I liked some of the set design. I still like the fact that it was "snowing indoors" in the magician's room.
Oh I forgot about that! I did like that! I wish they would have done that with a few of the other spells, to make the book seem more alive.
Also, the dufflepuds.
You can't possibly hate those guys. I nearly squealed when they first came onto the screen in the theaters. Well, kinda. Because they were invisible at first.
I was very happy with how the Dufflepuds were done! Just as I pictured them.
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
I really liked the look of Coriakin. Because of the bad wrap he gets for that speech (you know which one I mean. ), I think a lot of people dismiss him as fully bad. But I liked the look of the actor, the make-up, hair, and costume.
Lion's Emblem, good point about the 40s look. I'm a big fan of period pieces, and VDT did that well.
Ooooh, I forgot about the Dufflepods! Yes, they were wonderful. Also, I really liked the way they made the whole house invisible instead of just the people--it made it much more ominous feeling. And subsequently, more hilarious when the little guys finally became visible.
I just love the feeling it gives me. I love the way they changed the story in parts and I am not ashamed to say that. I love the visuals, the acting, the design of every location. I just cannot help but like it. I couldn't hate this movie if I tried. I love the whole plot line about laying down the swords on Aslan's table that's just awesome
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
-Like everyone else, I loved Will Poulter's performance as Eustace.
-I loved the playful sword fight between Caspian and Edmund at the beginning.
-The beautiful shots of the Dawn Treader in the sunsets.
-Reepicheep's departure
-The painting scenes, both beginning and end
i think everyone liked Will Poulter as Eustace, the farewell scene, and the credits with the Pauline Baynes illustrations. I also really liked the Dufflepuds. The whole standing on each other seemed really in character and they were very funny.
I really do like VDT. I liked it coming out of the movie theater and still do like it. It is easy to get hung up on the things we do not enjoy though, when actually there were some wonderful things to be had.
I might just be dittoing nearly all of you here, but these are some of the points that I enjoy:
- The entrance into Narnia through the painting. This was done very well, in my own opinion, both in acting terms and CG terms.
- The design of the Dawn Treader herself, and the amazing detailed worked. The props and the intricate carving/painting they did on the ship was beautiful. You do not realize it, as some others have already said, the extent of what is not seen or only glimpsed for the smallest of portions. The interior of Caspian's cabin is simply wonderful. The paintings along the walls and the carved furniture gives it a distinctly 'Narnian' feel. The ship herself was amazing.
- The costumes. All the costumes in the Narnia movies have been well done, and VDT's were no exception. I especially liked Caspian's purple coat and tunic.
- Will Poulter's performance as Eustace, and the performances of all the other cast. I think they did well casting Drinian, and Reep's voice change worked out well. I did not really see any degrading acting quality.
- Caspian and Edmund's practice/training duel. The music was so very fun in this portion, and I think it was a nice little addition to show the joy/comradery that you can imagine might have existed on the DT.
- Dragon Eustace. The Magician's Mansion, the dufflepuds, the magician's book and map and the storm sequence.
- The sea of lilies. I think they really captured what that portion would look like.
- The entire ending, from when they land on the beach to the credits. I cried. So. Much. Through the ending of this movie. I think it was handled very well, even if they did allow Caspian to journey to the World's End, which I did not take offense to. The wave that swallowed them up and took them home was awesome and I did like the fact that they added Aslan's line about another name.
The scene where the water drains and they are all left sitting in the room is also done well. Eustace's line is the most heart-breaking line in all of the Narnia movies.
- The cinematography/scenery. Especially on the Magician's Island. The cove they entered was gorgeous, but so was all of the rest of the scenery in this movie.
I know I am missing parts here that I enjoyed. I did like a great deal of it, excusing a few parts, and I feel as though this list doesn't do what I liked justice.
Loyal supporter of Caspian/Susan.
NW Family: Aunty Vi, LadyC, Rose, Chloe
Secret Order of the Swoosh.
Keeper of the Secret Magic
Ooh, I forgot about the sea of lilies, Lonnie. I did like that part as well. Your post and Badger's reminded me of two or three other things I liked.
1. The 40s thing with 'Susan'. I too am a fan of period pieces, so I quite liked this part.
2. The entrance to Narnia through the painting and the exit when they're all sitting in the room again. I agree with Lonnie about Eustace's line.
