I'm so so sorry Ithie, I know how you feel
*sends mulitple hugs to Ithie*
always be humble and kind
Lucy is getting extremely spoiled, she's unbelievably picky about her feed, she picks out the stuff she likes and leaves the rest, naturally she is still often hungry, so she makes pathetic squeaky noises to get me to give her some sort of treat, it's tempting, but I found, if I ignore her for a while, she'll go back and eat everything else in her feed bowl, and then she is happy and full
She's gotten to big for her barn now.....we have to get her a bigger house, cause the barn is falling a apart, literally
always be humble and kind
Wow! How old is Lucy now? I can't believe she would be so spoiled!
How is she doing with her harness and walking?
I still have problems with getting Chester and Teyla's leashes tangled. I don't take them walking where I took Teyla, because there are lots of bushes and that makes the tangling worse! I've almost had to cut the leases to get them untangled from the bushes!
And I have to lock them in their crates when I take out the trash! Or when someone comes to the door. (If I don't they sneak out and take off like rockets! And I live fairly close to the interstate).
Love God, love people
Lucy will be seven months on the 7th of October, my dad wants to build her a new house, he's very fond of Lucy we don't take her walking anymore, cause it has gotten too cold, she did sort of get used to the leash, but now that we don't put it on anymore, she has begun to hate it again
Yikes, tangled leashes, it must be so much fun to walk with them though
there is a very slim chance that we may get a dog, my mom still has to ask our landlord, but if he approves then we may finally get one, it's a very very slim chance, but still, I am hopeful
always be humble and kind
I can't believe she's already almost 7 months old! Time has gone by so fast! I didn't even think of the weather where you are. It's still comfortable here and plain hot where ceppault is!
Dogs are a lot of work, but they are sure worth it! But you will have to be careful of what kind of dog you get--some will see Lucy as prey due to their breeding.
Love God, love people
Lol that's true ramagut, I REALLY want a dachshund, they are my favorite kind of dogs, I guess we'll see, if we are able to get one at all
Lucy is getting to be so annoying, I can't believe how spoiled rotten she is, it's beginning to drive me a bit insane she's particularly loud and demanding in the early morning, and I've taken to just ignoring her
it's helping actually, at least I hope it is
always be humble and kind
You spoiled her too much because she was soooo cute!
I love dachshunds! I was going to get one when I was researching getting a dog, but those and chihuahuas have such problems with their legs--they can jump off the couch, onto the floor and break one of their little legs! They are so fragile!
Love God, love people
I know, they are fragile.....but I think they are so worth it. I don't like chihuahuas very much, but dachshounds, those cute floppy ears, their little legs and long bodies
I entered Lucy into a guinea pig photo contest, the theme is autumn, after all the pictures are submitted, I'm not sure what the deadline is, people will vote for the best picture and the one with the most votes wins
I don't think I will win because the other pictures are so much better but it is fun to participate
always be humble and kind
That is a GREAT picture! Especially for an autumn theme! Good luck!
Love God, love people
It was such a hassel to take the picture though. Lucy was always chewing on the leaves and running around! But I'm sure wild had a lot of fun!
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That's so funny!!!!!! You wouldn't be able to tell from the picture that Lucy was anything but a complete innocent, perfect subject!
Love God, love people
she was a little monster, I took about 20 pictures at this is the only really decent one
Lucy has a very ardent admire, a little too ardent I think . My niece who is a year old, just LOVES Lucy, but she doesn't really understand that she has to be gentle with her, but she still really loves her and laughs whenever Lucy is around. One just has to be careful to watch her or else my niece tries to pull Lucy's fur out
but if you are watchful and make sure my niece is gentle then Lucy actually enjoys her company
always be humble and kind
Ah, that's so sweet! Except for the fur-pulling-out part!
Love God, love people
Those are such sweet pictures! Lucy is adorable!
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Well, we have discovered that, although Chester is from West Virginia (as far as we know), he belongs in the desert. The poor thing is having a hard time with the cold. I have had to put a heating pad in his crate, under his blanket; or he sleeps with me, under the covers; or he lays in the sunshine that comes in the back door.
Teyla, who was born in the desert, has no problem with the cold! (However, she has a rough coat, where Chester has a smooth one).
My poor Chester is going to have a rough winter!
I am thinking of getting him a sweater for when we go outside when it gets really cold.
Love God, love people