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[Closed] The Three Questions!

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Member Moderator Emeritus

Time for a new game! And this is a new game for NarniaWeb!

This is called "The Three Questions."
The Three Questions are WHERE? WHY? WHEN?

Person one will post three questions, each beginning with where, why, and when. Person two must answer one of the questions and repost the other two and add a new one to replace the one he/she answered. (If he/she answered a why, he/she must ask a new why question).

1. NO PERSONAL QUESTIONS! Keep your questions to history, Narnia, books, etc.
2. You MUST answer one of the questions and add a new one.
3. All posts must have one where, one why, and one when question and one answer.
4. General forum rules apply.

Person 1:
1. WHERE do the Pevensies live when not in Narnia?
2. WHY did World War II start?
3. WHEN did Anne frank die?

Person 2:
Answer: 3. WHEN: did Anne frank die? March 1945
1. WHERE do the Pevensies live when not in Narnia?
2. WHY did World War II start?
3. WHEN was The Magicians Nephew written?

Thanks to americangirlemmie for the game suggestion! :)

I'll start us off:
1. WHERE is the Eiffel Tower located?
2. WHY are there 24 hours in a day?
3. WHEN was C.S. Lewis born?

Love God, love people

Topic starter Posted : August 10, 2010 7:46 pm
NarniaWeb Fanatic

1. WHERE is the Eiffel Tower located? Paris, France

1. WHERE was LWW filmed?
2. WHY was the Caspian/Susan attraction thrown into the PC film?
3. WHEN was The Silver Chair (the book) first released?

Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!

Posted : August 11, 2010 7:13 am
Eagle Scout
NarniaWeb Junkie

2. Because the Diseny people hate us.

1. WHERE was LWW filmed?
2. Why did C.S. lewis write the CoN
3. WHEN was The Silver Chair (the book) first released?

memento mori

Posted : August 11, 2010 8:33 am
Liberty Hoffman
NarniaWeb Master

1. New Zealand

1. WHERE, according to the movie PC, do the Telmarines come from before they got to Narnia?
2. WHY are Peter and Susanin the VotDT trailers?
3. WHEN did production start for LWW?

NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are

Posted : August 11, 2010 8:38 am
NarniaWeb Nut

I think, Libby, you are supposed to replace only the one you asked, so you should have posted:

1. WHERE, according to the movie PC, do the Telmarines come from before they got to Narnia?
2. Why did C.S. lewis write the CoN
3. WHEN was The Silver Chair (the book) first released?

So I say:

3: The Silver Chair was first published in 1953.

My questions:

1. WHERE, according to the movie PC, do the Telmarines come from before they got to Narnia?
2. WHY did C.S. Lewis write the CoN?
3: WHEN was Kraft Foods established?

Posted : August 11, 2010 9:30 am
Liberty Hoffman
NarniaWeb Master

^^ oh dear.....thanks for showing my error! yikes! :-o

3. Kraft Foods was established on December 10, 1923

1. WHERE, according to the movie PC, do the Telmarines come from before they got to Narnia?
2. WHY did C.S. Lewis write the CoN?
3. WHEN did LWW first get published?

NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are

Posted : August 11, 2010 9:35 am
NarniaWeb Nut

1. an island

WHERE did Florence Nightingale tend to wounded soldiers?
WHY did C.S. Lewis write the CoN?
WHEN was Kraft Foods established?

(did I do it right? :D)


God gives grace to the humble

av: Wunderkind_Lucy sig: lover of narnia

Proud member of the Skillet club, and a member of the Tenth Avenue North club!

Posted : August 11, 2010 9:45 am
Silver the Wanderer
NarniaWeb Junkie

(Yay, new game! :D )

3. December 10, 1923

1. WHERE did Florence Nightingale tend to wounded soldiers?
2. WHY did C.S. Lewis write the CoN?
3. WHEN was the Storming of the Bastille?

Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia

Posted : August 11, 2010 11:17 am
The Wandering, Wild & Welcoming Winged Wolf Hospitality Committee

3. July 14, 1789

1. Where did Florence Nightingale tend to wounded soldiers
2. Why did C.S. Lewis write the CoN?
3. When did Rome fall?

"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down

Posted : August 11, 2010 12:12 pm
Glenstorm the Great
NarniaWeb Fanatic

3. AD 476

1. WHERE did Florence Nightingale tend to wounded soldiers?
2. WHY did C.S. Lewis write the CoN?
3. WHEN did the teaser trailer for Prince Caspian release?

Posted : August 11, 2010 12:46 pm
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

2: Because he was inspired by a dream that he had had since he was 16

1. WHERE did Florence Nightingale tend to wounded soldiers?
2. WHY do turtles return to the same beach to lay their eggs?
3. WHEN did the teaser trailer for Prince Caspian release?

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : August 11, 2010 2:54 pm
Member Moderator Emeritus

3. WHEN did the teaser trailer for Prince Caspian release?
December 4, 2007 (the day before my birthday!)

1. WHERE did Florence Nightingale tend to wounded soldiers?
2. WHY do turtles return to the same beach to lay their eggs?
3. WHEN does winter 'officially' start?

After a rocky start, looks like you all have gotten the hang of this game! Yay!

Love God, love people

Topic starter Posted : August 11, 2010 8:04 pm
lover of narnia
NarniaWeb Guru

3. WHEN does winter officially start? December 21st, Winter Solstice

1. WHERE did Florence Nightingale tend to wounded soldiers?
2. WHY do turtles return to the same beach to lay their eggs?
3. WHEN did Prince Caspian first release in theaters?

Loyal supporter of Caspian/Susan.
NW Family: Aunty Vi, LadyC, Rose, Chloe
Secret Order of the Swoosh.
Keeper of the Secret Magic

Posted : August 12, 2010 3:31 am
Member Moderator

3. WHEN did Prince Caspian first release in theaters?
May 16, 2008 for the US; dates varied between May 9 and August 21 elsewhere

1. WHERE did Florence Nightingale tend to wounded soldiers?
2. WHY do turtles return to the same beach to lay their eggs?
3. WHEN is the next total lunar eclipse?

But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.

Posted : August 12, 2010 7:10 am
Member Moderator Emeritus

1. WHERE did Florence Nightingale tend to wounded soldiers?
In Crimea (I know this 'cause I'm a nurse! :P)

1. WHERE did Japan bomb the US on Dec. 7, 1941?
2. WHY do turtles return to the same beach to lay their eggs?
3. WHEN is the next total lunar eclipse?

Love God, love people

Topic starter Posted : August 12, 2010 11:35 am
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