Does weird sound weird after you say it 10 times?
Thanks to malkah for the lovely avatar!
Isn't it weird that you're saying weird ten times?
Avvie By Rising_Star
Isn't it weird that we're talking about how weird the word weird is?
Hello! My name is Rachel. But just call me Chel. ... 06x331.jpg
A picture of my favorite band, The Arcade Fire.
Wouldn't it be normal if you were weird to begin with, though?
Avvie By Rising_Star
Why is life so complicated?
Hello! My name is Rachel. But just call me Chel. ... 06x331.jpg
A picture of my favorite band, The Arcade Fire.
Why ask why?
Love God, love people
Why not?
Avvie By Rising_Star
What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Love God, love people
How did we get to unladen swallows?
Hello! My name is Rachel. But just call me Chel. ... 06x331.jpg
A picture of my favorite band, The Arcade Fire.
someone said something random. did they not?
why shouldn't they say something random?
Hello! My name is Rachel. But just call me Chel. ... 06x331.jpg
A picture of my favorite band, The Arcade Fire.
I think they should it's funnier .such as. How long can a snake be?
What does what matter?
Avy & Sig by Ithilwen Jesus loves you! Join the Edmund fan club! PM me to join! members-5
Why is it so hard to have an intelligent conversation around here?
Hello! My name is Rachel. But just call me Chel. ... 06x331.jpg
A picture of my favorite band, The Arcade Fire.