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[Closed] Why are you a fan of the movies?

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I also, started out with the books. I actually started reading them when LWW was opening. At first I thought it would be boring, but by Chapter 4 I loved it!!!!!!!!!!! When PC came out, I has to read the whole set, I have 3 more books to go.

Posted : September 27, 2009 1:46 pm
Narnia Girl
NarniaWeb Junkie

I love the movies, so, yes, I would be a huge fan of the movies even if I hadn't read the books. I love the books better than the movies, but still, even if I hadn't read them, I would still love the movies.

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Posted : September 28, 2009 2:05 am
NarniaWeb Regular

I first saw the first movie in 2005, and I LOVED it. I had only ever read The Magicians Nephew and LWW, and I enjoyed the books, but the movies were a step ahead for me. I then got the DVD and the boxed set as a gift, and discovered the audio commentry. I kinda forgot about Narnia for a little while, but then I saw the poster for PC at my local cinema, and I was like, "Oh cool, another Narnia movie, I'll see that!" I did go see it and I was BLOWN AWAY! No one else in my cirlce of friends or family liked it, but I did.

I then thought, well, I might as well read the books, and it goes from there. They pretty much changed my young life xD

So I would be a fan of the movies even I hadn't read the books. Oh, and just for LoTR, I only watched The Two Towers a couple of weeks ago for the first time, And I thought it was awsome, but cannot compare to Narnia for me. I still have to see the other two!

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Posted : September 30, 2009 7:12 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

I feel in love with the books after i did LWW in a play I got to play Lucy(probably why she's my favorite character ;) )after that my mom read me PC VDT and SC... after that i read the rest myself. :) That was nine years ago and I LOVE THEM STILL!!!!! I read them every year at least twice :)

~You can't get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me.~ C. S. Lewis

Posted : October 1, 2009 1:50 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

the films have a genuine esthetic value to them. to this day there has never been made what one might classify 'childrens' films with mature themes taken very serisouly, and vigorously pushing towards the next rating level with its intense action sequences. imperativly WETA can create magic, that is known and what they have done with beloved narnia is only the realization of timeless imagination brought to life. ... ovie.fs/24
just look at the shot: captivating from everything to the color scheme to the lighting and the expressions on the actors, flawess! the film stands alone as great achievments in film, no harry potter can not really reach the same scope as Narnia, one for what is at stake in a larger world, and two because Narnia was first, the first blockbuster fantasy literary series ever!there really is nothing like the narnia films out there, the films in pure film standards are very well made, and one final thing, if for any quality this one be the deciding factor: apart from Narnia there has NEVER been on film mythological creatures of this sort captured like this on film: NEVER of this grandure spectacle imagination and quality, no other film has a centaur fighting a minotaur, only in Narnia

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Posted : October 1, 2009 4:27 pm
Member Moderator Emeritus

Wow, this really made me think. Like a lot of people I've grown up with the CoN books and it's hard to imagine life without them. I think, though, that I would have been a fan of the films - had I gone to see them.

I found out about the film of LWW when I went to see Star Wars Episode III at the cinema; I'm not sure, had I not known about the books, whether I would have even noticed the trailer. However, there was so much about the film everywhere that I think I would have gone along.

Also, I think I would have enjoyed it! I adore family films, especially more intelligent ones, which I think LWW and PC are. The sort of films I watch hasn't changed since I saw LWW at the cinema. I think I would have become a fan - though there are moments in both the films which annoy me as a film student (don't get me started on PC's "trapdoor"), the quality of the productions, as AslanIsKing mentions above, would have made me a fan. I don't think I'd be anywhere near as obsessed, but I'd certainly own the DVDs - if not the Blu-rays.

With LOTR, I saw The Fellowship of the Ring first, and then I read the books and saw the other two movies. I became a fan, definitely! Just nowhere near as avid a fan as I am with Narnia. I suppose, had I been brought up with LOTR rather than the CoN, it could have been vice-versa. As it is, however, I'm happy with where I am - a fan of both series' films and books.

