A quick "I've Seen the Movie" set. All the same picture, the only variation being the text placement. Can be used with permission.
Princess Anna, I absolutely love those sets you made. What text did you use on them?
Great job, Narnian_Badger!! The blending is flawless! I think the sigs are smaller than 300x100, but they're cool looking! (you don't have to change them if you don't want. I'm just saying for future reference, that they don't have to be that skinny)
theprincessspy and Riella- I'm so glad you love them! That makes me so happy! see? ---->
No, it's not a state secret. But I'm not sure what to tell you without some investigation... I don't remember which all ones I used. Nor am I sure which ones you are refering to. Do you mean all of them? Or just certain fonts on certain sigs, or what? I'd be happy to find out for you, though.
I just wanted to pop in and tell you, Narnian_Badger, how much I like those graphics you posted. I definitely like the first sig the best, but all three of them are great (as well as the avatars). Fabulous blending!
And Anna, the two sigs you posted of Aslan and Eustace are really neat as well. I love your choice of text.
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
And Anna, the two sigs you posted of Aslan and Eustace are really neat as well. I love your choice of text.
Thanks, Rosie!!
I already pm'd with tps about this, but thought Riella (and any other curious folk) should know too. The fonts I used on those yellow ones of the kids were: dear Joe four and Dali. Hope that helps!
And some more VDT ones from me!
This first set is one I made almost a week ago(?), I think. But I wasn't sure if it was how I wanted it. A week later, I still like it. Yet still feel iffy. (more like, I love the colouration, but not sure if the text is how I want it) Oh, well. Hopefully you'll like it.
Set #2, just finished a few minutes ago!
Again, guys. I hate to sound like a broken record, but comments and credit would be awesome... and totally make my week!
Princess Anna I love your back home set!! Great job!!
I love how you mixes the pictures
I looks really Awsome!!! Hope you dont miond if I use them
The quote in this signature is from Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet, when Romeo sees Juliet for the first time. I thought it was fitting, since before he met Juliet, he fancied himself in love with another girl.
Very fitting - and it also echoes the words of the book:
And when they looked at her they thought they had never before known what beauty meant.
I hope it is OK that I'm using it as my sig for a while - I'm crediting you for it.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Princess Anna, I love your latest VDT sets. Nice work!
Signature by Ithilwen/Avatar by Djaq
Member of the Will Poulter is Eustace club
Great Transformations-Eustace Scrubb
Princess Anna - again, yours are indeed stunning! I love all the words you use, and the pictures, especially in the VDT ones. Post more again!!
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
joy93, of course you can use them! That's why I make them, so others can enjoy them too! (credit would be lovely, but you don't have to. it just makes me smile. but just seeing my stuff being used does that too. I'm hopeless, aren't I? so full of contradictions
Thanks for the kind comments everyone! It means more than you know! And I feel honoured that you all have such faith in me.
Post more again!!
Your wish is my command.
I'm sorry it took me awhile to come back. First, I had ideas... but we don't have enough picture choices yet. (since it's still in theaters) Second, I had no ideas for those we DO have. Thirdly, I haven't been on for a few days. But I'm here now!
I'm still not sure if I'm completely satisfied with the words on the second set. But it's all I could come up with that fit best. *shrugs*
Comments and credit make me smile!
And more people need to start posting in here, I never like taking over a thread.
Wow - thanks for posting again! Love the sets you posted!! I really like the first one, because it's almost like it's just a picture, but a lovely picture. And the third one is lovely. He's so cute when he's smiling. Love the words!!
Please post more and more and more!!
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
There's nothing like having a friend beg for more graphics to make one feel loved!
And nothin' like not being able to sleep (paired with listening to youtube vids) to inspire you.
I had made two others along with the ones in my previous post... but for some reason didn't post them. Maybe I'll save those for a time when I have no new ideas, and people are still begging for something.
At any rate, here is the result of tonight's fit of sleeplessness:
Sorry for the multiple versions... I'm indecisive. You can mix and match them, if you like. As usual, comments and credit make you my new best friend...
I'll try to come up with more. We'll see where my mind leads, ok? Thanks again for the support! It means an awful lot to me.
Princess Anna, can I just say, you should get the award for most improved on NarniaWeb! I know I haven't been around for a while, but your graphics have gone from mediocre to professional looking while I was gone!
It's been a pleasure to see your improvement!
Great work everyone. I tried to make one..no luck. HA. I want one of Fledge. Going to keep trying, but all of you...AMAZING.
I believe in Christianity as I believe in the sun: not only because I see it, but by it I see everything else. -C.S. Lewis
LOVE your set tarkheena! could I use some time???
LOVE Gorgie Henly, Emma Watson!!!
REAL LIFE BFF w/ americangirlemmie and narnianjedi!
member of ag and missing club pm to join.
avie and sig by the NarnianArcher.
Long live Aslan!