I truly don't see the logic or value of making the prequel MN now, it's such a break with continuity from VDT.
The logic can be summed up in a symbol: $
I've always felt that a "VDT sequel" would be much more difficult to market than a "LWW prequel." LWW received good reviews and was a huge box office hit. VDT received poor reviews, and did disappointing box office.
It would be a real shame if the did do Magician's Nephew next. I do love the book and I hope to see it as a great film one day, it's just I do not want them recasting Eustace. I'm sorry to say this and I am now ducking from rotten tomatoes about to be thrown at me but Will Poulter is best addition to these Narnia films ever! He's the best actor out of everyone! They can not recast this guy!
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
what if they greenlit MN and SC at the same time?
I'm thinking this is what's happenning. Granted it's only based on a few rumors and my gut instinct, but my instinct is hard for me to ignore. I'm feeling double, maybe even triple, greenlights here... I know it seems illogical, but at the same time it might be what saves the series.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Well, I was in full SC mode...
There's a big pro and a big con to this, as others have pointed out.
Pro: This movie might appeal to people more than The Silver Chair and thus make more money- something the franchise is in dire need of.
Con: Will Poulter. I don't which would be worse- a Eustace re-cast or a re-imagining of the begining of The Silver Chair.
They way to address this, ideally, would be to film SC and MN together, but I doubt Fox will want to commit to two movies at this stage in the game.
If Will Poulter's age wasn't a problem (as in his age and looks were fine), would you still think that SC would need to be first? I understand that a lot of people are concerned about this, but is there any other reason that makes you wish they'd do SC instead of MN?
One of the biggest ones for me (and many others) is the time. It would get really confusing if we had a prequel, and then returned to the time after VDT. How mind-boggling would that be? Another reason of mine is that I want more understanding of how VDT and SC might attach (or not). I can't wait a few more years before then.
But as for MN, as glumPuddle pointed out, that one could have a better chance at making more money, and catching everyone's interest. MN seems to be liked more than SC (I might be wrong), and has another WW appearance (and hopefully the last one, please! ).
I wonder how many more times I'll be trying to think this through. Perry Moore, rest in peace, but realize how much insanity you've brought to us now!
Do you know what would be the most annoying thing about doing Magician's Nephew next instead of Silver Chair?
That it would mean that the fact that they screwed up VDT by adding the Green Mist subplot to connect it up with SC via "the book that CS Lewis didn't write" in the middle, was completely for nothing.
I know its perhaps clutching at straws to think that a decent Silver Chair movie could help to explain the logic-defying nonsense of the Green Mist subplot retroactively, but i think it would annoy me more if they didn't actually do anything with it now that they've ruined an entire book to set it up.
Well yeah I know $$$ is logic to them, but to me it isn't.
But I can see very well why Fox/Walden would think that way.
I wish people would stop looking upon every new movie as a sequel too.
But there is something to be said about a fresh start and MN could give them that......maybe.
Signature by Ithilwen/Avatar by Djaq
Member of the Will Poulter is Eustace club
Great Transformations-Eustace Scrubb
This story popped up on my Facebook feed this morning. Frankly, I was shocked. I thought for sure that, if another movie was to be made, it would be SC. I wasn't disappointed, though. Frankly, I was ecstatic. I'm much too excited at the possibility another movie will be made to be too picky about which one it is. I for one really hope this news is true.
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
But the real question is this: are people sick of the White Witch? We've had two films (PC and VDT) where the White Witch was advertised in posters and trailers quite heavily even though she had minimal cameos in each one. By having a movie with her in it again, will the average moviegoer just disregard MN this time as yet another third trick to get them into the theater?
I, for one, feel it would benefit the franchise more story-wise if SC was the next film, then MN after that. There's continuity to consider after several VDT moments (Aslan telling Eustace that he may return to Narnia, setting up Jill Pole briefly, a possible return of the green mist associated with the Lady of the Green Kirtle, completing Caspian's story, etc.)
But I think we've all learned that Hollywood is most concerned with profit and not always the stories themselves. It'll be interesting to see what they choose.
Mary Jane: You know, you're taller than you look.
Peter: I hunch.
Mary Jane: Don't.
It seems like continuity has been such a concern in the past (for example, in the VDT trailers when Peter and Susan were advertised along with the White Witch so that moviegoers would see characters they knew), that I'm surprised that the filmmakers may go for MN after all. Sure, it will have the White Witch in it, but I agree with Skilletdude on this point. Whoever I talk to (on the White Witch appearing in PC or VDT), nobody really likes it much -- although the people I'm talking about have read the books.
Perhaps it will be different if in the trailer, Jadis is actually seen doing things, rather than tempting people from a wall of ice or smoke as she has done in the last two movies.
Perry Moore told his family he’d secured financing for another Narnia movie, “The Magician’s Nephew.”
Wow. I, for one, did not see this coming.
Apparently my continuous hints (example ) over the past few months about certain higher-ups in the production wanting to make MN next instead of SC went unnoticed.
Ah well.
1. Will the movie still be made now that Perry Moore has passed on?
I do not want to downplay Perry's role, but I don't think we fans will see any direct impact whatsoever in the Narnia movies.
Similar to when Cary Granat left Walden Media.
2. Would a new producer still want to make MN next?
Um, as I said above, there are certain higher-ups (plural) who want to do MN next. Perry was not the only one. So I suspect either Perry will not be replaced at all (there are plenty of producers on this film already) or a producer who is on board with the current wishes of said higher-ups will be hired.
3. What does this mean for a SC adaptation?
It means that IF MN is filmed next, and unless the very unlikely rumor that SC and MN will be filmed at both times comes true, then you're going to have to wait for SC.
I had a thought while I was showering...
Seeing as The Magician's Nephew is closely linked to The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, I wonder if Fox/Walden would invite Andrew Adamson to return.
If they must continue the franchise, I would rather see a SC movie for the simple fact that with that source material they have no excuses for drastic plot deviation. MN is not the stuff of epic fantasy films. It is a quieter film, more focused on exploration and character development. The closest thing there is to a battle is the scuffle between the policemen and Jadis and the Charn flashbacks. So basically, there's a lot more potential for it to be ruined than SC.
Um Booky, wouldn't the changes to VDT be their excuse for a "drastic" plot change to SC? I agree though that MN doesn't fit the standard fantasy formula, but if everyone is excited to do it...maybe they'll respect the source material more.
Oh I'd love to see Adamson back Nothing against Apted, I just like Adamsons movies
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I would hate if they didn't learn from their mistakes and continued the plot changes from VDT into SC. With the bad reviews they received I wouldn't think it wise for them to continue mangling SC with leftover green mist ideas.
Signature by Ithilwen/Avatar by Djaq
Member of the Will Poulter is Eustace club
Great Transformations-Eustace Scrubb