Britt Nicole's "Hanging On" song:
Original Lyrics: "Your love is like the dawn, always there to guide me."
What I heard: "Your love is like the tongue, always there to guide me."
I was like, "Wait... how can someone be guided by their tongue? Does it mean because you speak using your tongue, and God is speaking to us?" Haha XD
"Dawn" makes much more sense.
Anberlin's song "Closer"
real lyrics: "Do you expect me? To be or believe you? Do you accept me? When it's me you can see through?"
mistake: "Do you slap me? To be or believe you? Do you accept me?
When it's me you can sleep right through?"
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
mistake: "Do you slap me? To be or believe you? Do you accept me?
When it's me you can sleep right through?"
That is SO funny! "Do you slap me?" LOL
I always mishear the Casting Crowns song, Until the Whole World Hears.
The correct words are:
I want to be your hands and feet
I want to live a life that leads
Ready yourselves... Ready yourselves
It always sounds like Radio says...Radio says and I could never understand why they were saying something so silly! It was my sister that pointed out the correct words.
Member of the Tenth Avenue North fan club
Signature and Avatar Set by Princess Anna
^Yeah, my mom mishears it that way too.
Seeking comic book artist, PM for details.
"Who I Am" by Jessica Andrews used to always come out like this to me as a kid:
Real lyrics: If I don't make it to the big leagues, if I never win a Grammy...
What I thought it said: If I don't make it to the big leagues, if I never win a granny...
I was like, "Whaaaa...? You can win a Grandma?"
And then my sister misheard this one:
Creedence Clearwater Revival's "Bad Moon Rising":
Real lyrics:
Don't go out tonight,
Well, it's bound to take your life
There's a bad moon on the rise.
What my sister heard:
Don't go out tonight,
Well, it's bound to take your life
There's a bathroom on the right
That's got to be my favorite of all time.
Co-president of the BGMCA club. <--- don't remember what that was but I left it for the nostalgia
Buds: 5, Twin Blank! <--- also don't remember who Twin Blank was. Find me if you're out there, lost one.
LOL! checkers! Those are absolutely HILARIOUS!
In the song, ~Love Letter~ by Leona Lewis I for the life of me could not understand this one line she sang in the refrain.
Correct Lyrics:
Through the sunshine and through the rain
I know that it'll last forever
Just last night I stayed up late
And I wrote you a love letter
What I heard:
...I know that it'll last forever
Just like stars sting again
I was like.....WHAAT?!?!? How can stars sting, especially in a happy song??
We have nothing, if not belief.
—C.S. Lewis
And then my sister misheard this one:
Creedence Clearwater Revival's "Bad Moon Rising":
Real lyrics:
Don't go out tonight,
Well, it's bound to take your life
There's a bad moon on the rise.What my sister heard:
Don't go out tonight,
Well, it's bound to take your life
There's a bathroom on the rightThat's got to be my favorite of all time.
I misheard that one too!
Real lyrics:
Don't go out tonight,
Well, it's bound to take your life
There's a bad moon on the rise.
Don't go out tonight,
Well, it's bound to take your life
There's a baboon on the rise
and then Anberlin's song "Art Of War"
real lyrics:
"In your awesome world
Or just the latest
In your art of war, your art of war"
misheard lyrics:
"In your awesome world
Or just the latest
In your art of old, your art of old"
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
From Caedmon's Call's song Thankful --
Original Lyrics: I ran across an old box of letters...
What I heard: I ran across an old box of lepers...
^^ haha, I heard it that way too!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
When I was younger I heard a song (I can't remember the title of it) and I thought they said Konijn (=Rabbit in Dutch) but they said Oh my.
My mother is still teasing me with it
A world where you and I belong, where faith and love will keep us strong, exactly who we are is just enough.
Oh wow, I love these!! I probably have a million, but what I can remember right now is Switchfoot's "Your Love is a Song"
Real: The dawn is fire-bright against the city lights
Heard: The dawn is far too bright against the city lights
Heehee, whoops.
Oh, and for Train's "Hey, Soul Sister"
Real: I believe in you, like a virgin, you're Madonna.
Heard: I believe in you, like a virgin, you're badonna (or bandana)
I was like, what's a 'badonna'??
Awesome-as sig by Ithilwen, sweet-as avi by DamselJillPole. Thanks you two! *hugs*
From Joy Williams' Touch of Faith
Original Lyrics: "Your hand pulled me out of the hardest time that I've ever known,
That I ever knew. O Lord, that was all because I met You."
What I heard: "Your hand pulled me out of the hardest time that I've ever known,
That I ever knew. O Lord, and it was all because I'm a Jew."
And I was like, hmm... I didn't know she was Jewish!
I heard this one on the radio today.
Original lyrics: "Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way, O what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh."
Misheard as: "...O what fun it is to ride in a one-horse soap and sleigh."
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Hahaha, I like it, Meltinalle!
I have a lot of misheard lyrics for Taylor Swift songs. Take her song '15' for example:
Real: I found time can heal most anything
What I heard: I fell down can heal most anything
And her song 'Enchanted':
Real: Your eyes whispered, "Have we met?" Across the room your silhouette starts to make it's way to me.
What I heard: Your eyes whispered how we met. Across the moon a sudden let...
Awesome-as sig by Ithilwen, sweet-as avi by DamselJillPole. Thanks you two! *hugs*