During pre-production there was an almost complete black-out on Concept Art and Storyboards getting released compared with previous productions. On occasion they leaked out but were quickly retracted, often due to the fact that they related to previous incarnations of the movie's development period. But anyway, now that the movie has long been and gone, it seems a few of the Artists are now able to officially release images to their online portfolios, so i thought it might be interesting to gather them in one location, and to discuss them. It will be interesting to work out which pieces relate to previous-versions of the script, and which relate to the final script, but which got cut from the final edit.
First up, David Russell. I believe this may have been linked as a news story on one of the sites a few weeks ago, but just in case you didnt catch it, here are his VDT Storyboards:
and his Concept Illustrations:
Second is Tom Nelson, who has quite a few interesting storyboards, including a few of Ramandu, which can be found at the below link, and clicking on Storyboards > Chronicles of Narnia > Voyage of the Dawn Treader
http://www.tomnel.net/ (edit: note - 4 pages! 🙂 )
Third up, Mike Vosburg who has some storyboards which seem to relate more closely to the current version of the movie (compared with the previous two) which can be found on the page below (last 4 thumbnails on the second row)
Hopefully there will be more to follow. If anyone finds any, please let us all know
This page of Concept Art from Michelle Moen (a credited concept artist on the movie) appears to contain numerous pieces of concept art from VDT, though the website is still a work in progress and so they aren't actually listed as being from VDT, but they can very much be assumed so based on the content of the images and by looking at some of the file names:
3 of Dark Island and 1 of Ramandus Island:
The Underworld, Lucy in Mausoleum, Sea Serpent:
Lone Island Docks and Slaves:
More Lone Islands, and Dark Island "Spiders" (see file name):
New post containing 5 pieces of Concept Art by Min Yum and 6 or so from Gerhard Mozsi, which can be found on the post here:
ChristProclaimer observed that the website of Greg Spalenka has updated to include the previously forbidden concept art that was leaked very early on in the production:
note - original link now seems to be dead
New posting containing 100+ pieces from the website of Dorotka Sapinska which can be found on the post here:
A short video containing, amongst other things, two Pre-Viz scenes from Voyage of the Dawn Treader on the website of Pre-Viz artist Rob Ostir, details of which can be found here:
A couple of additional pieces by Gerhard Mozsi and a few sketches of the Dragon by MPC to be found via the link below:
Lots of different concept art sketches for props and set components by Jeremy Love can be found via the link below:
New pieces by Min Yum:
Costume Designer Isis Mussenden has added some VDT costume design sketches to her website, thanks to ChristProclaimer for the heads up!
note - many pieces here seem to have since been removed
Louloudi The Centaur found videos for two Pre-Viz sequences by Mike Makara
note - original videos now password protected by owner
Adeona spotted three new blog entries by Jeremey Love, covering concept work for Magician's Island and Goldwater Island
One new blog entry by Jeremy Love, covering concept work for Ramandu's Island, plus new concept art pieces by Marco Genovesi, Paul Chandler, Tim Holleyman and Annette Mackie, some Matte Paintings by Ivan Girard, Storyboards by Mat Brady and two animatics and some concept art by Federico D'Allessandro
Louloudi the Centaur found some pieces by Justin Sweet:
Also another set of artwork from Jeremy Love, again thanks to Louloudi the Centaur
More from Justin Sweet:
9 Pre-Viz videos from Andy Cadz
1 piece by Evan Shipard:
Concept art by Justin Sweet and Vance Kovacs
Concept art by Brendan Heffernan and John Dickenson
Looks like Ramandu was originally going to be in the movie according to Mr. Nelson's drawings.
Thanks for linking these Icarus. The Tom Nelson ones look interesting. I think I like his the best of the bunch. Reep with eyepatch? The one of the dragon on the beach being rested upon looks like it could have been a nice scene as it is straight from the book.
Signature by Ithilwen/Avatar by Djaq
Member of the Will Poulter is Eustace club
Great Transformations-Eustace Scrubb
There's a lot of concept they didn't use here. But I think some of this could be helpful ideas for the concept of SC. If they designed the underworld (is that what it's called?) with some of that, it would look pretty cool! I am thankful they didn't use all of this in VDT (although maybe the plot would've worked better if they hadn't used the green mist concept), but these would work for SC, and that I'm sure of for now!
Thanks very much for posting this stuff icarus! I wouldn't have the first idea
of how to find most of this. Except I have been periodically
checking Isis Mussenden's site for updates - nothing so far.
Ditto on Oksana Nedavniaya.
The only new concept art I really like is the one uncredited image of the world's edge on Daniel James' Picasa.