3. And, like Ithy, I liked the overall look of Coriakin.
Draco Dormien Nunquam Titillandus
Minion to Lady A and Booky ⎮ NW sister to Ela, Mountie, and Rose.
Braintriplet to Narnia_Fan12 and narnianerd
Team Hoodie! ⎮ Secret Order of the Swoosh
avatar by Lady Courage
Coriakin's Library and Map were pretty cool.
I loved the Relationship between Eustace and Reep. Especially after Eustace was Dragoned.
The last scene was my favorite, I love the narration, the ship in the paining, the emotion (everything about it basically).
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I rather like this thread; I can't help but smile every time I read a new post.
Something I don't think anyone's mentioned yet is the music. I absolutely loved all of the themes, and while I may not particularly enjoy the actual scene, Aslan Appears is a gorgeous, mournful remastering of the Narnian theme. King and Queen of Narnia is lovely, too. David Arnold did a wonderful job of keeping to the main feel of the first two soundtracks, while still giving it something new.
I liked the brawl with the slave traders to name one thing. The soundtrack in that scene really sets the scene.
Sig by the Wonderful wolfloversk
The scene where the water drains and they are all left sitting in the room is also done well. Eustace's line is the most heart-breaking line in all of the Narnia movies.
Oh, that line is wonderful. Thanks for reminding me of it. It's easily one of the best lines in the movie.
I really liked the look of Coriakin [....] the look of the actor, the make-up, hair, and costume.
True - it's easy to forget how much work went into all that. His jacket/tunic thingie ( ) is gorgeous and is one of my favorite costume pieces in the movie, actually. Overall the character is a fresh and authentic take on a magician - and reminds me a tad of how I imagine Prospero from Shakespeare!
"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
avi by Flambeau
- The Painting, how it looked, and great CGI to make it come too life. I also liked how the room got filled with water and that's how they're swept away to Narnia
- Look of the Dawn Treader and it's wide shots on the ocean.
- Fight between Reepicheep and Eustace. Fun and exciting
-Caspian's room, with a map of Narnia, paintings on the wall, Susan's bow and Edmund's flashlight. Great set.
- Fight against the Sea Serpent, looked great and thrilling
- Last 15 minutes were perfect. CGI, emotions, it wass all top-notch.
- Music was great, very Narnian, and distinctive from the previous soundtracks
- Costumes were great as ever, Isis Mussenden is very skilled.
1. The fact that they included Eustace's journal/diary in movie. Especially at the end. I thought it was a nice touch at the end of the film. Too bad everything in between was pretty rotten. lol
2. The execution of going through the painting. Couldn't really think of a better way, visually, for them to enter Narnia
3. The Dawn Treader. It looks good and has a purple sail. It's a little too busy though. Lots of embellishments from what I recall. Could have used less of that, to be taken more seriously as a ship, maybe?
4. Will Poulter as Eustace. I feel the casting was great and he did as good as he possibly could, with the script and director that he was given.
5. The design of the Lone Islands was PERFECT, IMO. Spot on. Just how I imagined it.
6. The design of the worlds end. The design also was about how I imagined it.
7. The inclusion of the "There I have another name" line of Aslan's at the end. It really wasn't as powerful as it could have been, but it was nice to have it in there none the less.
8. The Pauline Baynes illustrations during the credits.
That's about it, the rest isn't all that good....
Wow! I suppose since overall I didn't care for the movie, I never took the time to think about what I did like about it. Thanks, MountainFireflower for making me think about it.
1) First of all, I really, really, really loved Will Poulter as Eustace. He did a great job with that character and everything, even his voice, fit the picture of Eustace that I had in my mind.
2) The Dawn Treader was absolutely beautiful. I think they did an amazing job on it and some of the shots of the ship were just breathtaking.
3) The end scene was wonderful. I have to admit that I teared up a little. That was my favorite scene in the whole movie. The lilies were gorgeous and the wave was just perfect.
4) Lastly, and my absolute favorite thing about the movie, were the Pauline Baynes illustrations at the end. Like a lot of you, I sat in the theatre while everyone else left just to watch them. That was a brilliant idea and huge props to whoever thought of that!
Those are the only things that I really cared for about the movie. So, I guess it wasn't all bad.
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