I don't think there is a thread dedicated to this, so if there is then I apologize. How does everyone feel that the Dufflepuds CGI was executed. When trailer 1 came out I was almost horrified by it.. it seemed so unrefined. But upon the release of the movie I was pleasantly surprised that the characters were much improved on a technical level...even Apted himself stated that a disproportionate amount of the budget was spent on them. Thoughts?
your fellow Telmarine
Unlike Smokey J, which looked like it was created with Microsoft Paint, the Dufflepuds were done fairly decently. They were certainly the most realistic CGI creatures in the movie.
I really, really, really did not like the Dufflepuds. I think they looked really cheap. They look like they're puffs of air bouncing on balloons. They could have been done much better. Like this, they looked like they stepped out of a cartoon.
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RL sibling to De_De and wild rose
I chose - "A Bit Disappointed. I felt they could have done a better job."
My negative reaction to their appearance correlates with my disappointment in how much time was spent on them. Mainly I wish that there had been more time on them, delving into their culture, and enjoying their ridiculousness a little. If they'd looked how they did but we'd gotten to know them, play with them a little more, I wouldn't have minded the CGI look.
"Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning." -C.S. Lewis
Wonderful! They weren't like I imagined them, but they were much better.
Smokey J!
I thought the Dufflepuds looked great but the akwardness of their animation really frustrated me. I guess one-footed creatures would get around like that but it still looks ridiculous on-screen.
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"Pretty Good. It did not detract from the movie."
One of the more difficult effects to pull off, and it looked pretty good. Actually, I suspect that a big factor is that they were seen in a very fakey looking environment, making them look more real in comparison.
If we're judging on CGI only, I thought they were pretty good. I'm seeing some people in here thinking they looked ridiculous, but I felt they walked straight out of the book. I mean, Lewis MEANT for them to look, and be, ridiculous.
I would have liked to see them paddle around in the ocean using their foot as a boat though.
they were wonderful! I was VERY impressed and they were so funny!
the effects on the Duffers was, IMO, flawless! they never took me out of the movie in any way!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I thought they were "Pretty good and did not distract from the movie" as far as the CGI goes. Didn't see enough of them though I thought but then that's a matter for another thread
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I would have liked to see them paddle around in the ocean using their foot as a boat though.
I was hoping for that to be in the movie...before it came out. (Would not have minded the dinner scene either: while they were still invisible but with the cups and plates and bowls hopping up and down and spilling over. )
But I did vote for the "Pretty Good" option. They did look and act and bounce and even sound somewhat as I had imagined from reading the book. Good job done here.
There is definitely no "a" in definite.
The Mind earns by doing; the Heart earns by trying.
I was disapointed I didn't like the dufflepuds at all they looked nothing like I imagined them, when I read the book I thought they had a foot like a mushroom, and because of that they could paddle, and I thought them to look foolish but not so wild and rough and dirty....maybe they were but I didn't like how they where portrayed in the movie, they looked like something I would want to run away from, if I was Lucy in the book and saw the dufflepuds appear I woudn't be delighted, I would be quite...suprised, but not in the pleasant way. They are supposed to be loveable creatures....I can't exactly call them 'loveable' in the movie
always be humble and kind
They were pretty decent I've seen better and worse.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I voted for Pretty Good. I have no complaints about it. I honestly cannot think of anything that I would change about it.
Having known what mono-pods were beore I read Narnia (but I don't recall why) I was impressed at well they were adapted.
memento mori