Hey, everyone! Welcome to the Sets thread!
About this thread: People like to make sets of avatars and signatures, where the two images go together. Due to popular demand, we've created a thread where you can post relating avatars and signatures together, for easy browsing.
Here are the specific rules for this thread:
Well, that's about it! Please keep the Fan Art rules in mind, and enjoy posting!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Here are a couple from me:
starkat they are amazing! You really have an eye for colors and design! I especially like how the image of the signature is repeating itself in the avatar.
I made a Caspian/Destrier one:
starkat: I really like your sets, how you've changed the text in the avatars and in the signatures
Queen of Narnia: I love your set, I've never seen one with that picture. It's very original
I've already posted this set in the old NW but I thought I could post it here too.
Comments and criticism are welcome and wonderful! Anyone can use and credit is appreciated
Thanks to malkah for the lovely avatar!
Queen of Narnia I love it!
i do not have anything new yet... but thought I would post my favourite to the new site...
too bad they do not line up
My Galleries
My website has CHANGED click link above for further details
Here are a couple I made over the summer -
NW sibs: MissAravis, evenstar101, Heroine of Chivalry
Twin: winterlife
avatar base by spareoom.net
Queen of Narnia I love it!
i do not have anything new yet... but thought I would post my favourite to the new site...
too bad they do not line up
Oh wow...I really like those sets. I think the siggy is my favorite out of the three.
Here are two VDT sets from me. Anyone is welcome to use them. Check my website for more VDT graphics! (See my sig for the link)
Side note: I wanted to say thanks to everyone who sent in pictures from the set.
Every ones on here are great!!!!
Loyal supporter of Caspian/Susan.
NW Family: Aunty Vi, LadyC, Rose, Chloe
Secret Order of the Swoosh.
Keeper of the Secret Magic
I don't make a lot of signatures but these are my favorites so I'll repost them on the new NW!
-credit if you use.
-I love comments
All of these are fantastic!
Sorry it's taken me so long, but I wanted to be sure my photobucket was viewable before I posted. (which, my reorganisation got finished on the 31st. time just got away from me, and I've not been feeling well) Anyway, I thought I'd post some of my old stuff. (some of it you might have seen on the old forum, some you hadn't... because I had forgotten to post them til now)
If you like what you see, you can find more on my photobucket. (see sig for link) Feel free to use any of them, just please credit. Enjoy!
I've been away for a long time. But here's one lonely set:
"It's a cow folks. No rhyme or reason other than the fact that I like COWS." -violetfirekrazed
Nice stuff guys!!
I used a few textures for mine. Thanks and credit to those poeple!
c and CC is great!
Loyal supporter of Caspian/Susan.
NW Family: Aunty Vi, LadyC, Rose, Chloe
Secret Order of the Swoosh.
Keeper of the Secret Magic
Hello, I've always loved this thread! Everyone is doing such a great job, congratulations!
starkat, beautiful! From your first post I most like Susan's, Caspian's and Peter's! In your second post, I like #2 best!
Queen of Narnia, that is lovely! Ah, I always loved Destrier, and I was so happy to see more of him in the movie! His and Caspian's friendship bond definitely deserves more artwork
Mar, that is great! I love that scene, and the way Doctor Cornelius says those words is so powerful and hopeful in this tingly way!
belzinga, great one! I love the choice of avs!
lover of narnia, wonderful! In the first post - sigh! I love it, the colors are great, not to mention it's one of my top favorite scenes in the movie In your second post, I love both sets! The Suspian one is great, of course, and I'm absolutely in love with the coloring of the siggy on Susan set! Everything is perfect, the colors, the font, the ornaments, the red glow behind the text... marvelous!
narniagirl90, I like the Susan one best!
Princess Anna, I absolutely adore the one with Edmund's long lost smile! Perfect words and cropping!
aravis_tarkina, lovely! I adore both the work and the subject I like the initials on the av, nice touch!
Nothing from me for now... maybe later on!
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
Proud member of the C+S club
Av & sig by me
starkat, Great sets. In your first post my fave is Lucy's! In your second post, they are both so great I can't choose.
Queen of Narnia, Great effects on that set !
Mar In Narnia, Love it, love the words you used.
belzinga, Great choice of pics. Love the sig.
Sleepwalking Wonderful sets, my fave is #2, with Susan.
lover of narnia, Wow, love the textures and effects on your sets. In your second post #2 is my fave. Love all though.
narniagirl90, All really cute sets! My fave is #2 and #4
Princess Anna, All of them great. My fave is the second one.
aravis_tarkina, Great set with Ben, love the font you used
Here are 2 sets I made,,, ;D