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[Closed] Best and worst adapted scenes in the first two movies

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NarniaWeb Junkie

One scene I'm surprised no one mentioned, was the crucifiction of Aslan in the LWW movie. Regardless on what you thought they did to his character, the scene was beautifully done and intense without being overly bloody.

Winter Is Coming

Posted : September 8, 2009 3:41 pm
NarniaWeb Junkie

The way that they handled the scene in PC where the white witch is almost conjured back to life. I thought they did a good job of showing externalizing the struggle that in the book is more internal.

"Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning." -C.S. Lewis

Posted : September 8, 2009 8:26 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

Right, the book never says "And Lucy saw Aslan." All we know is that Lucy claims she saw Aslan. So we're in the same boat as Peter; we have to decide if she really did see him. It is good that they did not actually show Aslan. That would have been a HUGE change.

PC is an extremely uncinematic book, and this is just one good example. I think there's primarily one person to blame for this scene not working very well in the movie: C.S. Lewis. One of the things I actually like about the Narnia books is that Lewis tells them in a way that only really works well in a BOOK. The filmmakers should try to create a movie version of the story that captured the important ideas, but I'm not sure it's possible to totally capture on film what makes the Narnia books special.

Overall, I am quite pleased with how the filmmakers handled this scene. The idea of Lucy seeing Aslan didn't work as well, but a lot of the character stuff that went along with it did. I liked seeing Peter's internal struggle. "Why wouldn't I have seen him?"

This scene is the answer to one of the big questions in PC that many viewers seemed to consider a "plot hole." Where was Aslan for 1300 years? Lucy gives us the answer when she answers Peter's question. "Maybe you weren't looking." It's a character journey. They are brought to Narnia to work through things. In Peter's case, humility. To then say "But how could Aslan let all those people die??" is to completely miss the point of the story. It's irrelevant.

I think you are right, and I think they handled it as well as they could, and I like it that they stick to the book, as uncinematic as it is! But still, there is some part of me that doesn't like the moment were Lucy says:"It's Aslan!" The problem is I cannot really tell why, because it i directly from the book and I normally love that. Maybe it is the way Georgie brings it? Aldo I love Georgie's performance in the movies, so I don't tin that is such a good argument. So I cannot say why, but I don't really like the line. I still think it doesn't work's as well in the movie as in the book.

That's were you and I are different, I guess.

Oh, I too love the line: maybe you weren't looking :D

click the image.

Topic starter Posted : September 10, 2009 7:36 am
NarniaWeb Regular

The Best adapted From LWW, was Lucy Meets Mr. Tumnus, one of the most magical, Sweet Moments ever Captured on Film, and My Favorite part of LWW, (that and Edmund Destroying the Witch's Wand) the whole scene of Lucy entering Narnia really. and the Wardrobe scene

Mr. Tumnus Playing his Flute thing for Lucy very Magical, and even a little scary.

The Scene just Before the Battle was perfect, when they are running towards each other and all you can hear is their heartbeats.

Edmund following Lucy into Narnia and Meeting Jadis was done very well

Edmund at the Witch's Castle was Very done very well.

Edmund and Tumnus at the Witch's Castle was a nice touch to the story.

Aslan Breathing On Tumnus to turn him back to normal. it was very cool. (expect after he did tumnus the others he turned back, seemed to turn a lot quicker loL!)

like I said Edmund Edmund Destroying the Witch's Wand, it was amazing

Aslan Death, it was Heartbreaking It cried like the first 3 or 4 times I saw that part.

Peter was a little to much of a grouch toward Edmund. (but nothing compared to him in in PC *cringe*)

I thought Mr.Tumnus Needed to Cry harder like he did in the book it said he cried so hard that he was squeezing the Handkerchief out form being soaked with tears, and way it was written, was actually quite comical.

The Way Peter killed Morgrom was all wrong, they made him look like a coward the way it happened. and it didn't look very well visually either.

I liked the River Scene, even though it wasn't in the book, it added so Action to the story without tinkering with it.

Susan and Lucy Riding Aslan was maybe the biggest disappointment of the whole movie, in the book it made it sound so magnificent, so fun, you could feel yourself ridding Aslan, and when Aslan jumped over to the Witch's Castle (which I believe didn't appear in the film at all) I had the Perfect Image of that in my head. it could have been visually the best part of the movie, but instead you see them ridding him for like to seconds and they don't even look like they are enjoying it.

Aslan Coming back to Life could have been a little more dramatic (Not that it was done "bad" I just think it could have been done a little better.)

I wish they would have kept the scene of Aslan and the Girls running though the Castle finding other Narnians to turn back well unstoneinize
and preparing to go to the battle. :p (which was kind of in the movie but it was a lot shorter.

some of the dialog was done poorly and too modernized. and some of the humor was kind of cheesy, should have just kept with the book on most of the lines.

The Added beginning was a done well and added tension to the the story, and drew you in right away.

oh yeah, and them as Adults at the End finding their way back to Our World was done very well too.

but they were overall very true to the story of the book, and most of my Cons for the Film are Minor. and left very little out which is always a good thing, and I grateful for that.

I'll do Prince Caspian Later there's a lot more to complain about and it would take forever. :p

Posted : September 10, 2009 6:33 pm
NarniaWeb Junkie

The Blitz/Evacuating London:PROS very well done. I was thinking the children would just have a scene where, maybe, Edmund, brought up the topic of the air raids and leaving their home, but, I loved how they did it.
Through the Wardrobe: PROS Lucy was very well portrayed.
Turkish Delight: PROS Very convincing scene. Tilda was perfect as the WW, and Skandar portrayed Edmund exactly as I imagined.
Narnian Lullaby: I didn't expect it to be a lullaby, as it said in the book, that it made Lucy want to laugh, and dance, and cry: I wouldn't laugh if Mr. Tumnus played the Narnian lullaby. I would just fall asleep. But I like what Harry-Gregson Williams did with it.
Say you're Sorry! I thought the tension between the family was very well portrayed, before this scene and during it. CON Although I think Lucy was a little out of character when she said, "That's alright. Some little children don't know when to stop pretending."
The Beavers Mr. Beaver was perfectly cast, and acted exactly how I thought he would.
Edmund Leaves: PROS I loved how the set was made with the staues, CON but I thought he left at the wrong time. If he left when the movie implied that he left, he wouldn't have gotten the information that he later gave to the White Witch.
No More Ice: CONS AGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHH! Ok, well, I thought this wasn't good AT ALL. I really was annoyed by the, "What have you done?" and the part with Peter and the wolf.
Aslan's Sacrifice: PROS They did an excellent job of showing him leaving. They did great at the Stone Table. CON Although this was funny, I was a little bothered by Ginarrbrik clapping to the rhythm near Aslan's death. That just made my friends and I laugh, when we're supposed to be watching a very serious moment.
The Battle: PRO I loved how they filmed it. Very good scenery, and good strategies.
The Coronation: PROS Loved the set, CONS but wanted to see all of the children realizing that Aslan left.
Blundering back through the Wardrobe: PROS Loved Professor Kirke's line, and Can't Take It In's timing was perfect.

I'll do PC on another post.

Posted : September 11, 2009 2:43 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

oh boy. :)

I don't think I have any particular scene in either movie that I just didn't like. I like the ideas of just about everything added in both, they just didn't all seem to fit right, they seemed jumpy. Or maybe it's just because I've read the books backwards and forwards and know every little detail. It would be interesting to watch both movies having no prior knowledge of the stories.

In LWW I loved when Lucy first entered the wardrobe. Magic, pure and simple. When she blinked the snowflakes on her lashes, ahhhh. Gorgeous. And when the girls wake up on the Stone Table, and then turn and see Aslan, that was very well done. All the witch's scene were great, and when the wolves show up to start the chase was cool, Edmund's face especially.

I didn't really like Maulgrim's scenes: his voice was a little weird, and didn't seem quite real. And the only one of the witch's scenes that didn't quite ring true was when she screamed at Edmund: somehow it just didn't click. It was better on subsequent viewings than the very first.

