When I have another stuffs, i'll share in this topic
Skandar http://i331.photobucket.com/albums/l466 ... voyage.png
Georgie http://i331.photobucket.com/albums/l466 ... /lucy3.png
Prince Caspian
First of all, a warm welcome to Narniaweb, CaglaSuTk!
Whoa!!! Your graphics are absolutely amazing!
I love them all! The coloring for each one is beautiful and I think the layouts, textures, and details you used look wonderful together!
~For the first two from VDT:
The flourish wallie texture you blended into the one of Edmund is gorgeous, especially when layered with the text! The overall reddish tones and colouring add an interesting effect for the both of the pictures. I particularly like the one of Lucy because her coat and scarf have a very nice autumnish feel to it, which add to the warmth Lucy's sweet face and smile in the picture! My only CC for the Lucy wallie, is that I find her hair just a tad bit red, especially at the top of her head. I think if just those areas where softened a little, it would look lovely!
~In the interview banners, the blending of both the image of Skandar into the background & the multiple images of Georgie is amazing! I love the layouts and the variety of pictures you used in each wallie, as well as the small details of light spots & swirling lines! My only CC is again, that the I simply find that the brightness of the orange & red colouring is a little strong on their faces in some of the pictures. That's just my opinion though!
~My favorite from this set would have to be the last one of Edmund! I love every aspect of it and the overall 'feel' of the wallpaper! The background and additional textures are stunning as is the way you chose to arrange all of the images for a creative effect. You did a great job cropping that large picture of Edmund and how you made him the focus for the entire wallie! The sword fades out so nicely at the top, as does the lower part of his bodice, taking on the textures and darker tones of the underlaying background. The sliver shining of his metal armour stands out all the more within the shades of the smokey texturing around it. The layered photos of Edmund are perfectly placed, stacked upon that blue tattered texture and with that one contrasting, b&w, cropped image of Edmund. The wallpaper also has that beautiful burst of cosmic light that looks amazing behind all of the pictures and under the 'Narnia' header at the top!
I really like how you decided to add in that small picture of Edmund under the text of his name, but I think if you made another version of this wallie, omitting it, it would be interesting as well. It somehow seems a little out of place there, particularly since his face very quickly merges with the background. Maybe if the blending was more subtle, it would work perfectly!
Gorgeous work,CaglaSuTk! I can't wait to see some more of your graphics!
We have nothing, if not belief.
—C.S. Lewis
A belated welcome to NarniaWeb is in order for you, CaglaSuTk! It's great to have you here!
I just had to comment on these wallies because they are so breathtakingly beautiful!
The first one of Edmund is gorgeous. The coloring and design are lovely. The coloring is unusual, but I really like it! I also love the way the text is done.
Aww, the Lucy one is so cute! I agree with Quin that her hair looks a bit too red, but that might just be personal preference. What font did you use for her name? It's lovely!
Skandar: Wow, great design! It is unexpected and looks great! I think his face in some of the smaller images is a little too orange/reddish, but overall, I like the bold colors.
Georgie: Fabulous job on the blending! The flow of the piece is great. Her face seems to be a bit too dark in the two larger images of her on either side of the main one.
Final Edmund one: This one is probably my favorite of the ones you have posted. It is beautiful!! The coloring on all of the images is lovely. Great choice of images as well! The only thing that I don't really love about this wallpaper is the "Narnia" in the top corner, something about it doesn't seem to flow quite right. It is probably just my personal preference though.
Once again, wonderful work! I can't wait to see more from you!!
When things fall apart, be glue.
Team Hoodie!!
Hey! I'm so sorry guys. I had a grate exam, I cant reply you.
Thanks for comments. Thanks a lot. And I obey your advices, i promise.
And and and. I made a new one, i hope you like it:
http://i331.photobucket.com/albums/l466 ... others.png
wow, these are epic!!!!!! I like the Lucy one the best and the brothers one is great too!
keep up the good work!
I love your blends and colors!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are