omp!!!! Ijust finished watching VDT for the 100th time (I Love VDT!!!!) and I can't stop myself from crying at the end and singing "There's a Place for Us-Carrie Underwood" I know the entire song by heart. I can't get over Eustaces' (Will Poulter) face when he sees Reepicheep take his tiny kayak/canoe thing to Aslan's country.
I was in tears when the had to go back to England.
I just wish that Walden Media/Fox had made another Narnia movie sooner
and Andrew Adamson directing it.(He is also directing the new Cirque Soliel movie.)I love you VDT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Glad you like VDT Will Poulter is an amazing actor, and he did an amazing job at that last scene! I think all the actors did a good job, and I've teared up seeing Lucy telling Aslan (and Caspian) goodbye.
I liked how they brought out the whole Lucy-Beauty thing... I thought that deepened her character and is a great message.
Here's to hoping that another Narnia movie is made soon! Personally, (as much as I like VDT) I hope that any new Narnia movies are more in the style of LWW and PC, but I do like VDT as well!
"Not all that is called progress moves us forward." - H.K. Ward
"Aslan's instructions always work, there are no exceptions."
I wish I could say I had a similar emotional experience.
The world's end is certainly the most impressive visual in the movie. Just the sight of the wave that never breaks was actually kind of powerful... until the characters started talking.
They tried to make Caspian's decision about his father a really big deal, but it wasn't properly set up, and so came out of nowhere for me. He then tells the audience exactly what he learned (though it's not clear how and when he learned this).
Edmund confused me. At the beginning of the movie, he was moping about how "we don't matter as much." Then, strangely, at the end of the movie he suddenly decides "they need us." I have seen the movie five times and still cannot figure out why Edmund changed his mind.
I know Reepicheep rode Eustace around a few times, but Eustace crying at their parting seemed pretty excessive to me.
Having a mouse-sized coracle just so happen to be there for Reep was pretty convenient.
The famous line "there I have another name" has no resonance in the movie because the Pevensies fully expect that they will not be coming back. This is the exact opposite of the book where they were shocked and devastated to learn this. Aslan then says "there I have another name" to give them some hope after their heartbreak. In the movie, the Pevensies aren't surprised, and fully accept that they won't be coming back... so the power of the line is, at the very least, significantly watered down.
Mmhmm. I can see your point, glumPuddle. And first of all, thank you so much for your commentary on the movie... I watched that before seeing the movie, and it helped prepare me!
As to Caspian, I found it a bit sudden, too. In thinking about it afterwards, I think they tried to set it up with that bit where he's tossing in his hammock and saying, "Father, Father," and when they're at Dark Island and the mist-man appears to him. However, it somehow just didn't seem to work out as they probably intended.
I liked Edmund's realization, but yet... I do wonder how, when, and why he figured it out? If it had been in LWW or PC, it would have definitely been more obvious (but not with the level of exposition that VDT does)
And about Eustace: Well, somehow I think it did fit for him to be really upset. Reepicheep really helped him mature, both before, during, and after he was a dragon, in my opinion. I think Eustace's first real smile was when he and Reep talk after their swordfight. Reep also comforted the newly dragoned Eustace around the fire (I'm so glad they kept that in from the book!)
All in all, I like VDT, but I like it less since seeing LWW and PC. I watched them in reverse order, and honestly, my disappointment with VDT has increased since watching the others (and I think that was after my above post!) Yes, I like VDT; yes, I'm glad I have it; and yes, it is fun to watch every once in a while. But after seeing how great Narnia movies can be, I can understand the disappointment of those who saw the first two first, and then watched VDT.
It was sort of funny: I had heard so much negative about VDT that my expectations were really low. I was pleasantly surprised, but now realize that it had more potential. And don't even start me on the green mist
"Not all that is called progress moves us forward." - H.K. Ward
"Aslan's instructions always work, there are no exceptions."
The ending was my favorite part of the whole movie. It captured the magic that had once been apart of the movies. Especially when lucy turned back to hug aslan one last time.
Founder of the Switchfoot Club.
Co-founder of the newly restored Edmund Club! Check it out on the Talk About Narnia forum!
I didn't really like the ending much. It was too depressing and it felt like we were really saying good bye to Narnia and that it was the end of the franchise.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
I sort of liked the ending. There were some cool parts, like the big wave, that looked really neat. Though honestly, the fact that Caspian went with them, the fact that Aslan wasn't a lamb that later turned into a lion, the fact that Aslan gave Caspain a choice to go to his country or stay behind and other such things made me quite unhappy with the ending and I can't really say if i liked it or not. It was, as DamselJillPole said, very depressing and it almost felt as though they were telling us to say goodbye to future Narnia movies. It was okay I guess, it could have been worse, but it really failed to live up to my expectations
always be humble and kind
Will and Georgie did an awesome job acting. I just wish Edmund would have acted more like he wasn't coming back to Narnia. Even when Peter and Susan found out they were teary eyed. Edmund just gave Caspian a hug and that was it.
Founder of the Switchfoot Club.
Co-founder of the newly restored Edmund Club! Check it out on the Talk About Narnia forum!
I just wish Edmund would have acted more like he wasn't coming back to Narnia. Even when Peter and Susan found out they were teary eyed. Edmund just gave Caspian a hug and that was it.
I have to disagree. While Edmund was hugging Caspian and after walking away you can tell he got teary eyed. Even when they got back in the room he looked very devastated, sure he wasn't crying like Lucy however that does not mean he doesn't care he wouldn't go back to Narnia. There's many different emotions in people when they try to get through it and how they handle it.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!