Okay, so I'm not a buddying artist or anything, so some of them can be really horrid, but I have been working on Susan for about 14 hours and she isn't finished yet... I could probably keep shading her, but i wanted to show you guys what she looked like right now ^^
What still needs to be done:
- Move the right eye closer to the nose.
- shade in more of her left side.
- Giver her some wispy hairs.
- Outline her necklace more, and add her pendant.
Drawn using a program called Open Canvas, which is easier and more effective than photoshop, well... at least I think so anyway
(Tis a pretty big picture).
So what do you guys think?
Maybe I could fix her more?
I think you did a very nice job, Electra! (Welcome to NarniaWeb, by the way! ) I do agree that the right eye could be moved a little bit closer to the nose, and maybe if you made the nose a little more prominent/outlined? To me it sort of looks like it's getting just a wee bit lost. But that's probably just me.
I like the shading and the colouring that you did, especially that of around her left eye. It looks quite realistic.
All in all, good job!
Dear days of old, with the faces in the firelight,
Kind folks of old, you come again no more.
(Robert Louis Stevenson)
Hi Electra! Yes, welcome to NarniaWeb! I really think that your drawing is coming along quite nicely - I can't wait to see it finished! I especially like her lips! The shape of them is very realistic-looking, and her eyes as well!
One thing I might suggest: don't be afraid to really add in your shading. Even if something looks too dark at first, it probably won't be by the time you've finished. (And since you're doing it digitally, you can always lighten those shadows again if you really aren't happy with them.) The contrast between lights and darks is really what makes pictures pop off the screen and look real - at least that's what I think.
But very nice! Again, I can't wait to see it finished!
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
Very nice. I really like the eyebrows and hair, just add a little more shading to them. The jaw could be bigger, but then, who says that Susan doesn't have a very little chin?
But I still think it should be a little bigger. The shape of the nose is good, very pretty. And you have found a very beautiful font!
Overall, good work, keep working on it (shading it and blending the colours to make the skin colour smoother still), and it'll be worth all the trouble!
My art blog (both in Finnish and in English) http://mehinen.wordpress.com/
Really nice. She looks like she's wearing eyeliner, which i'm not sure if u wanted but it's fine. Hair needs more tiny little dark strands, and lips need to be redder, but not TOO red. Nose could be more prominent. Eyebrows are a little fake looking. too sharply arched and thin. Looks like they where shaved off and painted on.
Of course i am being very critical, it's a nice painting. haven't heard of that program but apparently it's pretty good. I'm guessing you have a tablet? They're wonderful.
signature by Beginte
It looks wondeful so far, Electra! You have a great talent with colors! I'm excited to see what it looks like when it's finished. =)