Hmm... you're right, it is pretty hard to decide....
I think I like the first one best. I opened them up in two windows, and after switching between both for a few minutes, I realized that the edited one starts to look glaringly bright after a few minutes. Now, they're both beautiful by themselves, but the first one seems to have more of a soft, natural glow that fits with the forest-y look.
Great job!
Sig by marshwigglebee
I like the first one best as well. It fits with the darker scheme of the forest green. The second one has good lighting on the face that would fit with a lighter texture very nicely. I'm a big fan of soft glow stuff =)
"Hello there!" - Obi Wan
Copywriter, Academic Writing, Fiction, Children's Literature
Very hard to say! They're both really well done. I'd have to go with the one on the left, though, if I had to decide.
i think those are both so beautiful!! i love the pic you used of Georgie and the forest idea looks so pretty. i think the second one is a bit bright especially when comparing with the first, but still, lovely job!!!
or have you forgotten who really defeated the White Witch,Peter~Lucy
I would say the first one...she blends in with the colors more. very nicely done!
"We have nothing if not belief"
wow! Nice textures! She definitely looks like she's a woodland's girl!
av / sig by me, PM if you want one
saw the movie opening weekend and cried at the end!
Jesus DIED for ME and YOU!