What is your least favorite Song?
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
Oh, a lot. Anything Taylor Swift, off the top of my head...
My least favourite classical piece of music...
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
Flight of the Bumblebee, it annoys me
Your least favorite TV series
Founder of the Exploring Narnia Club (PM me to join)
Member of the Dragon Club
Teen Titans Go. I loved the original series, and I loved the show that got cancelled so TTG could take its time slot (Young Justice). TTG is insulting to the intelligence of its audience, has awful animation, stomps all over the tone of the original series, and you can't even argue it's just made for a younger audience because the show's rated PG when the original was Y-7. Yeah, I'm a bit bitter.
Your least favorite superhero is...
N-Web sis of stardf, _Rillian_, & jerenda
Proud to be Sirya the Madcap Siren
Ghost Rider. Blech.
Your least favorite number is...
9 I guess.
My least favorite time of day is...
Love God, love people
5.00 - 6.00 pm or 17.00 -18.00 0'clock, and the reasons? 1. Dinner 2. Returning grumps wanting dinner 3. People grumbling about budget dinners 4. Cats fussy about dinner 5. Telemarketers thinking it's a good idea to ring up at dinner. 6. Politicians/market surveyers etc doing same....(collapses in hysterical laughter. )
My least favourite day of the week.
It changes based on my schedule, but right now, Thursdays.
My least favourite month of the year.
Proud ballet dancer!
4/23/12 - First triple pirouette en pointe!
July, just because it's the hottest, though I'm not a huge fan of February either. (Neither of those are clear "YUCK I HATE THEM SO MUCH" winners, though. )
Your least favorite kind of fruit is...
N-Web sis of stardf, _Rillian_, & jerenda
Proud to be Sirya the Madcap Siren
Apples. The smell of them makes me want to be sick, and when people eat them they make that slurping noise that's really disgusting...
Your least favourite town or city...
Kingman, AZ. Horrible place to live. I lived there for 20 years and never intend to go back.
My least favorite type of ice cream is...
Love God, love people
Your least favorite type of dessert?
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Anything that's not chocolate. If you want me to be more specific, then I'll go with raisin cookies. Horrible!
Your least favourite flower is....
Proud ballet dancer!
4/23/12 - First triple pirouette en pointe!
The first flower that comes to mind is a daisy, I think because I see them overly used.
Your least favorite Ice Cream flavor...
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
Turkish delight. It was interesting to try it, but didn't really work for me, and I don't think it was a very popular ice-cream flavour.
My least favourite vegetable is...