OMGOSH!!! That is absolutely stunning. The detail, the shading, and the overall piece all work so well together. AWESOME JOB, EDISK!
Five stars!
Leader of the A.N.T.I. M.U.P.P.E.T.Z. (American Nitwits Think Intelligently vs. Malevolent Undercover Pals Planning Eventual Takeover of Zivilization.) RP in Ditto Town! PM to join!
That is really good, Edisk! The details and shading are well done and you have really nice proportions for the main part of the ship.
However, the mast seems short. I would have thought the mast would be taller than the figure head.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
WOW! That drawing is spectacular! I can't believe how much detail you put into it...well done!
@meltintalle thanks, at first I was gonna put the sail in but I didn't like the sail on the dawn treader so then I took it out personally I would like to throw out the whole mast. also when I am almost done with a drawing i take short cuts
NW bro of Atamar, Hoped4jill, and Georgiefan
NW Younger bro and servant of her highness Ti'ana
sig and ava by me
I like the drawing very much! Great job on the details, especially on the bow of the ship and the dragon's head! I love the attention to details, and the lovely shading Great job!
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
Proud member of the C+S club
Av & sig by me
Wow that is super fantastic!
I love the detail you put in to it!
Day of Wrath, that day of burning,
Seer and Sibyl speak concerning,
All the world to ashes turning.
Whoa. That's really detailed and all together a very excellent piece! Splendid job! =]
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
I think it's fantastic! Wonderful job on all the little details! Love the little lantern on the back.
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!