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[Closed] Three Reasons

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Member Hospitality Committee

1. Peanut does not use up electricity, unlike light bulbs
2. Peanut butter staves off starvation, unlike light bulbs
3. Peanut butter can be a nice flavouring both as a staple and in confectionery.

Three reasons why a kilt is better than a kettledrum.

Posted : July 28, 2013 2:26 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

1. People wearing kilts look better than people wearing kettledrums on most days.
2. If you're a spy or ninja, a room full of kits is probably easier and quieter to navigate than a room full of kettledrums (that's assuming the kilts aren't being worn by angry Scots with great-swords.)
3. Kilts are easier to pack on high school band trips and almost as useful.

Three reason why over planning a trip is better than standing on the edge of a cliff.

Posted : July 31, 2013 6:27 pm
BC Head and G&B Mod Moderator

1. Planning a trip makes you exercise your brain, while standing on the edge of a cliff does not.
2. Planning a trip is less painful than falling over the edge of a cliff.
3. Planning a trip should be less dizzying than standing on the edge of a cliff.

Three reasons why bananas are better than dirty socks.

God rest you merry, gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay.
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray.

Topic starter Posted : August 14, 2013 5:13 pm
Member Moderator

1. Bananas taste better.
2. Bananas provide nutrition and energy; dirty socks are just hard to chew.
3. Banana peels can be used for that classic slapstick tripping gag; dirty socks just scare people away.

Three reasons why a leaf is better than a railroad train.

But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.

Posted : August 17, 2013 9:41 am
NarniaWeb Guru

1. You can carry a leaf in your pocket.
2. Leaves are never late.
3. It's easier to make a leaf out of wrought iron than a train.

Three reasons why a bath is better than a reality TV show.

Posted : August 19, 2013 1:45 am
BC Head and G&B Mod Moderator

1. A bath can be very relaxing, likely more so than a reality tv show.
2. A bath doesn't generally humiliate people like reality tv shows can.
3. You come out clean from a bath.

Three reasons why a sewing machine is better than a dime.

God rest you merry, gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay.
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray.

Topic starter Posted : August 22, 2013 4:53 pm
NarniaWeb Fanatic

1. You can be very creative with a sewing machine.
2. A dime will always just be worth $0.10... but with a sewing machine, you can make an infinite amount of money selling what you buy.
3. Sewing machines are more complex than dimes.

Three reasons why highlighters are better than table tennis balls.

RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia

Posted : August 30, 2013 9:56 am
BC Head and G&B Mod Moderator

1. You can use highlighters to take down important messages.
2. Highlighters don't bounce away from you the same way table tennis balls do.
3. Highlighters are more conveniently carried in pockets and purses.

Three reasons why chickens are better than dust clouds.

God rest you merry, gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay.
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray.

Topic starter Posted : September 2, 2013 12:22 pm
The Wandering, Wild & Welcoming Winged Wolf Hospitality Committee

1. Chickens are cuter.
2. Dust clouds can cause severe respiratory problems.
3. Chickens can keep you company.

Three reasons why horses are better than zebras.

"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down

Posted : September 4, 2013 7:17 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

1. Horses can be kept as a pet, zebras cannot.
2. You can ride horses.
3. Horses can be great companions, zebras... not so much. :P

Three reasons why fire is better than winter boots.

Proud ballet dancer!
4/23/12 - First triple pirouette en pointe!

Posted : September 12, 2013 2:01 pm
BC Head and G&B Mod Moderator

1. Fire gives you light and winter boots don't.
2. Fire can be used to cook, while winter boots can't.
3. Fire will be of more use keeping you warm on a cold night than winter boots.

Three reasons why snowflakes are better than paper.

God rest you merry, gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay.
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray.

Topic starter Posted : September 28, 2013 12:43 pm
Member Hospitality Committee

1. Snowflakes are pretty and decorative without being written on
2. Snowflakes are a sign of a healthy environment where there is enough water
3. It isn't necessary to chop down trees to make snowflakes.

Three reasons why a current first aid book is better than a skateboard.

Posted : September 30, 2013 1:46 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

1. First aid books can save your life
2. It is significantly more difficult to injure yourself with a book
3. You can use a book while sitting still

Three reasons why pens are better than pencils

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : October 4, 2013 4:02 am
Member Moderator

1. You never need to sharpen a pen.
2. Grips on pens are more comfortable than grips on pencils.
3. Pens feel more permanent and official (at least, for me ;) ).

Three reasons why milkshakes are better than whiteout.

N-Web sis of stardf, _Rillian_, & jerenda
Proud to be Sirya the Madcap Siren

Posted : October 12, 2013 11:40 am
BC Head and G&B Mod Moderator

1. You can drink milkshakes, while you can't drink whiteout.
2. Milkshakes make better gifts than whiteout.
3. Milkshakes are easier to make than whiteout.

Three reasons why flashlights are better than pinecones.

God rest you merry, gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay.
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray.

Topic starter Posted : October 27, 2013 1:27 pm
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