I can think of so many misheard lyrics from classic Christmas songs.
"In Ex-Chelsea's Day-oh!"
Yeah... still not sure what the actual lyrics are to that...
I can think of so many misheard lyrics from classic Christmas songs.
"In Ex-Chelsea's Day-oh!"
Yeah... still not sure what the actual lyrics are to that...
Hahaha yeah, a lot of times I hear utter nonsense!
Oh my gosh, I'm not the only one who thought I heard that in Angels We Have Heard on High? Thank heavens!
Here's one I had for Rihanna's Umbrella:
Real: Took an oath, I'ma stick it out to the end.
Misheard: Took a note, I'ma stick it out to the end.
Awesome-as sig by Ithilwen, sweet-as avi by DamselJillPole. Thanks you two! *hugs*
I have a lot of misheard lyrics for Taylor Swift songs. Take her song '15' for example:
Real: I found time can heal most anything
What I heard: I fell down can heal most anything
Yusssss, I had mis-hearings with that song, too.
Original: Dating the boy on the football team
What I heard: Dating the boy on the foot, bouncing
^^Haha! You gotta love those guys who bounce on one foot...
You gotta love those guys who bounce on one foot...
Don't we all! I actually thought she said something about a guy stepping on her foot, but I wasn't sure.
Awesome-as sig by Ithilwen, sweet-as avi by DamselJillPole. Thanks you two! *hugs*
"Say goodbye to my heart tonight."
My sister thought it was
"take a bite of my heart tonight"
" We have nothing if not belief"
I can think of so many misheard lyrics from classic Christmas songs.
"In Ex-Chelsea's Day-oh!"
Yeah... still not sure what the actual lyrics are to that...
According to Wikipedia, it's "in excelsis deo" - which is Latin for "Glory to God in the highest." It's pronounced like "in ex-Chelsea's day-oh", though, so I can definitely see why you heard that. (I heard that too.
MrsHolmes wrote - "Your eyes whispered how we met." Haha! That one made me laugh.
humdedum, that's funny! Bouncing on one foot, now that is talent.
cuppycakesrach, wow, that one's funny too. It's funny how some of these misheard lyrics are what the singers never meant them to say.
On Switchfoot's song, "Gone", it was really hard for me to figure out the words in the chorus when he says "Gone, like yesterday is gone, like history is gone..."
I wish I could tell you what I heard, but I don't even know. It took me forever to figure out that one word.
av by dot
The song Dancing Queen has a lyric which goes, "You can dance, you can jive" and for a long time I heard, "You can dance, you can die."
KrisTwin: Follower - Sibs AWH&Fauni - SirenSis - PotatoHead
"There are no boring subjects, only disinterested minds."
AV by ForeverFan
The song Dancing Queen has a lyric which goes, "You can dance, you can jive" and for a long time I heard, "You can dance, you can die."
I thought the same thing haha!
" We have nothing if not belief"
Ooh! Haven't been here for a long time!
My most recent mishearing was Before the Morning by Josh Wilson. Kinda odd since it's one of my favorites, but I was almost asleep while listening, so that explains it.
What I heard: Life is not a slap shot
Original: Life is not a snap shot
Draco Dormien Nunquam Titillandus
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Ooh! Haven't been here for a long time!
My most recent mishearing was Before the Morning by Josh Wilson. Kinda odd since it's one of my favorites, but I was almost asleep while listening, so that explains it.
What I heard: Life is not a slap shot
Original: Life is not a snap shot
I love it!
I have this one for 'Shattered' by Trading Yesterday:
Real lyrics: Passing the graves of the unknown
Misheard lyrics: Passing the grapes of the unknown
Never trust the grapes, eh?
Awesome-as sig by Ithilwen, sweet-as avi by DamselJillPole. Thanks you two! *hugs*
^Lol I can't stop chuckling about that one
I always mishear the lyrics to songs on a radio station called KDWB (lots of hip-hop and pop).
That Lady Gaga song "Just Dance", well, I though she was saying "Just . I felt stupid when I realized the real word.
Anberlin's song "We Owe This To Ourselves"
real lyrics:
"Since when did bullets start to sing?
(It didn't have to end like this)
Is this the end of everything?
(It didn't have to end like this)
I feel, I feel we can't stop here
I feel, I feel we won't stop here
It doesn't have to end like this....."
what I heard:
"Since when did bullets start to sing?
(it didn't have to eat like this)
Is this the end of everything?
(It didn't have to eat like this)
Nothing, nothing we can't stop here
Nothing, nothing we won't stop here
It doesn't have to end like this....."
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Switchfoot ~ Gone
Real Lyrics:
Gone, like Frank Sinatra
Like Elvis and his mom
Like Al Pacino's cash nothing lasts in this life
What Some of My Family Members Heard:
Gone, like Frank Sinatra
Like Elvis and his mom
Like Al Pacino's cat nothing lasts in this life
Listening to a Worship CD as a 5-year-old
Real: "We will grow Wings of Prayer, Wings of Prayer..."
Me: "We will grow Weeds of Prayer, Weeds of Prayer..."
sig by Sheroo of Stormness Head
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