We all have these, the ones that were just silly, cheesy or are just plain annoying.
I'll start out with the classic ones from PC.
"BBBRRRAAACCCEEEE YYYYOOOUUURRSEEELLVVVESSS" - This one is really annoying because of the slow motion and how long it was drug out.
And of course, it wouldn't be a terrible quote thread without the "I am Prince Caspian" line from the trailers, While it was never spoken with in the movie, but it's still the defining line of PC.
If you ain't first, you're last.
Yeah I agree that the "BRACCEEE YOUUURRSSELLVES" line can come across annoying. It sort of sticks out like a sore thumb, but for me it's only because of the slow mode, otherwise it would have turned out fine.
I don't know why but the conversation between Lucy and Gael right before the blue star appears, has always bugged me.
I think it comes across as to scripted to me.
I know there is another one, but I can't think of it.
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
Oh! Oh! I know what one of the worst quotes is!
King Caspian: "Behold our castaways! High King and Queen of Narnia!"
What. Did the filmmakers take complete leave of their senses?
Other then that little gem... Caspian's whole "Did you kill my father?!" rant in PC was way too Princess Bride, but I'm not sure how that could have been avoided!
Also, in VDT when Lucy says to Reepicheep "Do you really think there's such a place?" about Aslan's Country. Queen Lucy of Narnia would know there is!
"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
avi by Flambeau
Also, in VDT when Lucy says to Reepicheep "Do you really think there's such a place?" about Aslan's Country. Queen Lucy of Narnia would know there is!
Ugh, yes! And Lucy is supposed to be the one who believes in Aslan the most!
Also, the quote where Reepicheep says he hopes he can somehow "earn" the right to see Aslan's country. Even worse, when Aslan says Reepicheep deserves to see Aslan's Country! *headdesk* No one deserves that. That's the whole point to the story...
Also, in VDT when Lucy says to Reepicheep "Do you really think there's such a place?" about Aslan's Country. Queen Lucy of Narnia would know there is!
Ugh, yes! And Lucy is supposed to be the one who believes in Aslan the most!
Also, the quote where Reepicheep says he hopes he can somehow "earn" the right to see Aslan's country. Even worse, when Aslan says Reepicheep deserves to see Aslan's Country! *headdesk* No one deserves that. That's the whole point to the story...
Joins Ithilwen in *headdesk* I would have wrote that down but I was thinking more about cheesy quotes instead of quotes that contradicted the book (my post would have been much longer ), but again I think it goes back to the overall writing and plot.
*Shakes head and tries to forget about it*
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
Some people might think I'm really odd because of this... ... But there's this one quote that has always bugged me since the first moment I saw it.
It's in LWW, when Edmund and Tumnus are in the prison. And Jadis says, "You're here because *he* turned you in... for sweeties."
I don't know. It was such a dramatic scene and atmosphere. And then she says the word "sweeties". I know a lot of people use that word for candies and such. It just seems like there could have been a better term to use other than that one. Something that would have spoiled the atmosphere less...
... Or maybe I'm just imagining it all.
It's in LWW, when Edmund and Tumnus are in the prison. And Jadis says, "You're here because *he* turned you in... for sweeties."
I was never bugged by her saying that.
For me When she said it, it was to put down Edmund and make him out to be a little child who only wanted his candy and didn't know what he was doing.
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
Caspian: You are most beautiful.
Lilliandil: If it is a distraction for you, I can change--
Caspian and Edmund: NO!
...*headdesks* Way to ruin the mysterious feel and the character of or two kings (not to mention make Caspian's future relationship with his queen look extraordinarily shallow), filmmakers.
In PC when Reepicheep says, "Yes! And throw them at the Telmarines! SHUT UP!" it seemed really out of character. I admit that it was funny, but it seemed to go against Reep's honor and chivalry. I just really don't like that line.
The quote that has really been bothering me is "extraordinary things happen to extraordinary people". That goes against the spirit of all seven of the books. They are all about ordinary children that develop and grow so they can rise to the challenge at hand. Because they are ordinary, their actions seem even more extraordinary. A fine example of the ordinary becoming extraordinary is Shasta in HHB. He has no real reason to help Narnia or Archenland, but he suffers through many trials to get the message and eventually save both countries. It is only after he, the ordinary person, performs these extraordinary acts, that he discovers he is special as the prince of Archenland.
