...during advertisements.
The best part of summer is...
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
...having no school!
During the winter...
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
...I enjoy the cold weather!
My mother...
Love God, love people
is amazing
my dad...
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
is absolutely hilarious!
When it rains...
We have nothing, if not belief.
—C.S. Lewis
...things get wet and some of them start to grow.
My opinion of...
There is definitely no "a" in definite.
The Mind earns by doing; the Heart earns by trying.
...music usually never changes; I think it's wonderful!
I love...
av by dot
to take long walks in the park
Founder of the Exploring Narnia Club (PM me to join)
Member of the Dragon Club
is the day after yesterday.
Blue things are. . .
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Narnia is...
The Hobbit in theaters: 14 December 2012
...most likely the main reason we here are all NarniaWebbers. (Must allow for a few exceptions.
The color red brings to mind...
There is definitely no "a" in definite.
The Mind earns by doing; the Heart earns by trying.
.........blood, of course.
My favorite present I ever recieved......
was tickets to a Hawk Nelson concert last month
my favorite memory is...
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
...a collage of memories of which I can not pick one, there are too many! (However, many of them contain ceppault! )
Love God, love people
...came early this year, making our season of fall miserably short.
av by dot