up with my usual one
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
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Wow, very interesting idea Reminded me a bit of Star Wars Episode II: the Attack of the Clones. I always imagined that Lucy fell in love with Tirian...but this is cool too!!! Very nice work!!! I love your drawings, Beginte!!!
Could I ask you to draw a picture for me sometime? I am in awe of your talent!!!!
sig by Sheroo of Stormness Head
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RL sibling to De_De and wild rose
The idea isn't mine so I can take no credit for how interesting it is, but thanks for liking the picture Oh, yes, I know, I was reminded of SW II, too, hence the line at the bottom, which I borrowed from Anakin for a better effect... Again, thank you for liking the drawing, it puts a smile on my face
Oh, I think yes... I'm surprised and honored you might one day request a picture of me! Though I don't want to sound weird, but I not always agree to draw... when I don't like some theme or sometimes I shamefully don't find myself inspired by an idea... I hate when that happens, but when it does, the drawing just can't come out good to save my life! Ugh! So how about if one day you decide to request a drawing, you tell me the idea and I'll do my best to see if it works out. I'm sorry, that's all I can promise... gosh, I hate when I can't confirm at once that yes, I will draw anything, I get annoyed with myself But I'm very, very honored with your suggestion
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
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Really nice. Original idea. I think you drew Lucy really well, Corin? Hmm... i Guess you did him well too i never really thought about how he looked much. I know what you mean how the "pencil feels good on the paper". Mmm.... I feel good at the thought.
signature by Beginte
Thank you very much Yes, idea is original, not mine though. It intrigued me enough to draw this on request
Thanks, I had fun designing Corin, he's one of my favorite characters and I liked imagining him older, changing this and that as the design completed itself in my head - lots of fun
I'm glad you know what I mean about the pencil feeling good on paper. It's that great feeling that gets you and makes the drawing turn out completely satisfying
Thank you for your comment!
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
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It's a lovely character drawing of an interesting concept. (Not one I can claim to be a fan of, but you've done an excellent job with it.) I think Corin turned out the better of the two, but just like last time I think you've pretty much nailed the expressions in the picture.
Do you have any tips for how you achieve the expressions? Or is it just lots and lots of practice?
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton