This song Beauty from Pain (artist: Superchic[k]) got stuck in my head yesterday, and I was thinking how it kinda matched Susan's story. Thus, this picture was born! =D As usual, I love feedback! ... omPain.jpg
I love this! It's so sad and so good!
I love the song and the way you put it with Susan's story and how Aslan and her siblings are all watching her kind of waiting for her to come around!
That is very beautiful! I really love seeing work from you DaughterofEve!
I really love the story you are telling with the song lyrics and the fonts are pretty!
Great job!
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
Thanks guys!!!
*pats AlsanIsOnTheMove on the back* Don't cry!! I believe that she really did eventually come around!! There's hope for her!
Thanks Jill! I love and often use this font! =)
Wow, I'm no Susan fan, and I don't often like Anna Pictures, but this just struck a chord with me! Beautiful and lovely!
I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls
<3 As you wish <3
This is just beautiful and the words fit perfectly! very nice work!
"We have nothing if not belief"
That is really great work...I like the picture of Susan, you chose a really good moment for that one, and the lyrics do correspond nicely! Three cheers for DaughterofEve!!!
(hey that rhymes!
God gives grace to the humble
av: Wunderkind_Lucy sig: lover of narnia
Proud member of the Skillet club, and a member of the Tenth Avenue North club!
I Love this DaughterofEve1792!
I really like the coloring of both sides, the right is so golden and happy looking, while the left a blue/grey feel to it which is sort of sad. The Lyrics fit perfectly!
I really like this wallpaper.
Oh, and I Love SuperChick so it’s twice as good!
And I also think Susan came around to believing in Narnia again!
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
This is one of the best fan art pics I've ever seen! It makes me want to cry!
It's very beautiful, it also made me want to cry, I really like the look Susan has on her face, it really matches the lyric, great job!!
always be humble and kind
Guys, all of you get hugz!!
I am so happy this went across so well!!
@Shy Galadriel: I got a nonish-Susan fan to like this?! *claps* Hehe!
@greenbird37: Thanks! I know, hearing these lyrics, this pic just kinda formed in my subcranium, or, wherever...
@LuvNarnia: *cheers for self with rest of crowd*
Thank you!!!
@7chronicles: I've been a long time Superchic[k] fan. Beauty from Pain is one of my fav songs from them. I love working the emotion of pictures through the coloring! Warm colors = happiness. Cooler colors = sadness.
@Eustace+Jill: That is a generous comment!! Thankz you sooooo much!!
@wild rose: *hands tissue* come on guyz!! I'm running out of tissues!!!
Nice wp DaughterofEve1792. Overall design and layout look good. The placing of the Pevensie imagery (sans Susan) seems a little... not as strong as it could be. However, the flow between them is great and helps lead the viewer's eye back into the piece. The coloration on this piece is fantastic. I really like the contrast between the muted grays and blues on Susan's side as compared to the strong golds and yellows on Aslan's side (this effect also works quite nicely into that of the three images of the Pevensies). Text works superbly with your choices of imagery and for the concept of the pieceas well. Nice work .
Sig by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
NWsis to eves_daughter & ForeverFan
Wow that song really does fit Susan!! Beautiful pictures you chose and i love how clear the one of Su is. THe font and colors are realy lovely! Great job
or have you forgotten who really defeated the White Witch,Peter~Lucy
I have always loved this song, and often thing of Susan when listening to it. I am really glad you decided to make a wallie for it!! Thanks for your hard work!! I absolutely love the pic of her on the left.
The *official First Follower of Aslan
Keeper of Susan's Grey Coat.