I really really want Walden Media to please make MN next. It seems that WM doesn't really have any contact info in which people like me can contact them and express our desires on what gets made next. Does anyone have any idea whom, or how, to contact someone of relevance, to express our opinions to??
For those who may not be happy that I want MN next.....I love ALL of the narnia stories with a passion like nothing else. However, when I read LWW and MN I was so immersed in the story, the explanations, the creation of Narnia, the magic rings, the imagery of the fallen city, the bell, the tree, the wardrobe, I could go on....I was addicted so bad I never wanted the story to end. Something about it. MN would look so awesome translated into film with todays special FX technologies. It's begging to be made into a cinematic masterpiece and I just can't wait
As far as I know MN is being made next. That is, if another Narnia movie is to be made at all.
I don't have any direct contact information, but just posting here and participating in polls usually lets them know your opinion. The filmmakers are familiar with NarniaWeb.
Welcome to the site, by the way! MN is my favorite too.
Welcome to NW, fyrworks23!
I wish there was a way to ask or find out what the filmmakers are currently contemplating or working on in regards to MN or maybe still SC, however it's pretty much up to them to inform websites like us about their decisions. It seems quite clear though, that the filmmakers have been leaning to making MN and it would be amazing if that were to be true. As you said, I would love to see all of the Narnia movies left in the series to be adapted into films, but even having one more would be spectacular already! MN is absolutely one of my favorites, being that it holds the very creation of Narnia...the very core of what Narnia is.
My only worry though about MN being made next, is that I somehow just don't see them being able to make the rest of the Chronicles into films after that. In the eyes of the general public, it seems that it would be too confusing going back into the future of Narnia past all of the stories we've already seen. I also wish that we could see Will Poulter reprise his superb role as Eustace before he grows too old.
I do think that if the filmmakers decide they will make only one more Narnia movie, that it should definitely be MN! But, whatever film they might choose, (if they continue the series), I will be very happy to know that we get another!
We have nothing, if not belief.
—C.S. Lewis
I agree with you fyrworks23! To be honest I had an email to Walden's main office during the time I was sending in my resume and auditions for Ramandu's daughter. I misplaced the email after moving twice in the last two years. But like Ithilwen said a lot of the production team will look over some of these forums because narniaweb is very popular.
I want Magician's nephew too and I don't think audiences will be confused in the story as long as they explain in the trailer that the film is going back to how Narnia began. I believe it work since the Pevensie's stories are over and movie goers thought they were the main characters to begin with. i think it is a perfect time to release this story.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
I don't believe that the fans can really make Walden/Fox decide what film to do next. Making a movie, even just getting a green light is a long process. All we can do is just go with the flow. If there is a sudden turn in production, like The Silver Chair is the chosen book to adapt next, there are always going to be fans that are unhappy. If The Magician's Nephew is done next, I won't be completely happy, but I won't complain. If Walden feels that's what's right, I'll get over it.
One of the best ways to contact Walden Media(that's who I would choose since they are the ones who make the films, not Fox) is via their Facebook page. They even stated that if you have a question. they will certainly see it and may answer it.
Hope this helps!
^ Yeah their facebook page could work as well. It's just I don't think movie productions will take peoples suggestions and concerns seriously unless if you are a part or The Writers Guild of America or some other industry. But it's still worth a shot.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
One of the best ways to contact Walden Media(that's who I would choose since they are the ones who make the films, not Fox) is via their Facebook page. They even stated that if you have a question. they will certainly see it and may answer it.
Most people have a representative to answer questions on Facebook. I'm sure Walden does too. I doubt any of the actual filmmakers are on there doing Q and A's.
Well that does make sense Ithy... after all it's not just Narnia they're involved with, and they have a separate crew of filmmakers for each movie.
I'm afraid outside of the suggestions already stated I can't help you more than that.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Write them a letter...with a check for $200,000,000. That would help.
If they must make a fourth Narnia film, they should follow Lewis' lead and make The Silver Chair. Even if it ended up being a bad movie, at least two things would happen: 1) Awareness of the original publication order would be raised even more. 2) Maybe the silly LotGK=WW would finally die out if Tilda was not cast.
But Walden is more concerned about telling the right $tory than telling the right story. So we can fully expect to see MN next (if we see another film at all).
I think they know we want another Narnia fim just from looking at NW. And we know they look at NW because isn't it obvious that they steal ideas from NW April Fools jokes? I bet if we ALL sent in like $10 they would be convinced.
Well i don't want them to make MN next.
There are no clouds in the sky. There is only the open sun and the Lord watches.