The storyboards are interesting. I like Tom Nelson's work - but I do think that the elderly gentleman is Coriakin, not Ramandu, because he apparently knew Lord Octesian.
"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
avi by Flambeau
The storyboards are interesting. I like Tom Nelson's work - but I do think that the elderly gentleman is Coriakin, not Ramandu, because he apparently knew Lord Octesian.
I think you are right about those ones, but on page 4 there are two drawings which have file names labelled as "Ramandu" (one of "Star Girl" too )
http://www.tomnel.net/G2/portfolio/main ... ?g2_page=4
Two of the most interesting from the Tom Nelson portfolio i think are these two below. Both contain identical shots of Caspian and identical backgrounds, except in the first one he is with Queen Susan, and the second he is with Lucy (at least in the order they appear in his collection)
http://www.tomnel.net/G2/portfolio/main ... temId=2795
http://www.tomnel.net/G2/portfolio/main ... temId=2797
I can perhaps imagine it was part of some altered "Lucy wants to be Susan" Dream Sequence like they had in the final movie, but one that tied into the whole "Lucy/Caspian Crush" plotline from the leaked script.
Oh. Heh. Page 4. Got it! (I didn't see that there were more pages on that site.)
Those Lucy/Susan boards are . Mr. Nelson did a great job drawing them, too.
The chess scene with Lucy and Reepicheep is sweet. And I like his costume design for "Star Girl" There are several very interesting little moments showcased in these sketches...
"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
avi by Flambeau
Oh. Heh. Page 4. Got it! (I didn't see that there were more pages on that site.)
Those Lucy/Susan boards are
. Mr. Nelson did a great job drawing them, too.
The chess scene with Lucy and Reepicheep is sweet. And I like his costume design for "Star Girl" There are several very interesting little moments showcased in these sketches...
Suspian even as a dream sequence? Glad that did not make its way into
the movie.
Didn't know there were more pages either....
Nelson's concept art also makes me feel good for wanting chess scenes in VDT. Who wouldn't want to see Reep lifting the chess pieces and being overly enthusiastic about the game?
Also the serpent cave concept on Spalenka's Picasa looks like it could also have been the dragon cave concept? That would have been visually cool if it was included in VDT (I wonder if budget dictated whether that sort of scene would have been included in the final product, amongst other things). Oh to be a fly on the wall during a VDT production meeting.
Signature by Ithilwen/Avatar by Djaq
Member of the Will Poulter is Eustace club
Great Transformations-Eustace Scrubb
these are really neat!
"I'm a beast I am, and a Badger what's more. We don't change. We hold on. I say great good will come of it... And we beasts remember, even if Dwarfs forget, that Narnia was never right except when a son of Adam was King." -Trufflehunter
Here's our story on AC. We linked back to this thread so fans can follow it. And Narnia (UK) posted our story on their Facebook page.
Some more new Concept Art - first up some artwork from Min Yum via his CGHub Portfolio. There appear to be 5 pieces from VDT at present. Each linked image can be clicked on to get to a larger size, or click on the "Download Full Resolution Image" button for the full size
The Bedroom
Ramandu's Island
The Dungeon
The Cave (Goldwater?)
The Bell Tower
Second, also via CGHub, artwork from Gerhard Mozsi. Again none specifically listed as being VDT, but i've picked out the pieces which i believe to be from VDT based upon the content and descriptions. Its fairly easy to work it out most of the time, but there were a few generic Fantasy looking ones which have been uploaded at the same sort of time as the others, but which i wouldn't want to say either way on, so i haven't linked them here, but you can browse them on his site if you so wish (note - none of the ones uploaded before January 2011 will be VDT).
Dungeon Cell:
Narrowhaven 1:
Narrowhaven 2: (this was featured on Narnia.com for a while as a background for the game menus)
Island Shore (Goldwater?):
"Gold Island" (see image title)
Goldwater Pool:
Impressive. I especially liked the Narrowhaven ones. I wonder if they were based off a certain place that Aslan may have memories of...
Neat! I like their work. Min Yum's "Bedroom" particularly, and Gerhard Mozsi's "Narrowhaven 2"
Thanks for keeping us updated icarus!
"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
avi by Flambeau
I do like Min Yum's ''Bedroom'', "Ramandu's Island", and the "Cave" (could very well be expanded upon for the Underland in Silver Chair).
Signature by Ithilwen/Avatar by Djaq
Member of the Will Poulter is Eustace club
Great Transformations-Eustace Scrubb
Fantastic! Now those pieces are exceptional! I wish the movie had been done using moving concept art. So good!
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