I saw something in these forums about someone wanting to make Susan/Geek wallie. So I ended up taking the liberty in making one myself. I borrowed my friends photobucket and made it. Susan/Geek do look rather adorable. They have the same droopy look.
A Proud Supporter for a Jilrian Jill/Tirian Romance.-PM DamselJillPole.
I don't like Susan (never have or will) so sue me!
Very cool!
By the way, you might try sharpening the image by 40 or more. Their faces will look a lot sharper, and the picture will look more professional overall.
Hey thanks Eustace+Jill! Yeah I know of the sharpen tool you speak of
I tried to use it on the wallpaper but it was actually sharpening the blend I used on it. but I didn't want to undo the blend so i could sharpen the picture because it took me a while to get the blend where I really wanted it. Thanks again!
A Proud Supporter for a Jilrian Jill/Tirian Romance.-PM DamselJillPole.
I don't like Susan (never have or will) so sue me!
That's hapenned to me too. What I did was I took the picture without the blend and sharpened it. Then I take the picture with the blend, put it on top, then semi-erase to mix them together. I hear some people merge them instead, but I'm not sure how to do that...
That's a smart idea. I'll remember that next time. Thank you!
A Proud Supporter for a Jilrian Jill/Tirian Romance.-PM DamselJillPole.
I don't like Susan (never have or will) so sue me!