1. Pizza
2. Yes. Except the times I like to get em done at the last second
3. Do you own a VHS player?
Sig by the Wonderful wolfloversk
1. Yum
2. You bet I do. Go kids of the 90's!
3. What do you enjoy doing that involves creativity?
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
1. The Mikado (the soprano lead is called Yum-Yum).
2. Writing songs. Written about 200 so far, including two (Christian) musicals. Still can't get anything published, though.
3. What's a particularly good thing that happened to you during 2013?
1. Musical
2. I had a very important reconciliation of a broken relationship!
3. What was your favorite movie of 2013?
Love God, love people
1. Sound of Music
2. Frozen.
3. What do you hope to do before the year is done?
Avatar created by Valia
1. Hills
2. Get a good start on some writing projects.
3. How do you feel about New Year's Resolutions?
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
1. Mountains.
2. I don't bother - if there's something I want to change about myself, I do it then, not wait until New Year's to do so.
3. If you look to your left, what do you see?
Sig by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
NWsis to eves_daughter & ForeverFan
1. Sledding
2. I see some journals, a little jewelry box, and a cheery stuffed snowman.
3. What is your favourite line of lyrics from a song?
We have nothing, if not belief.
—C.S. Lewis
1. Hill
2. Hard question! Right now, "Sound is a wave like a wave on the ocean; moon plays the ocean like a violin, pushing and pulling from shore to shore. Biggest melody you've never heard before." from Andrew Bird's Night Sky.
3. Same question. What is your favourite line of lyrics from a song?
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
1. Mountain
2. "I know who goes before me; I know who stands behind; the God of angel armies is always by side."
3. Are you good at wrapping presents?
Love God, love people
1. Moose
2. I guess I'm pretty good. It depends on the gift's shape.
3. What animal would you most like to be?
We have nothing, if not belief.
—C.S. Lewis
1. Chocolate mousse
2. A domesticated cat, owned by someone like me.
3. Which sort of animal would you most like to have as a companion animal?
1. Chocolate Mouse
2. Probably a fox or an owl
3. What is your favourite barnyard animal?
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
1. Gummy rat
2. It's hard to pick a favorite...goats I guess.
3. Are you having a special meal on Christmas Day?
Love God, love people
1. Gummy worms (Gummy rat?! I truly hope those aren't real! )
2. Not this year. We usually do. We have turkey, stuffing, potatoes, etc. This year though, we're postponing it until tomorrow at earliest because my mom is really sick.
3. Do you visit family on Christmas, or do they come to you?
Proud ballet dancer!
4/23/12 - First triple pirouette en pointe!