ramagut! that is SO funny!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
aww he's so cute TGW!
Ok a Duck what into a drug store and says give some chap stick and put it on my bill.
A Lady of Narnia Always a Lady of Narnia
Okay D~T~R Just put this up in Closed Captions but I just had to put it on here!
Here you go....
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
This is so funny (this person must have read LWW too many times! )
From a Museum in Litchfield, CT
Me: “Hello, may I help you?”
Customer: “Yes, I was wondering if every creature you have a statue of is actually living?”
Me: “Yes sir, everything you see in here you can find somewhere in the wilderness.”
Customer: “Then why do you have a beaver?”
Me: “Excuse me?”
Customer: “You heard me. If everything in here is actually a living creature then why do you have beavers?”
Me: “Well sir, beavers are living creatures. Haven’t you ever seen one in the pond down the road?”
Customer: “What? Beavers are real? My whole life I thought they were mythical creatures.”
(The customer walks away, looking lost and confused.)
(thanks to notalwaysright.com)
Love God, love people
here is one of my favorite jokes.....because it is really confusing!
here it is:
Is it easier to go to New York or by train?
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
lol ramagut
Even if you've never seen Twilight (like me), you will still think that this is hilarious...in my opinion, it makes just as much sense as the real story...
How Twilight Should Have Ended
And... to top things off...a funny moment with my younger brother.
I look up at the white board. It says: January 20, 2010.
Me: Hmm...we need to change that...
Brother: Yeah, it's the nineteenth, someone has their dates off...
Me: No, it's the twenty-first...
Brother gives me blank-stare.
Brother: What?
Me: Yes, it's the twenty-first...
You would have thought I had just told him the sky was falling! *chuckles*
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
Ramagut I love the one about the beavers!
I'm always going to notalwaysright.com to read stuff on there.
I found some funny stuff online that i'll post here but it's on my computer atm, and i'm on my mom's so i'll get it up later.
Proud ballet dancer!
4/23/12 - First triple pirouette en pointe!
my 3 year old sister told me this yesterday
"lala (her pet name for me), worms gonna eat your belly button! and then snakes go killa you and a tigress gonna eat you!" then she folds her hands and says seriously, "a message from the Lord."
my 3 year old sister told me this yesterday
"lala (her pet name for me), worms gonna eat your belly button! and then snakes go killa you and a tigress gonna eat you!" then she folds her hands and says seriously, "a message from the Lord."
LOL!!!! A prophetess at 3!!
Love God, love people
Last night I was with a few families at the airport to welcome some orphans from Haiti to their new home (praise the Lord!)
But that's not the funny part. While we were waiting, another child that one of the families adopted a couple years ago, Rosie, was talking to her adopted grandmother.
Grandma: I've been telling my little grand-nephew about you. He wants to play with you.
Rosie: Is he two inches tall?
Grandma: No, he's your age. Are you that tall?
Rosie: (puts her hand on her head) No I'm this tall.
Rosie: Is he a boy or a girl?
"It's a cow folks. No rhyme or reason other than the fact that I like COWS." -violetfirekrazed
lol aravis_tarkina.
ramagut: i know! when she first told me i was like "okay..."
my 3 year old sister told me this yesterday
"lala (her pet name for me), worms gonna eat your belly button! and then snakes go killa you and a tigress gonna eat you!" then she folds her hands and says seriously, "a message from the Lord."
Wow what an Imagination!
That is too funny Aravis!
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!