I was reading VDT (...again) today, and as usual found it to be quite inspiring. I put together a wallpaper based on the beauty spell.* I'm not completely satisfied with the layout, I think it may be a bit too grid-like on the right... anyway. I may fix that later. The completed wallpaper is the first, and then next to it is the same wallie without the verse, and then lastly is just the background. Comments & Constructive Criticisms very much welcome!
*The Magician's Book, chapter 10
Hey! I love your wallpaper, that is georgeous blending! : ) I really enjoyed that!
I saved it for my screensaver, hope you don't mind!
EDIT: hey, can you post the picture of Lucy (the small one) that's in the lefthand upper corner? I've been DYING to get that one, but I can't find it... please? It is similar to my siggie, but just a little different. She's looking a little bit down... so could ya? Please?
:music: risk it all cuz I'll catch you if you fall... if my heart was a house you'd be home :music:
Thanks, Pepper Darcy. I certainly don't mind, I'm honored you liked it!
The picture I used for that image is one of the ones here on NW, from the HI-RES caps. I believe it was this one: http://narniaweb.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-co ... 06/054.jpg (I sized down, of course).
wow! thats briliant work! would you mind, if I used it as a wallpaper on my computer?
Narnia badger, thanks a lot! =D I'm excited! =D Oh, and I love your Avitar/siggie set! I'm a Frodo/Samwise fan =D
:music: risk it all cuz I'll catch you if you fall... if my heart was a house you'd be home :music:
Sir Jack: Haha, I love your username. I don't mind at all if you use it, 'tis wonderful to know you liked it!
Pepper Darcy: You're welcome, I'm glad I could help. Thanks!
Really nice work on this, Badger! I really love how the almost-dreamlike look of the WP fits the concept. The swirling blending and textures on the right are wonderful! And lovely font and placement on the text as well!
My only CC is that the text down in the bottom righthand corner ("Charm is deceptive...") is slightly distracting, especially since the rest of the WP has darker coloring in comparison. I feel like it's drawing my eyes away from the rest of the piece a bit.
All in all, great job!
the light after the storm
shows that hope was never gone
Snow After Fire graphics
These are so beautiful! I especially love the first one, since you've got one of my favorite verses from Proverbs in the corner, and it fits Lucy's dilemma so well.
*saved to desktop*
avvie & sig by me
Team Hoodie!!!
Hoot Owl Of NarniaWeb
Those are really beautiful!! i love the blending and the pictures you used. The quote obviously fits the wallie perfectly and the Bible verse looks great too. totally appropriate verse Really great job
or have you forgotten who really defeated the White Witch,Peter~Lucy
Very nice
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