since this is a funny stuff blog, i should probably post something funny.
These emocons are hilarious.
"It's a cow folks. No rhyme or reason other than the fact that I like COWS." -violetfirekrazed
lol Aravis Tarkina! I love this one Those smilies always make me laugh!
lets see here......
those are some of the ones that make me laugh!
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
I love those. Especially the phone one and the chatterbox one. Hilarious!
A blonde approached a pop machine and put in a dollar. Out came a cola. She put in another dollar. Out came a root beer. She kept doing this, becoming more and more excited with every can she purchased. Finally, a man came up behind her and asked if she would mind letting him buy a drink. The blonde responded, "Are you crazy? I'm not leaving this machine while I'm still winning!"
Two blondes drove to the mall and lost the car keys. They ended up standing in the parking lot frantically trying to unlock their car door with a coat hanger.
The first blonde said, "I can't seem to get this door unlocked!"
The second blonde answered, "Well, you'd better hurry up and try harder, it's starting to rain, and the top is down!"
A blonde and a brunette were walking through a park, when the brunette said, "Aw, look at the poor dead bird".
The blonde looked up and asked, "Where?"
oh, narnian_at_heart, I just love blonde jokes!
But I probably ought to get off the blonde jokes. Hmm, let's see, do I have anything else...?
Meh, I know way too many blonde jokes. They're getting in the way of any other jokes I might have.
Two blondes were walking in a forest when they came upon a set of tracks. The first blonde said, "Look! Deer tracks!" "Those aren't deer tracks, they're moose tracks!" the second blonde protested. "Deer!" "Moose!" "Deer!" "Moose!"
They were still arguing when the train hit them.
Member of the Dragon Lovers Club. PM FrecklefaceJill to join.
Narnian~At~Heart Those jokes are soo funny!!
I love blond jokes!
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
This stuff is so HALARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!
Co-founder - NW for HP & The Missing Club
Okay! I actually have something that isn't a blonde joke!!
Today I was traveling home for Thanksgiving, and one girl that was carpooling with us brought her two kids with her. Her oldest is only a year old, and is absolutely adorable! So, anyways, her mom was "quizzing" her on her sounds. "What does a dog say?" "wuff!" "What does a cow say?" "Moo!" "What does a horse say?" "Nay!" "What does [her baby brother] say?" "Waa!" What does Daddy say?" "Dada!"
And then she asked, "What does Mommy say?"
Without hesitation, she replied, "Nay!"
Member of the Dragon Lovers Club. PM FrecklefaceJill to join.
Another reference to Narnia in an odd setting:
Love God, love people
Ok I got one from the country Magazine
So there was a girl and she had a stomach ache so she went to her Mom and told her and her Mom said thats because you have nothing in it you need to eat something....... So later on that day the minister comes over to their house and he is telling Janet (the Little girls mom) that he has had a bad headache all day, When the little girl heard she can over and said: Mom says thats because you don't have anything in it........
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
Ha Ha! Those are great, everyone! You guys kill me!
From the Win Blog (It Made My Day):
This morning, i was walking down a road in my neighborhood, when suddenly i heard a very loud, epic music coming from an apartment. When i got closer, i figured it was the music from Lord of the Rings. Then i yelled “FOR FRODOOO”. And someone from the apartment yelled back “ELENDIIIIIIL!!!” IMMD
This made LOL . That would be awesome!
P.S. IMMD=It made my day.
"To know the road ahead, ask those coming back."
"Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."
lol thats great Queen Lucy! That would be really funny to have that happen to me!
I can't get enough of blond jokes keep them coming!
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
Fire Fairy and Benjamin, those are SOOO funny!
Nweb twin to ValiantPrincess, and Nweb sis to elvenbug
Proud member of the 10th Avenue North club!
Ok just something from Country Magazine............ This is one of their real stories........
"My Great-Granddaughter Anna,age 3, was visiting me one and said, My Daddy says your my Great-Grandma instead of my Grandma. What is it about you that makes you so great? ---Helen Haggart, Mt Pleasant, Michigan.............
I thought that was pretty funny!
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
Pretty funny everyone.
Here's another blond joke. IMPORTANT NOTE: This is not how I view God but the joke is still pretty funny.
A Blond, Brunette, and Red Head have all died. In their lifetime they had all made slanderous jokes about God. Therefore, an angel came down to hell and told them that they could have a second chance.
"You must climb this stairway (a stairway appears) to heaven. On each step you will be told a joke. If you can make it to the top without laughing you will be forgiven and can enter heaven." announced the angel.
The Brunette started to go up first but didn't make to far for on the second step she couldn't help herself and burst into laughter.
The Red Head was next and she did a bit better but on the fourteenth step it was to much for her and she burst out into laughter.
The Blond started to climb the steps. 100th step, 101st step, and on she went not uttering the slightest hint of laughter. She performed magnificently and made it all the way to the top!
When the angel met here there he congratulated her and said, "well done; you may now....."
At this moment the Blond burst out into a torrent of laughter.
"What's the matter? What's so funny?" inquired the angel puzzled.
"I just got the first joke!" laughed the Blond.
Sig by greenleaf23.
That is sooo funny Watziznehn
!!!!! just like a blond!
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!