Noodle: A naked poodle
Define: Humans
"To the shining eastern sea, I give you Queen Lucy, the Valiant."
-Aslan, The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe (movie)
"Don't, die kids! Dying is bad for your heath!"
-My friend Alex
Humans: Creatures that walk on two legs and like to play with phones
Define: Cheese
Avatar by Rose Tree Dryad
Cheese: moldy milk that human beings call delicious
Define: Bed
Bed: Title of Prince Charles' cover version of a Michael Jackson song ("I'm bed, you know I'm bed...")
Define: Milkshake
Milkshake: a cold stew of juice, fruit, milk and the kitchen sink
Define: Mall
Avatar by Rose Tree Dryad
Mall: A big building with lots of stuff where go to get into debt
Define: Shoes
Shoes: things that make my feet sore!
Define: computers
Avatar by Rose Tree Dryad
Computers: machines that are secretly taking over the world by getting human beings addicted to them
Define: Sun
Sun: an object the Lady of the Green Kirtle claimed did not exist
Define: moon
Avatar by Rose Tree Dryad
Moon: a big object in the sky made of cheese
Define: Trees
Trees: things that attacked Isengard and the Telmarines
Define: Chair
Avatar by Rose Tree Dryad
Chair: what posh English people do when they're happy and excited (common people cheer)
Define: armour
Armour: something which the god Hephaestus makes
Define: Soap
Avatar by Rose Tree Dryad
Define: Overcast
N-Web sis of stardf, _Rillian_, & jerenda
Proud to be Sirya the Madcap Siren
Overcast: Too much bronze in your statue.
Define: blacksmith