I know that you'll all probably throw rotten tomatoes at me for saying this but I really would not mind in Digory and Polly have some sort of small romance or attraction. I always thought that they could have had something there or because I'm a hopeless romantic but really it would be sweet and maybe we can see them grow and see Digory turn the tree from Narnia into the wardrobe. That would be so neat!
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Possibly as adults, but certainly not as children. They did seem to be become good friends though, eventually.
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Doctor Who - Season 11
For me, I always pictured Diggory and Polly as little kids, even younger than Jill and Eustace. Probably because of the line about Polly wanting to put the ring in her mouth if she was just a little bit younger. Fidelity to the books/historical accuracy aside, I think a romance between them would be odd and distracting. I have to say I agree with Reep, though. I don't think the filmmakers are overly hung up on the finer points of historical accuracy.
Actually, werewolf, unlike the protagonists of SC and LB, Diggory and Polly are friends before the adventures start. You don't invite someone to your secret lair if they aren't a friend (I would know ). Their experiences in universe-hopping at first stress their relationship, then ultimately strengthen it. This happens in relationships, platonic and otherwise, all the time in real life. Just because someone is your friend doesn't mean you never disagree, argue or get frustrated with each other.
No, I don't think Digory and Polly are meant to be that young. It does make you wonder how young though, given that line about Polly wanting to put the ring in her mouth. That's a curious thing for someone even as young as a toddler to do. Babies, yes. Toddlers, not so much. I can't picture them as 6 year olds either. I've always seen them as between 10-12 years old.
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Doctor Who - Season 11
Was Polly suggesting that the ring looked good enough to eat? I've felt that way about odd things through the years. Like a yellow topaz ring the stone of which reminded me of a lovely piece of butterscotch. Though I doubt Polly and Digory were all that young, the book does mention that schools were a lot nastier, and it does say a fair bit that both children were still at home rather than at school. Whilst if Polly was too much older, she would not be expected to be playing in the back garden, assuming they had one.
I have to say I agree with Reep, though. I don't think the filmmakers are overly hung up on the finer points of historical accuracy.
Now that explains quite a lot, I'm sure. Like Brad Pitt as Achilles, yapping on about republicanism in something like Troy, Roman soldiers wearing wristwatches,
or even someone wearing spectacles in films of historical ages before spectacles were even invented.
Actually, werewolf, unlike the protagonists of SC and LB, Diggory and Polly are friends before the adventures start. You don't invite someone to your secret lair if they aren't a friend (I would know
). Their experiences in universe-hopping at first stress their relationship, then ultimately strengthen it. This happens in relationships, platonic and otherwise, all the time in real life. Just because someone is your friend doesn't mean you never disagree, argue or get frustrated with each other.
Er, Anhun , I do really prefer Wagga.
You see I have fond memories of the place.
It isn't all that far away from Lockhart, the surname of another COS HP character.
However, I doubt that Polly and Digory were friends initially. In the book they were neighbours getting acquainted when Polly realised that Digory had been crying. At the opening of MN, it even says that Polly was unaware of any other children in the area. I think that Polly felt sympathetic towards Digory's grief over his mother, which is why she invited him to see her secret lair. Those days children were less supervised in their playtime activities and far more supervised in their school and worktime activities, than is the case today.
What age did children go to school at the turn of the century? Maybe Digory and Polly would be around 8 years old then? That seems rather young but I guess it's possible.
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Doctor Who - Season 11
Yes, but i think they would be like 12 or 13, just because of the way they talk. But good suggestion. i dont know. i guess thats for hollywood to decide.
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I imagine children back then talked in a more refined way than they do nowadays. Still, I don't think they talked like the children in the Narnia books. Remember Lewis was writing from his own childhood experiences. The language the children used would be more suited to that of the early 1900's.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
I think it would be nice if Polly and Digs were under 12 in the movie. It would be nice for Narnia kids to actually be kids.
While that's true, you also want great actors and actresses.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
What age did children go to school at the turn of the century? Maybe Digory and Polly would be around 8 years old then? That seems rather young but I guess it's possible.
Apparently in 1880 an Act of Parliament was passed which allowed for Elementary Education between the ages of 5 and 10 according to this article which said:
By 1901 Literacy had become widespread and education highly regarded as important for keeping society together. People were regulated by written instructions so were expected to be literate. Education was originally conducted by charity or workhouse based schools for many children. 'Public Schools', misnamed private establishments educated few. There were many small village schools run by a 'literate' local person. Sundays schools had originally been the important source of education for the working classes but they could not meet the need for proper literacy. There were sectarian problems in educational developments, but educational Parliament Acts allowed for school developments and state involvement. The 1880 Act allowed for elementary education for 5-10 year olds. The system allowed for children to be educated to accept their place in society. Educational projects became more respectable, whilst mechanics institutes educated working men, museums and Art Galleries fed inspiration to citizens, but failed to reach most working class people.
People read books (sometimes from lending libraries and reading rooms making 'superstars' of some authors), periodicals, magazines, newspapers and comics. Some major literary works of the time were influenced by their original periodical form New types of books developed for train reading. Printing and publishing developed and an educated working class found for the first time that it could communicate with itself, develop new ideas and join new workers groups. New training could take place for the new technical innovations that were coming into being in science and industry.
This applied in UK only to 1901, when Queen Victoria died in May. In the newly formed nation of Australia, my grandmother was sent to work when she was 12 years old, which probably happened also to UK girls who came from poor families and had lots of siblings to help their mothers with.
I expect that since Polly and Digory spoke rather nicely to each other they could have been too middle class to have left school at 10. That would also justify Uncle Andrew's opinion of himself and the respectability of his family, though not his selfish attitude to others.
While that's true, you also want great actors and actresses.
That's very true. Although I was satisfied with Georgie Henley and Skandar Keyne's performance in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. There are plenty of other child actors who have done a good job. The casting directors might have to dig a little bit more, but I think it would be worth it.
I think having actors who are 8 or 9 would be a great idea. Or older children who can pass for 8 or 9. One thing they don't have to worry about is the kids aging from film to film. Young Diggory and Polly are in MN and only MN. Having young-looking children would help to establish this as a family film.
Now, wagga, you mentioned that Diggory and Polly are still at home, but in the book it says that they are on summer holiday. Sorry if I was unclear, when I said "before their adventures began" I meant the adventures in other universes, not the beginning of the story. Yes, the beginning of the story details how they met, but many days, possibly weeks, pass between then and their stumbling into Andrew's study. The implication is that they become friends during that time.
I'd say 8 or 9 for their ages, I got the immpression that they were around the same age that Lucy was in LWW, if not a year or two younger.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
How old was Georgie Henley in LWW? 8, I believe.
I think 9 or 10 year olds would be best for Diggory and Polly in MN.
"I'm a beast I am, and a Badger what's more. We don't change. We hold on. I say great good will come of it... And we beasts remember, even if Dwarfs forget, that Narnia was never right except when a son of Adam was King." -Trufflehunter