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First-Shall-Be-Last Geography

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NarniaWeb's Auntie Moderator

@courtenay fine. 

Arkansas, a state in USA.

[Or a city?  * checks*  Yes  a state.]


This post was modified 3 hours ago by coracle

There, shining in the sunrise, larger than they had seen him before, shaking his mane (for it had apparently grown again) stood Aslan himself.
"...when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards."

Posted : January 10, 2025 8:23 am
NarniaWeb Fanatic Hospitality Committee

Hmmm, but do we use the final S of that as the start of the next word when it's pronounced Arkansaw?? Giggle  

Regardless... Southwark, an inner southern borough of London, which isn't pronounced the way it looks either. (It's something like "Suth'rk".)

"Now you are a lioness," said Aslan. "And now all Narnia will be renewed."
(Prince Caspian)

Posted : January 10, 2025 8:28 am
coracle liked
NarniaWeb's Auntie Moderator

Knightsbridge,  a fancy shopping district in London. 

There, shining in the sunrise, larger than they had seen him before, shaking his mane (for it had apparently grown again) stood Aslan himself.
"...when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards."

Posted : January 10, 2025 8:33 am
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