Oh my goodness! I feel like I've been posting so many wallpapers recently that I'm going to be banned from this section for a while! At least I got to sneak this one in .
So, this latest wallpaper kind of came out of nowhere. This is actually the first WP that I've not used some kind of song lyrics in it or for inspiration. I was actually browsing online and found a really cool texture that looked like a postcard/letter and I really wanted to try it out (and of course, you can't even see it in the final product ). I also had this super hi-res picture of Lucy that I'd been dying to make a wallpaper of for ages, so I combined the two and ta-da! All that text is a part of a letter Lucy wrote to Susan telling her about their latest and last adventure to Narnia. And that's about all the explanation I've got! If you have any questions, just ask, and I'd love to hear any thoughts/suggestions for improvement!
"Oh telescope, keep an eye on my only hope,
Lest I blink and be swept off the narrow road.
Hercules, you've got nothing to say to me,
'Cause you're not the blinding light that I need.
For He is the saving grace of the Galaxies."
I like the idea very much! The colors are just soooo beautiful! *melts away in adoration of the palette* I like the idea of making a wallpaper with a letter, though I always imagined all three of them would write to Susan. I love the "Dear Susan" headline, takes us right away into the letter feeling! Good job
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
Proud member of the C+S club
Av & sig by me
Thank ya, Beginte! Interesting idea about all three of them writing to her... I suppose I just assumed that as the only girl of the group, the letter-writing duties would fall to Lucy.
I'll have to revisit that idea once we get screencaps of the entire film *dies from anticipation* since there aren't an abundance of "nice Eustace," or even many good Ed caps right now. Or perhaps you'd like to give it a try!
"Oh telescope, keep an eye on my only hope,
Lest I blink and be swept off the narrow road.
Hercules, you've got nothing to say to me,
'Cause you're not the blinding light that I need.
For He is the saving grace of the Galaxies."
I don't know, I always imagined all three of them would write, maybe Lucy would be the scribe while Edmund and Eustace would dictate their bits and give ideas. I knooow, I'm so very much howling for the DVD, once I get it in my hands I'll spend the day hammering the 'capture' key till the letter 'c' wears off Oh, I don't know... maybe one day I'll give it a try... though I'm terribly out of practice in wallpaper-ing
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
Proud member of the C+S club
Av & sig by me
This is beautiful Dekkie!
I absolutely Love the color and texture that you chose! The pictures you chose also blend wonderfully together!
I Loved the letter you wrote! Great Job!
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
Beginte, well, I can't wait until you do get back to wallpapering! I enjoy your artwork a lot... so the sooner the better!
Thank you, 7chronicles! I tried a couple of times to make the text of the letter too small for anyone to be able to read... but after retyping everything once, I gave up on that idea. It was actually one of my favorite parts of making this wallpaper, so I'm glad it wasn't too terrible!
"Oh telescope, keep an eye on my only hope,
Lest I blink and be swept off the narrow road.
Hercules, you've got nothing to say to me,
'Cause you're not the blinding light that I need.
For He is the saving grace of the Galaxies."
lovely! the layers work really well together and you can totally see the letter texture actually, I really like the whole idea of lucy writing susan a letter, impossible as it is
the colouring on this is really great too, soft but not too pale
Grief for the movies made me abandon narniaweb...but I'm so glad to be back!
Many thanks to the wonderful Lady Eowyn for making my sig/av.
Wow Dekkie!! I love this! It's so pretty and poignant! I love how you overlayed the textures. Magnificent!
I'm only sorry I can't read all of the text, even though I know you're not supposed to necessarily.
*saves to her "Dekkie" folder*
Sig by me | Av by Ithilwen
There is no such thing as a Painless Lesson
Its really beautiful. I like the colours and the texture of the backround. One question: what does the text say? I know we don't necessarily need to know as Lady Courage said, but I'm curious.
Signature by daughter of the King; Avatar by Adeona
-Thanks :]
Keeper of the Secret Magic
RoseRed, thanks so much! Glad you like it! And you can see a letterish texture... just not the one I started out wanting to use originally. Guess I can save it for another day!
Lady Courage and Valiant, thank you! And... since you both wanted to read the letter... and since I needed a distraction from homework ... I typed it up for ya'll:
Oh, sister! You will never believe the adventure we’ve had since we received your last letter! We’ve been back to Narnia! I can hardly understand what all has happened myself, but I shall do my best to tell you every last bit of our story. Well, you can imagine the difficult time Ed and I had been having living with Uncle Harold, Aunt Alberta, and Eustace. Ed and I finally had a quiet moment to ourselves in my room and I was just showing him a picture on the wall that reminded me very much of Narnia, when who should interrupt our conversation but Eustace. He began his usual jaw about the foolishness of our fairytales, and Ed was about to have at him when at just the right moment the ship in the painting began to move! It came to life! And then, water began to come out of the painting and poured into the room! Susan, I could feel the wetness on my face, taste the salt water on my lips! It was magnificent! Eustace was terrified, of course. He rushed at the painting and pulled it off the wall to try to “smash the old thing.” But the water rushed out harder and harder. It quickly filled the room, and all three of us were sucked under. We struggled under the water for a few moments, then burst into glorious sunlight, glorious Narnian sunlight! I did not even have time to catch my breath before I noticed the ship from the painting sailing right for me! Three men jumped overboard to fetch us from the water, and you will not believe who my rescuer was… Caspian! He and his men pulled us from the water. Caspian introduced Ed and I to the crew. “Lucy the Valiant…” how I’ve missed hearing the names Aslan gave us, thought it made me sad for a moment to hear only min and Ed’s. I miss the High King and Queen. But moving along, you must guess who was the first to greet us on the ship… It was dear Reepicheep! I never realized just how much I missed he and Caspian until I was with them again. Then, Eustace, who had apparently passed out once he was out of the water, came to with a great ruckus, demanding to know where he was and to be sent back to England at once. But as soon as he came face to face with a minotaur, he promptly fainted again, but only for a moment. Then Caspian took us down to his cabin to tell us all about the voyage they were on. We learned that the beautiful ship’s name was the Dawn Treader, and were surprised to find out that Narnia was at peace and all was well. It seems Aslan had other plans for us this time. Better plans…
"Oh telescope, keep an eye on my only hope,
Lest I blink and be swept off the narrow road.
Hercules, you've got nothing to say to me,
'Cause you're not the blinding light that I need.
For He is the saving grace of the Galaxies."
That's so cute Dekkie! It sounds so much like Lucy too! Great job!
Sig by me | Av by Ithilwen
There is no such thing as a Painless Lesson