Some of you may remember reading earlier about the VDT advertising in the Gare de Lyon. How about having another look?

PS - Since the original picture seems to have been removed from Picassa, I couldn't check for licensing terms. If you're the author, and don't want it remixed, PM me and I'll remove it.
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Hi Ricasso, looks awesome! (or at least it did for the 5 seconds I could see it without the site causing my computer to go haywire... not your fault, don't worry )
But I love the idea of it Too bad NW really doesn't have billboards/ signs like that (btw could you tell me what it says as I was only able to read part of the Dawn Treader sign.) *Wishes it wasn't fake*
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Glad you like it, wolfloversk!
Here's the full-size image. I used the Narniaweb logo and tagline for the text. The logo ended up rather jagged, but it's not noticeable in the final product.
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View my Prince Caspian Photo Montage. Relive the experience!
That's really neat, Ricasso! You did a good job with it. So good a job, actually, that I didn't realize that the picture was fake until the second time I looked at it!
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia