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[Closed] What Do You See?

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NarniaWeb Guru

Football players playing in the Super Bowl..............

You are looking seven posts above the post you are writing right now,what do you see?

Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!

Posted : January 3, 2010 11:10 am
The Pendragon
NarniaWeb Junkie

Your post, Benjamin! :p Something about Eustace & potatoes!

You are in your favorite movie, what do you see?

avatar by Flambeau!

Posted : January 3, 2010 12:17 pm
The Wandering, Wild & Welcoming Winged Wolf Hospitality Committee

You are in a ship what do you see?

"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down

Posted : January 3, 2010 1:32 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

Oh I thought it would go to Some ones else, PenDragon ;))

The Sea!

You are watching your worst movie,what do you see?

Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!

Posted : January 3, 2010 2:16 pm
Glenstorm the Great
NarniaWeb Fanatic

hmm...Jack Black in spandex

you are in an office, wdys?

Posted : January 3, 2010 2:35 pm
NarniaWeb Junkie

A bunch of people sitting at their desks and texting to the guy at the next desk instead of going over and talking to him personally. =))

You are searching for something, what do you see?

Sig by greenleaf23.

Posted : January 3, 2010 3:54 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

My Wallet ;))

You lost a the most valuable thing you own,What do you see when you find it?

Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!

Posted : January 3, 2010 3:59 pm
Glenstorm the Great
NarniaWeb Fanatic

my Bible :) (besides that it would be my iHome ;) )

you look in your fridge, wdys?

Posted : January 3, 2010 4:04 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

I see several different pictures of Family Members........

You are looking in your fridge,What do you see?

Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!

Posted : January 3, 2010 4:12 pm
Glenstorm the Great
NarniaWeb Fanatic

a plain surface (the front of our fridge isn't magnetic)

you are looking at your bed, wdys?

Posted : January 3, 2010 5:06 pm
Member Moderator Emeritus

Dustbunnies and doggie toys!

You are in your kitchen, what do you see?

Love God, love people

Posted : January 3, 2010 5:09 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

Fridge, counters. cabinets, sink, oven, toaster, food.

You are in the car driving through your neighborhood, what do you see?

"Into an allegory a man can put only what he already knows; in a myth he puts what he does not yet know and could not come by in any other way."
~C.S. Lewis

Posted : January 4, 2010 1:18 am
NarniaWeb Guru

About fifty houses. And that's a liberal guess. Maybe there's only forty.

You are looking at an exotic tree; what do you see?

Hoot Owl of NarniaWeb!
Relient K club member
avie and siggie by me
NWtwin:Sleepwalking NWsibs:8

Posted : January 4, 2010 4:16 am
NarniaWeb Nut

Lots of leaves, bunches of some kind of tropical fruit.

You are in a grocery store, what do you see?

"Into an allegory a man can put only what he already knows; in a myth he puts what he does not yet know and could not come by in any other way."
~C.S. Lewis

Posted : January 4, 2010 4:45 am
NarniaWeb Guru


You are in a volcano, what do you see?

Posted : January 4, 2010 5:37 am
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