Movie: Robin Hood
Worldwide: $321,669,730
Budget $200 million
Category: Not as Bad as Their Reputations
Movie: Among the Big Botches of 2010
Excuses made for the former and another dump on Narnia post. Sounds like typical BOM to me.
At least VDT will finally reach $100 million by Sunday here in the USA. And it had the best daily percentage (+12.1%) bump of any of the top 15 movies. BOM Daily Link
There is definitely no "a" in definite.
The Mind earns by doing; the Heart earns by trying.
His justification of making VDT a flop by using box office numbers secondary doesn't work either. One has only to look as box office online buzz tracking, on ... VDT positive buzz was relatively lacking until the movie was released. Once it debuted, it had a steadily increasing positive online buzz until it culminated at an astouding 61% positive buzz online on Christmas weekend..the last weekend VDT was tracked as a 'new movie'. This is higher than average positive buzz as well as having a very low negative % buzz. Let me also mention that negative buzz began steadily decreasing once VDT was released.
your fellow Telmarine
Still at $99,000,000 domestic today....
Friday: $223,542 (+70%)
(Weekend: $988,056)That would put its total at $100,254,486.
With takings of:
Friday: $310,000 (+135.8%)
for a domestic gross of $99,576,000
We're ahead of American Eagle's estimates!
569 theaters. That's how many Narnia is losing this weekend.
That sounds pretty good. What do you experts think, though?
"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
avi by Flambeau
The important thing is, that we who support the Narnia films, and who want the Silver Chair to be made, continue to support the VDT film!! See it several times, recommend it to people, write on the internet, facebook etc.
I'm thrilled that VDT will probably get to the 100 million dollar mark this weekend!! That's great!! And hopefully it'll go higher.
Good job, fellow Narnia fans in the US!!
The rest of us will continue to support the film worldwide.
Together we can do this!
It's practically guaranteed that VDT will reach $100 million with Saturday's number alone.
VDT rising 135% is great and all, but LWW rose 173% the same day.
Yeah, Dawn Treader should reach the $100 million mark today.
VDT rising 135% is great and all, but LWW rose 173% the same day.
Comparing day 42 to 43, the per theater average would put VDT at +255% (rounded) with Thursday = $77 and Friday = $273. LWW was +219% (rounded) with Thursday = $164 and Friday = $523 per theater.
LWW did lose 469 theaters but was still in 2,757. And was, needless to say, performing at a higher level than VDT. But at least VDT has made a comeback from its poor start.
BOM LWW Daily link
BOM VDT Daily link
There is definitely no "a" in definite.
The Mind earns by doing; the Heart earns by trying.
The fact that it is so close to $100 and yet not there yet is annoying me. I've always hated getting a 79% or 89% or 99% as a mark. I hope it can do a little better than $100 though.
I'm just curious: how much do you think DVD sales will bring in? I'm not familiar with how much is to be expected in DVD sales for a movie like VDT (or any movie in fact .) Is anyone out there a little more knowledgeable about this?
Signature by daughter of the King; Avatar by Adeona
-Thanks :]
Keeper of the Secret Magic
For DVD sales, here's a good place to start:
Could be anywhere between 50 and 90 million.
For a comparison,
LWW = $352,798,177
PC = $78,255,395
If it does anything like PC, even if it were to make nothing more in theaters, I think that would put it into the profit. Of course, that is an if - it might be more like 52 million if it follows the domestic market. But I'm not an expert.
Do DVD sales include libraries and schools purchasing them? Or only individuals buying them at retail stores?
Domestic: $100,616,000 Nice to see it finally over the 100 million $
Domestic: $100,616,000 Nice to see it finally over the 100 million $
We did it! BOM is projecting $1,350,000 for the weekend! I wasn't even expecting $1M!
I wasn't even expecting $1M!
Really? That would have been a 70% week-to-week drop.
It reached $100 million!!!!