Awesome wallie, Lady Courage!
I've only recently started doing "good" wallies myself and haven't the knack for adding textures yet. I commend you!
real-life sis: Pepper Darcy
My Sites:
My Designer Girl | Shilah | Horatio Hornblower Wallpapers
I'll be out of my mind And you'll be out of ideas Pretty soon
So let's spend The afternoon in a cold hot air balloon
Aww, thanks you two! And thanks for telling me you're using it Rose!
I love knowing when people like my wallpapers enough to use them. I would consider it one of the highest compliments a wallpaper artist can get!!
Awel, I love your graphics, so to say that you like it means a great deal to me! Thank you!!
Sig by me | Av by Ithilwen
There is no such thing as a Painless Lesson
hehe, I suppose that's what they're for
Grief for the movies made me abandon narniaweb...but I'm so glad to be back!
Many thanks to the wonderful Lady Eowyn for making my sig/av.