I also didn't like "You might need to call me again." YOU MIGHT NEED TO CALL ME AGAIN?? really????
The "BRAAAAACCCCEEE YOUUUUURRSEEEELLLLVES!!" really annoyed me, along with most of the other quotes posted here.
Edmund's, "So, if there are no wars to fight, then why are we here?" when they're on the Dawn Treader frustrated me. It was one of those 'seriously?!' moments for me.
Reepicheep's, "Unhand the tail. Aslan the Great gave me this tail and no one, repeat, no one, touches the tail. Period, exclamation mark!" I understand that Aslan gave him the tail, but really? Period, exclamation mark? I was rolling my eyes in theaters.
Those were the two that first came to mind.
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"We did it!" -Lucy from VDT
Augh! Humanism! Must I say anymore? This goes completely against a quote Lucy even says in PC.
"We did it!" -Lucy from VDT
Ooooh yes. DX I completely forgot about that line... that, combined with the albatross doing its appear-disappear act, had me bashing my head against the back of the theater chair. :/ Talk about getting your theology mixed from movie to movie...
The condensed list of the ones I truly don't like:
"Brace Yourselves."
"It wouldn't have worked out. You are two thousand (?) years older than me, after all."
- Susan to Caspian or Caspian to Susan. Forgot the exact thing.
"Yes, and throw them at the Telemarines! Shut up." -- Reepicheep to Patterwig.
... what a rude, ignoble, and un-Reepicheep like thing to say. What a way to demean Reep's character.
"We did it. I knew we could." - Lucy, after saying "Aslan, please help us."
I agree with Adeona on Lucy's asking Reep if there was really a place such as Aslan's Country.
Thanks to glumPuddle, Drinian's "Pure evil" makes me laugh. Although that could possibly get off topic to lines that I found funny.
I don't know. It was such a dramatic scene and atmosphere. And then she says the word "sweeties". I know a lot of people use that word for candies and such. It just seems like there could have been a better term to use other than that one. Something that would have spoiled the atmosphere less...
Now that you mention it, I see that. It doesn't bother me too much, but now I'm not going to be able to watch that with a straight face.
Caspian: You are most beautiful.
Lilliandil: If it is a distraction for you, I can change--
Caspian and Edmund: NO!...*headdesks* Way to ruin the mysterious feel and the character of or two kings (not to mention make Caspian's future relationship with his queen look extraordinarily shallow), filmmakers.
Mhhhhmm. Couldn't agree with this more.
A lot of the humour in VDT was far too todayish, but even then, they were the kind of jokes that get no more than a couple polite smiles from people. The "period, exclamation mark!" remark falls in this category. If it was there, "period" should have been "full-stop" at the very least to be accurate.
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
"Yes, and throw them at the Telemarines! Shut up." -- Reepicheep to Patterwig.
... what a rude, ignoble, and un-Reepicheep like thing to say. What a way to demean Reep's character.
Huh, I'd never thought of it that way... Reepicheep was a bit arrogant in book PC, I think, but I suppose it was a bit ignoble of the most noble of mice. :/
A lot of the humour in VDT was far too todayish, but even then, they were the kind of jokes that get no more than a couple polite smiles from people. The "period, exclamation mark!" remark falls in this category. If it was there, "period" should have been "full-stop" at the very least to be accurate.
Again, very good point--I hadn't thought about the "period" line until now. I suppose they might've thought American audiences wouldn't understand it (...and unfortunately, in most cases that'd be true), but that didn't stop them from calling flashlights torches, so... "Bother Eustace."
"Yes, and throw them at the Telemarines! Shut up." -- Reepicheep to Patterwig.
... what a rude, ignoble, and un-Reepicheep like thing to say. What a way to demean Reep's character.
Actually the reason I hate that line is because of the numerous times squirrels have nearly dropped pine cones on my head... I swear they do it on purpose... I found it slightly ironic, because that's exactly how I could see a Narnian squirrel fighting... and winning.
I also think that part was a little over the top for Reepicheep, but I agree with Badger, Reepicheep did not learn to be humble until the end of PC, he was still arrogant in the book. I just don't think he would have been so sarcastic.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down