In PC I thought the night raid was good. And while Peter was a jerk, I can see the reasoning behind it and thought the struggle between him and Caspian, though not in the book, was pretty good. The duel was fantastic except for the slowmo and Peter's random noises. I'm sorry, I could have done without that. :p Edmund was just pure genius throughout, I love his scenes. And Susan was awesome, though again not in the book. :p The kiss, though "evil", was cute. :)

avy by narniagirl90

Posted : September 14, 2009 10:53 am
NarniaWeb Junkie

The duel was fantastic except for the slowmo and Peter's random noises. I'm sorry, I could have done without that. :p Edmund was just pure genius throughout, I love his scenes.

We could have definitely done without Peter's random noises. And the slowmo- HORRIBLE
Edmund was definitely pure genius.

Prince Caspian:
Prince Caspian Flees: PROSVery intruiging introduction. CONS: Not well explained. My buddy was clueless and said, "Wait, why is he leaving? Is he allergic to babies or something?"
Return to Narnia:PROS Very good Cair Paravel scenery. Looked very royal. CONS: Yes, they are clever, but they figured out that it was Cair Paravel, in, maybe the span of 3 minutes. And I didn't expect the train station's disappearance to be so physical. Plus their "ow"s weren't very convincing. Only Edmund's facial expression was convincing, IMO.
Saving Trumpkin: PROS I loved how he was saved. CONS: I expected Trumpkin a little more cheery.

Oops, I have to finish later. All for now!

Posted : September 14, 2009 11:30 am
NarniaWeb Nut

You know, I think the main reason we don't like certain scenes is because it's not how we pictured it in our heads. We read the books and think of a scene one way, another person imagines it another, the filmmakers imagine it another, and so when the finished result is different from our pre-conceived ideas of it, it's disappointing. I think I'm going to try to not think about VDT at all and see how the finished result looks from an unbiased viewpoint. Like an experiment :p

"Not well explained. My buddy was clueless and said, "Wait, why is he leaving? Is he allergic to babies or something?"

Yeah, that was in issue throughout much of PC I think. We know what is happening because we've read the books, but the casual viewer is going to be a little lost. Though I don't know how they could have remedied it.

avy by narniagirl90

Posted : September 15, 2009 7:44 am
NarniaWeb Regular

LWW: I thought that the whole movie was great, and I really liked how they did the scene in which Aslan dies. I thought it was done very well, how it made me almost cry. :(( I loved the battle scenes too. Great moments!
PC: I was more dissatisfied with this film, since it felt like it didn't fit together with LWW very much. The Susan-Caspian thing was NOT needed. Yuck! We didn't see enough of Edmund in PC, especially how much he had changed! They didn't show how he stuck up for Lucy either when she said she saw Aslan. And the battle was tooooooo looong.

May the force be with you!
I LOVE Pixar & Disneyland!!!!

Posted : September 23, 2009 10:46 am
daughter of the King
Princess Dot Moderator

Best of LWW:
Lucy's first time through the Wardrobe and meeting Mr. Tumnus. The magic was beautifully captured and Tumnus was just right, being both friendly but still knowing he has to kidnap Lucy.
Turkish Delight. The White Witch is perfect in this scene. She's nice to Edmund to begin with, but then she snaps at him so we know she didn't really mean any of it.
The Stone Table: Not quite as wild as I imagined it, but excellently done. The evilness of what the White Witch was doing really came through.
Balcony: I know, it's not in the book, but it was a sweet way to end. And it sets up the audience perfectly for Lucy being the first to see Aslan the next time.

Worst of LWW:
Tumnus in the dungeon: Great character moment for Edmund, lousy portrayal of the White Witch. Why would she keep Tumnus around in a block of ice? She has no more use for him. Why wouldn't he have been turned to stone the moment he was forced through the gate?
Father Christmas: Instead of Aslan destroying the Witch's winter, the Pevensies broke the spell by bringing hope. I'm okay with the kids bringing hope, but they really took away from Aslan.
Waterfall: It was cheesy. And pointless. This scene did not add anything to the characters. They just stood there and argued until the waterfall came crashing down.
Resurrection: It fell flat. I think there wasn't enough emotional attachment to Aslan before he got killed off, so it wasn't a powerful, awe-filled moment when he came back to life.
I liked the Beavers.
I did not like the way the Deep Magic sounded like the Force. And there was no mention of the-Emperor-over-the-sea.
I'll do PC later.

Narniaweb sister to Pattertwig's Pal

Posted : September 25, 2009 4:01 pm
Talking Rat
NarniaWeb Regular

I'm just going to stick with PC:

I LOVED the duel between Caspian and Miraz! I thought it really got across the intensity of the situation.

When the trees came alive, I almost started crying-- it was just awesome! :)

I didn't really like the scene where they find out they are at Cair Paravel. It just didn't really seem to hit them quite right... don't really know how to explain it.

But I thought the scene where they find their old treasures was beautiful! :)

He's not a tame lion, but he's good.
Av by hyaline12

Posted : January 6, 2010 4:38 am
Lucy P.
NarniaWeb Nut

For Prince Caspian:


I really liked the scene in which the Pevensies discover Cair Paravel. From the apple trees to the treasure trove, everything was beautiful! I think it's a good example of how a scene can be made cinematic without deviating from the book.

I liked the night raid too, which is not so much an adaptation as an addition. It's strange that I welcomed the scene more than the scenes that were actually in the book-- most people did, I think.


Why was Lucy's dream set in the daylight? A night-time vision would be much more mystical and magical.

Compared the night raid, the ending battle was underwhelming. To point out one issue, why do the roots of the trees shoot out for a mile? Trees have roots as long as they are tall, they don't have Mr. Fantastic limbs.

As for the rest, I pretty much have the same cons as everyone else.
I know the magic is supposed to be gone, but somehow the movie failed to capture Narnia.

For LWW:


The bombing scene was an exciting introduction.

The scene in which Lucy discovers Narnia is p-e-r-f-e-c-t.

So is the White Witch tempting Edmund.

I agree with Josh about the sacrificial scene. It's very frightening without being gory, just like the book.


Peter held his sword all wrong, especially in the ice river scene, which I actually like aside from that.

They omitted the bit with Aslan telling Peter to wipe his sword!

We really didn't get much a sense of the vastness of Narnia. When the armies gather, we have no idea where they all come from.

Other than those and a few other trivial things, I think LWW was right-on for most scenes. :)

Quod Erat Demonstrandum

Posted : January 6, 2010 6:08 am
NarniaWeb Junkie

The best: When Lucy first meets the wardrobe. That was really well done. Also the scene where Caspian is fleeing was amazing even though it was a little different from the book. The coronation of LWW was really cool too.

The worst: Well actually, in my mind the only 'bad' scenes were the ones that weren't in the book (the kiss, the waterfall, Peter's changed character in PC), so they actually aren't 'adapted' scenes.

So in summary I am impressed with the scenes taken from the book, I thought they were well done.

Posted : January 7, 2010 1:20 pm
The Wandering, Wild & Welcoming Winged Wolf Hospitality Committee

-Best: Caspian Running Away (I really felt for him, although more background would have been nice, the stakes were well set. I also like the link between the wardrobe in LWW and the wardrobe in this scene. The music was also wonderful.)
-Worst: Peter/ Caspian relationship (goes completely against Peter's character in both the books and the previous movie, what's worse is that some of the deleted scenes hint at them making amends but they never appeared in the movie)

-Best: Aslan's sacrifice (Again you grow attached to the character, and they made it scary, but not gory. My favorite part was when his eyes met Lucy's, just as the witch killed him, and the expression on his face was so real)
-Worst: The stone bridge when they were looking at the river (horrible CGI, what's worse is I loved that set, but the background CGI ruined it.)

Other likes- Reepicheep regaining his tail, the river god, both battles, Jadis' character, Lucy's first entrance into Narnia, London bombings

Other dislikes- the kiss, the train station fight, physical impossibilities (esp Peter's flip off the unicorn), the fact that they deleted the fish scene

"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down

Posted : March 30, 2010 3:19 pm
NarniaWeb Fanatic

LWW(Adapted dislikes)-none

PC(Adapted dislikes)- Peter's attitude, Caspian/Susan lust, Night Raid, The Train station, what's with the Susan bashing a nice boy

Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!

Posted : April 3, 2010 11:31 am
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