So which island do you think the filmmakers translated best onto the screen? I purposely left off the edge of Aslan's Country because I don't really consider that an island.
Check out "The Magician's Nephew" and "The Last Battle" trailers I created!
Oh gosh, this is a tough one. There are things about every single island that I really didn't like. xD
I'd have to say Deathwater/Dragon Island. It was the only island that wasn't significantly marred/warped by the green mist subplot.
Hm, this is a hard question to answer! I'll also have to go with Goldwater/Dragon Island. The two islands were merged together, but it seemed to work well and the two moments were not quite the same as the book, but still closer to it than other islands. This is me saying this pretending that the green mist wasn't there.
I agree with Goldwater/Dragon Island. The green mist was pretty subtle during these scenes. And I liked how they portrayed the characters... The tension between Ed/Caspian, Eustace's greed, Edmund being regretful about not being with Eustace...
Deathwater, definitely. I felt like it was closest to the book, and it worked really well on screen. If I was just going for the Island that was the most visually pleasing, though, I would have to say Magician's Island. But Deathwater was the best when it comes to story line, graphics, scenery, etc. all put together. Two thumbs up!
Member of the Dragon Lovers Club. PM FrecklefaceJill to join.
I would say Deathwater, since it is I think the longest episode besides the DI and also the closest to the book.
wow, that's a hard choice! I love them all!
but I have to say that I like Dark Island best because that's the most epic part of the movie and I love drama! the more drama the better!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Um uh...well I was about to say Ramandu's Island, but then I thought about it and started swinging toward Goldwater, but then looking at the choices I started thinking the Lone Islands, and then I thought a little bit about the Magician's Island, and now I'm leaning toward and away from Dark Island. Oh forget it! I won't vote- I liked them all the same.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Ramandu's island. Lilliandil is wonderful.
Honorable mention goes to Coriakin's island- but that is because of Coriakin, not because of the Dufflepuds.
Aslan's Country should not really count.