I sat down and started sketching this evening, and suddenly a Narnian faun appeared on my paper.
It didn't come out quite as nice as I would have liked, but then, nothing I draw ever does. You're comments and criticism are welcome!
I'll always be a,
Rest in Peace Old Narniaweb
First off, I love your shading! I can tell you put a lot of time and effort into it.
Well, his chin is a little too small, as well as his mouth, but that's really all I can find.
You put some GREAT detail into his hair, ears, eyes, and nose. You should definetly keep sketching, NL101! Keep it up!
The *official First Follower of Aslan
Keeper of Susan's Grey Coat.
Excellent eyes! I really like the shadowing and details in them. The shadowing is good in the whole picture. If the nose were shorter, there would be more room to the mouth. The mouth's shape is fine, but it would be a little difficult to eat anything with such a small mouth, wouldn't it?
Mouth is usually a little wider than the nose.
Otherwise the drawing is very good, and I really like it! The freckles are a nice touch.
My art blog (both in Finnish and in English) http://mehinen.wordpress.com/
Thanks you both for you input! Actually, I'm quite informed about the ways of properly measuring the dimensions of a face. I assure you the smallness of the mouth and chin were intentional. It was meant to add a bit of style, as well as to give his face/head a bit more of a goat shape, but, now that I look at it again, I think I have made his mouth just a bit too small.
I'll always be a,
Rest in Peace Old Narniaweb
You know what? I like it! And I usually don't like sketches. Funny how some of the best work comes out when you're not really planning anything. I like how he looks baby-ish. Really nice.
I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls
<3 As you wish <3
That's really really good NL101!! I love it! The eyes and hair look great. I think his little mouth is kinda cute
. I use lots of tabs on here and my 5 year old brother saw it right when I was changing tabs and went, "awww! He's cute! Go back." *I go back* "Aww.." again. haha, he's right!!
Team Hoodie! | Keeper of the Secret Magic | ♥
I like the depth in the curls. I admire your patience to do that...
Stylistically, I think the small mouth and chin work. But they don't suggest a goat to me.
If you really wanted it to be goatlike, (comparing it to photos of our goats,) I think the nostrils would have to be bigger and slanted a bit. At this angle, the face would be maybe be narrower as well. (Depending on whether its an adult or only a kid.)
But I think it looks good as it is.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton