The purpose of this game is to create a scenario for the next poster to respond to with how they would react.
Poster 1: The next poster is given a box of chocolate chip cookies.
Poster 2: I give them to my coworker; she loves them.
The next poster is lost in a forest.
Poster 3: I find shelter and start putting all my survival skills to use!
The next poster gets asked to go on an adventure.
1. Be creative, but polite.
2. Avoid very specific situations or ones that would require specific knowledge.
3. Remember general forum rules in your questions and answers.
Here we go!
The next poster falls off a boat in the ocean.
Poetry in the moonlight was a dangerous thing.
Thankfully, I had on a life jacket and can swim back to the boat.
The next poster is stuck on a mountaintop.
"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts." ~ C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man
Forum 1.0: 1303 posts
WC: 58
I find an abandoned set of skis and swish to safety.
The next poster found a genie of a lamp.
I would wish for a puppy as cute as the one in @sun-muffin's avatar.
The next poster is called up on stage at a concert and handed the microphone.
I would gulp and hope my stage fright doesn't come through!
The next poster discovered a new species of frog.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I would be excited about naming it... I like naming things.
The next poster became the ruling monarch of Antarctica.
I would become the next White Witch and spend my time building and training my vast and deadly army of... penguins.
The next poster has been transformed into a mermaid (or merman).
"Now you are a lioness," said Aslan. "And now all Narnia will be renewed."
(Prince Caspian)
I would explore the depths and breadths of the oceans...for science!!!
The next poster was thrown back into the midst of the Stone Age.
"I am,” said Aslan. "But there I have another name. You must learn to know me by that name. This was the very reason why you were brought to Narnia, that by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there.”
I'd go and watch them building Stonehenge and find out how they did it.
The next poster has been invited to join the hrossa on a hnakra hunt (see Out of the Silent Planet).
"Now you are a lioness," said Aslan. "And now all Narnia will be renewed."
(Prince Caspian)
I'd be very lost! My language (and anthropology?) skills are not up to the task.
The next poster has created a new dessert.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Oooo. Yum. I must post the pictures on Instagram and get my family to try it!
The next poster has been bequeathed a first edition of LWW.
"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts." ~ C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man
Forum 1.0: 1303 posts
WC: 58
I put it in a display case... I already have one (not 1st edition) I can read! (actually I have 2 :P)
The next poster finds a lost python in their house.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I'd keep it as a pet and call it Monty.
The next poster has won a private dinner with the celebrity of their choice.
"Now you are a lioness," said Aslan. "And now all Narnia will be renewed."
(Prince Caspian)
I would be so excited and awkward I'd probably spill food all over the table or something else awfully embarrassing. But all of my favorite famous people are pretty great, so it would still be okay.
The next poster finds ancient buried treasure while spelunking.
"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
avi by Flambeau
I would be VERY excited and feel like I'd stumbled into a book.
The next poster was entered into a singing competition by a friend.
Poetry in the moonlight was a dangerous thing.