Posted : October 2, 2009 5:49 am
NarniaWeb Regular

what things bother you about the films, and what trap door in PC are you talking about

I Worked at the International Debut of the Narnia Exhibit: BEST JOB EVER!!!!! 🙂

Posted : October 4, 2009 3:41 pm
H Tide
NarniaWeb Regular

Good question, gP! Like others, I've grown up with the books, so they're a part of my life. I can't imagine not knowing about them. But if I'd never read the books, I think that I would still enjoy and purchase the movies. I did enjoy PC and LWW, even with all the little quibbles I have with them.

Posted : October 6, 2009 4:39 pm
lover of narnia
NarniaWeb Guru

I would be a Fan because of the movies. I didn't much pay attention to the books, until PC. I liked LWW (The movie alot) but wasn't really that much into the books. My older brother, read me, the Magician's nephew before I could myself. Then once I heard about PC being made a movie, I started reading the book, then I finished it after I saw it. I WOULD most certainly be a fan if the books weren't there. It may sound crazy, but I like the movies more than the books. ;)

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Posted : October 7, 2009 9:18 am
NarniaWeb Junkie

I am only a fan of the movies because I read and loved the books. I grew up hearing the books on tape and then reading them. I certain would not be a fan of the movies if I wasn't a fan of the books. The movies to me are the next best thing out there to the books. If you don't have the books with you watch the movies. I would have probably never watched the movies if I hadn't read the books.

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Posted : October 8, 2009 11:11 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

I guess I would be a fan of the movies. I own them, watch them, see them multiple times in theaters and pay attention to the production.

I suppose it really is because of the books though. Would the movies have made me read the books? Most probably once I learned how short they were. Still, the books hold my interest.

I hate to say it, but I'm with glumPuddle on this one. The Lord of the Rings was a fantastic book and a fantastic film. True, I like the book better, but I own merchandise specifically after the film. I don't own any merchandise (aside from poster stuff) made specifically after the Narnia films.

Your podcasting prince,

Posted : October 9, 2009 5:39 am
NarniaWeb Newbie

Yeah, I wouldn't be as big of a fan of the movies if I wasn't a fan of the books! But I would like them... just not as much. :)

Posted : October 9, 2009 6:35 am
NarniaWeb Guru

I say "Yes" to the first question. I'm a fan of the movies because I love the books. Though I suppose I'm not a huge fan of PC. Because I love the books so much it makes me cringe when they depart so much from the spirit of the book while trying to make things "epic", like they did in PC.

I'd have to say "No" to the second question. I probably would think that the movies were "nice" if I saw them and didn't have my extreme love of Narnia, but nothing really beyond that.

In the instance of LOTR, which people have been talking about, I saw all of the movies first, before I read the books. They were AWESOME movies. The Lord of The Rings: The Return of the King was my favorite movie for awhile. In fact, it may still be my favorite movie. The adaption of the Lord of the Rings books was not to the letter. I don't expect film adaptions to be to the letter. But it was a movie of the book by J.R.R. Tolkien. It was not simply something based on the book by J.R.R. Tolkien.

Also, I think that the LOTR movies are much more character driven than the CoN movies. I also think that they did not try to top themselves with each successive film. They simply adapted the books to movies very faithfully and masterfully and they turned out great. If one makes great movies successively he doesn't need to top the one before it. Most filmmakers nowadays don't seem to get that.

"Let the music cast its spell,
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Posted : October 9, 2009 4:22 pm
Lady of the Narnians
NarniaWeb Regular

I would say yes to the first questioned ,and probably no to the second.

Actually I didn't read the books until my dad told me the first movie was being made.

A Lady of Narnia Always a Lady of Narnia

Posted : October 10, 2009 5:36 pm
NarniaWeb Junkie

To the first question- YES! It was definitely the books that pulled me into the theater. Nothing else, I assure you. /:) (You know a disturbing thought that struck me which has nothing to do with this topic? If I hadn't read the Chronicles, I wouldn't have found Narniaweb..... :(( )

To second question, I'm not really sure. I'm not really a movie-watching person. I usually go the theater when it's something like Night at the Museum, Fireproof.. things like that. I'm not really sure I'd go see PC if I hadn't read the books first. #:-s

So yeah, that's why I am a fan of the movies. :)

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Posted : October 13, 2009 4:36 pm
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