What are Scissors?
Category: Place
Where Jadis was right before Narnia (make sure you get it right )
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
(Yep thats it Daughter of the king I was not sure if they would guess Our world or Charn instead but you got it right )
Who is Time? ( I,m pretty sure thats his name)
Category: place
The place where the men of underworld came from
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
What is Bism?
A famous healer or "leech".
Who is Cloudbirth?
Category: Names
Miraz's Commander
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
Who is Lord Glozzele?
Category: Reasons
Yes, that is why it is such a serious thing indeed if you invite a Centaur over for a weekend.
- The Servant.
Prayer partners for Skandar Keynes. PM Benjamin to join the group!
Why do centaurs eat for both a man and a horse?
Category: Places
An island used for grazing only.
Member of the Dragon Lovers Club. PM FrecklefaceJill to join.
What use are the fire flowers in the Mountains of the sun?
(Oh, and guys, when making your "answers" to the questions about to be asked, you should all make sure that they will function as real questions and answers, as opposed to just giving a hint towards the thing you are thinking of. Also, when answering, make sure that it is a functional question)
Category: Places
That place is the Dancing Lawn.
- The Servant.
Prayer partners for Skandar Keynes. PM Benjamin to join the group!
What is the place that Caspian and his followers had a feast and council?
Category: Things
What is Peters sword?
Category: Geography
The island where King Caspian jousted and refused to marry the island King's daughter.
Sig by greenleaf23.
What is Terebinthia?
Category: Names
The ship used in the Golden Age of Narnia by the Kings and Queens of Old.
I met Georgie and Skandar AND saw the film in one evening.
What is the Splendor Hyaline?
Category: titles
Aravis's title.
What is Tarkeena?
Category: things
a novel she was writing, candles and a few bottles of pop
What did Polly hide in her "smugglers cave"?
Catgory: Quotations