What's wrong with you Josh and Anhun? Don't you like MN? It's NARNIA for crying out loud! At least their thinking about making another movie. If you don't like the idea don't ruin it for the rest of us who like MN better than SC. If Walden decides not to make any more Narnia movies, at least we got MN out of the deal.
The Magician's Nephew is actually my second favorite in the series (the favorite being Silver Chair). Why I am angry is that the Silver Chair being made next indicates a better chance of the series continuing, where the shift to filming Magician's Nephew first pretty much just seals the fate of the series.
Winter Is Coming
Seals the fate of the series? How so? The only continuity issue is Will Poulter and, at this point, even if they did The Silver Chair now he would still look way too old so I don't think the wait will harm anything. And I think it's highly debatable that movie-goers will be more drawn to The Silver Chair than The Magician's Nephew. MN is the prequel to a 740m movie and the second highest selling book, as others have mentioned.
What's wrong with you Josh and Anhun? Don't you like MN? It's NARNIA for crying out loud! At least their thinking about making another movie. If you don't like the idea don't ruin it for the rest of us who like MN better than SC. If Walden decides not to make any more Narnia movies, at least we got MN out of the deal.
The Magician's Nephew is actually my second favorite in the series (the favorite being Silver Chair). Why I am angry is that the Silver Chair being made next indicates a better chance of the series continuing, where the shift to filming Magician's Nephew first pretty much just seals the fate of the series.
I'm sorry you feel that way but your logic may be flawed. If you are like most of us, you want to see ALL books made into films. MN made first will increase the chances of this happening. If Walden Media was seriously trying to just provide a definitive end to the franchise, they would not STILL be saying that they are interested in making all of the books into films.
your fellow Telmarine
Please try to remember this isn't the Complain About Other People's Opinions thread.
I totally agree. After reading the Narniaweb articles on the subject, I feel pretty good about the continuance the franchise.
Could you develop this comment a little more? The logical inference is that either:
1. The narniaweb articles suggest to you that MN will be a solid commercial success.
2. Something in the articles leads you to believe that the filmmakers are determined to make Narnia 5 (whichever title it will be) even if MN flops. If this is the case, I'd really like to know what I missed.
The part I am really worried about is the creation of Narnia. That is going to require some serious CGI, which of course is going to cost a lot of money... How much are they will to spend on the movie? I mean they had to cut Aslan quite a bit because of the limited amount of money they had. I wonder if MN can be done this way...
Signature by daughter of the King; Avatar by Adeona
-Thanks :]
Keeper of the Secret Magic
The Lady Arwen Undómiel wrote:
I totally agree. After reading the Narniaweb articles on the subject, I feel pretty good about the continuance the franchise.Could you develop this comment a little more?
I feel like there is a really good chance that more Narnia movies will be made after MN because MN has a good chance of success.
Valiant wrote:
The part I am really worried about is the creation of Narnia. That is going to require some serious CGI, which of course is going to cost a lot of money... How much are they will to spend on the movie?
I'm hoping they won't spend too much money on just this one scene.
The problem is, no future Narnia film will succeed unless it's a good movie. Doesn't have to be oscar-worthy great, but it has to be good.
A while back, I wanted to know how VDT could be turned into a really great feature film, not just good-enough. This time, I'm racking my brains to figure out how the book MN could translate to a half-way decent film, especially given the film-makers' self-imposed constraints of "blockbuster" traditions . Can anyone shed some light?
I don't think it can be done. It's a million times more challenging than VDT.
I agree, Magician Nephiew, although a good book, is not an action packed adventure story that has a conventional begining, middle then end, its more of a adventure story that has random moments of activity running through it. Also, the only link from VDT to MN would the the white witch who is 'dead' now anyway, so that could be a bit confusing. Where as carrying on with SC would ensure continuity and it has more of a adventurous feel to it.
MN seems to appeal to a smaller audience as well. It is very much a story that may appeal to smaller children, where the 2 main characters are small children, but older tween-teen audiences may not have any interest in a film where children are the protagonists and there is yet again a witch antagonist...and its not just any witch, its THE SAME witch!
I mean, i know that Narnia fans would probably see it but other perhaps casual fans or film goers looking for adventure films may not see its appeal.
Finally, I have never heard of a film series that goes back in time then jumps forward again like Narnia would is MN came next then people (inevitaby) wanted another film. It would make far more sense to make the films in chronological order (I know that means that MN and HHB would be missed out) Then do MN and HHB at the end as a genesis of narnia story (Like X-men Origins) and a (don't shoot me for saying the word...) spin-off type story set in Narnia but not really to do with the main characters that are more popular and well known (Pevensies, Eustace, Jill etc)
Hope that made sense,
charlotte rose x
Narnia is childhood...
Seriously, just give the kid the orange. He needs his vitamin C!
Lol, I don't think having the same villain will be a drawback. Heck, in HP, Voldemort showed up in all of the last four movies and general audiences don't seem to be tired of him. The white witch is also a very compelling, popular villain.
I don't think that having young children will be a problem. In PC, the filmmakers bent over backwards to appeal to the teen crowd, doing everything they could to play down the child-like aspects of the story, and the attempt blew up in their faces. Narnia is associated with child-like wonder and fantasy, having young children as the leads will help, not hurt. That's why I'm okay with their replacing Will P as Eustace, now that he's too old to play a tween.
No, I don't think the childlike aspects, or the repetitive villain will be a problem, it's the overall structure of the story.
I guess PC was a bit of a fail audience wise, and agreed that Narnia is suppost to be child like. But I still think that if the children are TOO (Emphasised, not shouted, i can't get Italics to work for some reason )young, then older audiences who aren't already Narnia fans might be put off by the age of the protagonists. But then maybe they could just have Diggory as a slightly older child? I don't know...right now i'm not even sure what my views are on MN anymore because I never thought about it...I always had it in my head that SC would be next
Oh...and I guess Voldemort was the villain for all the HP booksf/films, but he was written into them and had a purpose, unlike WW in VDT, so if she turns up again then everyone may be like GET A NEW VILLAIN (This time that was shouted! ), and maybe the fact that it is a bit like the pattern of the protagonist in HP might harm the series because it would seem like Narnia was trying to copy what had succeeded in another series because the books for this series were not as successful (although narnia books are obviously VERY successful!)
However, I'm not trying to suggest that if MN is made then that will happen, I wouldn't think that way personally, i'm just speculating...hope i din't seem to ranty or confusing
charlotte rose x
Narnia is childhood...
Seriously, just give the kid the orange. He needs his vitamin C!
MN does at least have the advantage that the WW is not shoehorned in just so they can show her in trailers to try to lure people in to watch the film. She has a purpose in the story and is integral to it, unlike in VDT or PC. Now the problem will be potential Tilda fatigue and then the non-readers may just assume that the WW's role is similarly small in this film and avoid it thinking they're being tricked again. That's the problem with deception, at some point people just assume you're lying whether or not you actually are.
Her appearance in PC was a good idea actually, but Voyage of the Dawn Treader seriously ruined all credibilty of her character and the series as a whole.
I just keep thinking of how differnt the series reputation would be had Disney released Prince Caspian December of 2007 (instead of National Treasure). The film probably would have gotten a much large audience (especial with the Golden Compass controversy) and the series wouldnt have been overlooked. But PC flopped, and VotDT was made cheaply and poorly. I'm afraid unless they higher an oscar worthy director and are willing to take a risk to spend more money for the much needed visual effects in the creation of Narnia, The Magician's Nephew will be a flop critically and financially and the series will fail.
Winter Is Coming